which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true?

-Flags c) intellectual autonomy A rich aunt has promised you $2000\$ 2000$2000 one year from today. -Patriotism The machines operate for an average of 86 minutes between adjustments. The process by which individuals learn and adopt the ways and manners of their specific culture is called _____. One aspect he must learn about the country is its size, structure, and distribution. o It enables communication between marketers and consumers. The combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not exist before. A. Biographer Palle Yourgrau takes us through her thought on Christianity, value, rootedness and history. People cannot belong to both the dominant culture and a subculture at the same time. a) Personality generate the most interest within society. o He stated that a country's culture cannot affect the evolution of its markets. The interactionist perspective highlights the symbolic meaning of various aspects of a culture, both material and nonmaterial. Cultural wars are frequently played out: o They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. d. All of these statements about culture are true. Which of the following statements regarding cultural borrowing is true? What method would you use to measure it? It shouldnt be too diffi cult. subdue the individual and favor the group. c. between neighbors. Assimilate / acculturate to the dominant culture. Population density influences culture, whereas climate does not. Which of the following is true of the similar-but-different aspect of culture? they also resist change, which is one of their fundamental attributes. d) Animals do not have the ability to invent and use tools. _____ is the social psychological frame within which individuals reside, much like the structure of our houses and homes. families have fewer children. Which of the following statements about Jared Diamond's research regarding the influence of geography on international marketing is true? The process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture through discovery or invention. Values are concepts that have ultimate and long-term significance. d) Personality, Hofstede's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which cultures will encourage less powerful members of groups to accept that power is distributed unequally. a. in the media. 5: Culture, Management Style, and Busines, Ch. Neil: Boris, Im taking a course in night school, Intro to Accounting. I was wonderingcould you answer a couple of questions for me? affects the way consumer prioritize the things they desire and the things they need. o It exists in the mind of each person. many women are waiting longer to have children C) Psychographics The actual clothing Gabby purchases and wears are an example of ___________; the feeling of guilt or moral transgression for buying clothing made in sweatshops is an example of ___________. Values are the last and deepest level of culture. Individuals from cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores, Cultures with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index scores have. a) True c. institutional culture. Cultural values can help marketers predict which consumers are most apt to buy something on impulse. In the context of best marketing practices in the European Union, international marketers must. Markets are molded by a marketer's promotion and distribution system, the region's economy, and various cultural influences. Axsome Therapeutics stock price target raised to $76 from $49 at Mizuho. Keep in mind that local employees in the foreign country are too immersed in the culture to help you understand their . E) religion, _____ describe a population in terms of its size, structure, and distribution. When Marshall McLuhan asserted that "the medium is the message," he was arguing that: b) Humans are not unique in their ability to recognize that other people are intentional agents. A segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of customs, rules, and traditions that differs from the pattern of the larger society. Question: Which of the following statements regarding culture is true? 2: The Dynamic Environment of Internation, Ch. When people from different cultures come together to communicate, their messages are guided by and reflect their fundamental values. The arts, folklore, music, drama, dance, dress, and cosmetics of a culture are known as its, To be culturally sensitive, an international marketer should. They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. The imposition of one culture's beliefs, practices, and artifacts on another culture through mass media and consumer products is called: o Uncertainty Avoidance Index b) False, _____ are beliefs about the underlying causes of behavior. and describe behavior? Its effects on individuals are always negative. Cultural values are usually set before and during adolescence. c) Both humans and animals have the ability to continually build upon improvements. B. Which of the following statements is true regarding an organization's culture? b) Social norms What is the corresponding standard deviation? In preparing for the Module 2 Discussion 2, you learned that news of the changes in Grand City has been spreading throughout the state and garnering interest among leaders in many The physical objects associated with a cultural group refer to: Which of the following is an example of a positive sanction? when doing business in a foreign country, ignoring how seriously the local people take their superstitions. Which of the following is an example of a given-off gesture? As long as everyone did it that way, why not? The emergence of cola brands such as Mecca Cola and Arab Cola in the Middle East in the 2000s is a reflection of which of the following? o inheritance. What distinguishes cultural psychology from mainstream psychology? b) Power distance refers to the degree to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations. The process by which a cultural item spreads from group to group or society to society. Which of the following statements regarding culture in international marketing is true? (15) February 28: The firm is subject to an income tax rate of 30% of net income before income taxes. A) colors o It does not influence people's consumption habits. The James-Lang theory of emotion would predict that: A. if your blood pressure rises and you get red in the face you should experience anger B. if your blood pressure rises and you get red in the face should experience happiness C. if your blood pressure rises and you interpret this behavior positively you will experience happiness D. Culture is time-bound. a) True A high score on the Individualism/Collective Index indicates. c. If you randomly sample six American counties, what is the probability that for the under20 population, whites have a majority in all of the counties? The spread of McDonald's restaurants throughout Asia is an example of: B) religions 1. True or false: Marketers must be aware that their own cultures affect how they perceive other cultures. d) Society, Unlike humans, nonhuman animals do not have social groups. It is one of the basic traits of human beings. a. folkway. Which of the following statements is an example of cultural relativism? d) motivation, Scientists agree that many psychological processesattitudes, values, beliefs, personality, cognitionare inherently constructed by culture. -Greetings It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. Values reflect a person's underlying beliefs. C) concentration affects the way consumer prioritize the things they desire and the things they need. Which of the following statements about rituals is true? E) concentration, The population of the United States is almost 300 million people. c. values. Which of the following statements is NOT true of animal culture? Which of the following statements regarding the change in family as a social institution is true? The feeling of surprise and disorientation that people experience when they encounter cultural practices that are different from their own. Are cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities different in the degree to which jobs can be redesigned to accommodate people who lack relevant abilities? They are likely to say that power comes from knowledge and achievements c. They reflect more egalitarian views d. They tend to distrust people who are not part of their group d. Which of the following statements is true of the ratchet effect? Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding values? What's Moving After Hours. In addition, we can say that within a culture, values and norms do not influence social structure, they are the evolutionary product of several factors . The result has been _______. c. negative sanctions. D. the interest in understanding cultural influences on behavior. False 3. C) What are the distribution, political, and legal structures for the product? A responsible effort to learn from the cultural ways of others in the quest for a solution to a society's problems is known as, In the context of thought processes, Asians. E) Cross-cultural purchasing power (CPP), Using one marketing strategy across various cultures is referred to as _____. d. subculture. o fascism focus on the central figures and not see much of the background. Which of the following would best be considered a part of symbolic culture? There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values. A) In many countries, males have greater access to education than females. Culture includes both symbolic and material elements. Regarding cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic variation in families, which of the following statements is true? C. cultural participation can transform most elements of the mind False 2. Norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society. He likes to brainstorm with his colleagues and is open to exploring new ideas and taking risks. Which of the following statements is true of human cultures? Which of the following statements regarding the change in family as a social institution is true? o recognize how cultures change. When a company's sales revenue is increasing, high operating leverage is good because it means that profits will increase rapidly. People who come from cultures with high Power Distance Index scores often say that power and social status are derived from. (If necessary, review Section It reduces strife between marketers and their customers. a) He reported data from 63 countries spanning over 100 different languages. (4) During February: Paid to employees compensation totaling $32,400 for services rendered during the month. a) Ethnicity a It involves observing behavior in the lab without taking formal notes or using b. e. Which of the following statements about the aesthetics of a culture is true? a) People have worldviews because of evolved, complex cognition. Morality is a uniquely human product that apparently turns on in humans around nine months of age. o colonialism. o It affects all marketing activities except pricing. Which types of government competed globally throughout most of the 20th century? a) Culture People from cultures with low Power Distance Index scores often say that _____ is a source of power. Interpersonal relationships are strongly affected by _____ such as family, religion, schools, the media, government, and corporations. o Borrowed cultural facets are combined in such a way that they become unique to a particular society. a. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [a] is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. E) all of the above, In which country is the concept of guanxi, which involves personal relationships, an important consideration? Women are delaying marriage, especially in Asia. Medicine, trade, and personal names are examples of practices and beliefs that appeared on George Murdock's list of, The division of society over certain controversial cultural elements is referred to as, An individual who places a priority on understanding other cultures, rather than dismissing them as "strange" or "exotic," is practicing, In the United States., tipping servers is an example of a, People's need for food, shelter, and clothing are examples of what George Murdock referred to as. b. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. c) Masculinity vs. femininity refers to the distribution of emotional roles between males and females. Personal ambition and free will are valued and encouraged in these cultures. c) harmony Affirmative action programs are among the most controversial diversity management methods available. A) distribution a) Social groups, family, and language What kind of capital is education? For the most effective international experiences, train individual employees thoroughly in one culture before moving on to another. You are here: Home. Countries have been transitioning from agricultural to industrial to service economies. The mere act of publishing the mission statement makes it effective as it clarifies to all employees the purpose of the organization. A period of maladjustment when the nonmaterial culture is still struggling to adapt to new material conditions. tend to see the entire picture rather than just the foreground when evaluating a situation. A) Is the geographic area homogenous or heterogeneous with respect to culture? a) Dynamic externality Which of the following statements regarding the change in family as a social institution is true? d. Fans of the Cleveland Browns. . a. cultural imperialism. C. Many animals communicate with each other _____ refers to energy that supports life and travels through everyone's body and the environment, including the inside and outside of houses and places of employment. An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture; includes gestures and other nonverbal communication. Aesthetic symbols help customers characterize their own personalities within the context of culture. d) individualism vs. collectivism. The result has been _______. What is the expected number of whites in a random sample of 5,0005,0005,000 under- 20 Americans? In what way is the culture changing in most countries? c) personality c) Many animals communicate with each other. Waving instead of greeting someone verbally. Neil: Okay, our instructor says that its critical we understand the basic concepts of accounting, or well never get beyond the fi rst test. b) Ethnicities a) People have worldviews because of evolved, complex cognition. A marketer who practices cultural _____ is offering products that are much like what is already being sold, and the new products are offered in a way that fits into the existing culture as much as possible. Patterns of cultural behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated are known as. c) Many animals communicate with each other. The income tax law requires firms to pay income taxes on the 15th day of the month after the end of each quarter (that is, April 15, Year 8; June 15, Year 8; October 15, Year 8; and January 15, Year 9). 8H0 > 0 and8SO>0 values, whichofthe following statements is true regarding this reaction? o Uses the geographical approach to explain the dominance of Euro-Asian cultures over native African and American cultures, o Reports strong correlations between the latitude (climate) and the per capita GDP of countries Business OR BEHAVIO BU 401. a. c. The average number of machines being serviced. Around the world, the number of spoken languages has been dwindling. 2. Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy? b) Culture is a tangible concept and not an abstract one. Which of the following statements is true regarding culture? A culture is most likely to accept something new when _____. A) Culture is a relatively simple concept. o He claimed that a country's climate has direct influence on a worker's wages. B) Culture is acquired. It was easier for ideas and information to travel over the Silk Road instead of crossing the Sahara or the Isthmus of Panama. d) uncertainty avoidance, Which of the following statements is true regarding Hofstede's value dimensions? a) power distance It has led marketers to the false conclusion that there is such a thing as the "European consumer.". A) The most common parenting style around the world is authoritarian. Which of the following is true about worldviews? d) All human cultures assign similar or the same meanings to their social groups. D) dispersion b) False, _____ are general beliefs and premises about oneself, the social and physical environment, and the spiritual world. - Evaluating the practices of other cultures on the basis of one's own perspective Cultural relativism A penalty or reward for conduct concerning a social norm. Which of the following statements about values is correct? d) Intellectual autonomy, _____ are organized system of beliefs that tie together many attitudes, values, beliefs, worldviews, and norms and provide guidelines for living. B) young children Which of the following is true about social control? o The ratio of male children to female children in a country is independent of culture. A) mass media c) Sex The process of making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality. c. cultural diffusion. a. Which of these elements of Gabby's scenario best represent symbols she uses to express herself? o A country's culture is independent of geographical influences. Fast food is the best way to feed busy families. Which of the following statements regarding gender and culture is NOT true? Large linguistic distances raise the price of international marketing. Cultures that score low on the Individualism/Collectivism Index tend to. c) masculinity vs. femininity a) mastery Preferential treatment programs for minorities can be illegal in some cases. d. [2] [3] It has 193 member states and 12 associate members, [4] as well as partners in the non . Multiple Choice It advocates the views that thinking and feeling are not important in decision making. d) Most anthropologists use skin color, hair, and other physical characteristics to define race. a) Attitudes C. Glancing at your watch when a friend starts another story at a party in an attempt to hint that you should both leave. d. It cannot be learned. o They teach each new generation how to act in an acceptable way. 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