please let me know which option you prefer

I almost never use it but I did a couple of weeks ago, because Hello? You need to say, at the end of the sentence, what it is you want both of you do. See a translation 1 like Highly-rated answerer Yom 17 Jul 2017 Korean @OldGeezer Thank you for your help! Thats fine. 2. Ok, whoops. Oftentimes even after the actual document has already been shared!! It would be annoying in the context of a yes/no question, for sure. I managed to screw up pretty regularly in the third category, which led to me being pretty gun-shy about replying at all unless I was explicitly asked a question or given an action item. I think youre too stupid to realize that Ive asked you a question and I want an answer. Please advise. I do use IM chats for quick questions. I used to manage a group of volunteers for a Nigerian 419 scam warning website. So I just describe the situation as briefly and clearly as I can and say something like please advise or Id appreciate your thoughts on this or Id really appreciate your help (leaving with the above nightmare unstated!). Many people in my company use Please Advise, so Im barely phased by it now. Then the person I speak with asks why not just do C? if (w.addEventListener) { Its like saying, I wont be thanking you after youve done the work.. Well, to be fair, I was trying to derail his political career. Often times, I presented with a lot of data that I dont know what to do with it. I would use Please advise where I need a definite answer. Thats going to tip it towards a stern request that you fix something without any further input from them. But that is definitely a personal preference issue. Too much time in food service, probably. Thats a great use for it. Please let me know whic h way of pay ment you prefer - whether a ba nk transfer (I'll. PLease advise wouldnt set me off if it were in the context of we have looked at XY and Z what is your take? yeah I agree. The following dates/times (EST) work for me: Monday, 1/24: 11am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 3pm EST. I use that one when I have a long list of requests for someone. Top Customer Service We are here to help. I typically would just say, This is a/Another reminder to please make sure you have X and Y done today. Not much different than clothing. Can you check these teapots for errors? 3. If I do that Id feel really small and incompetent. Thanks! Often I see please advise on an I just described a hilariously tangled or annoying situation email and it generally translates to I dont even know. The only times it does, its not because of the phrase, its because of the person using the phrase. I guess what I am trying to convey is "if you email back saying no I'm not going to be upset or start arguing with you". Is it yes to option 1, 2, or 3? I resent our new hires for setting better work-life boundaries than our company normally has, hairy legs at work, my office sent me a random TV, and more, heres an example of a great cover letter with before and after versions, my employee cant handle even mildly negative feedback, my new coworker is putting fake mistakes in my work so she can tell our boss Im bad at my job, insensitive Diversity Day, how to fire someone who refuses to talk to us, and more, weekend open thread February 25-26, 2023, assistant became abusive when she wasnt invited to a meeting, my coworkers dont check on people who are out sick, and more. For example, Ill try to call one of my peers. To be fair they can just put Agenda to follow, but none of the invites I receive had any follow-up agenda sent. So its not on top of a question. For awhile, I used Ten-four! with another manager as kind of a joke to let her know I got a message, but it doesnt really work with everyone. w.attachEvent("onload", loader); I was shocked. Let me know if I can be of any help. I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. You can just say, More than 150,000 people like you receive our weekly newsletter to master their English skills! Well, often the reminder (friendly, gentle, otherwise) is for something totally annoying and bureaucratic, which no one wants to deal with, which is why they didnt respond in the first place. I agree that using it the opposite way irritates. It comes across as condescending to me. I guess I could take the time to type out Would you like me to continue doing this in the future? Given the general horrid state of business email etiquette in general, I find it difficult to complain about any word usage that begins with please. I generally think thats a fair assessment by the writer, so maybe thats why it rarely annoys me. Thats how I use it too. No need to rub the needful in! I alwaya say friendly reminder. If necessary it becomes friendly but urgent! To me, its off puttingly brusque to say, reminder, I need this by friday, or your veeblefitz report is late, I need it asap. But then, Im from the Say-outh, where we use lots of words to hide displeasure. To me, it means You have more knowledge about this thing than I do. It simply means, Hey, I would like your input on this. Otherwise, the recipient might just think its an FYI email. (examples of why/how this will happen). You can see something similar pretty often in discussions about works of fiction. The result is now that my partner and I needful each other all the time. Then, if you ask me to please advise as to whether I agree with your proposed next steps, I am indeed happy to advise. sleeps is possibly an Aussie thing? I was already going to do the needful. This is my question. - Artwork will be emailed to you as a high quality 150dpi JPEG. Man, I cant stand when people use please advise but it is a lot more tolerable if they clearly state in the message specifically what action they want me to take. Yes, this is how I use please advise. they have to book their own travel (through our agent), send me slides in advance, be available for some conference calls, etc. Most of the time its more junior staff and they dont realize the annoying-ness. Ie, if youre reading along and you encounter a word you dont understand, you drop everything and look it up, right then and there. Thanks! I have to add something along the lines of Please let me know xyz or Let me know if there is anything else, or I might even cordially thank them for their help in advance. Are they presenting you with new information about something thats typically your responsibility? its definitely as bad or worse than gentle reminder in my book. Thanks a lot for editors. For normal people that say please advise and then actually follow the advice, this isnt a problem it is only the repeat offenders who say please advise and then do whatever they want anyway that make me grit my teeth when I see an email with this phrase from them. Its the reminders that I *still* cant seem to figure out and loathe doing. We can either 1) switch to white chocolate 2) continue with milk chocolate or 3) form a team to identify new chocolate options. I am going tell my spouse this before bed tonight and see how he interprets it. ), and for some reason it hits a wrong button with me when she says it. This answer would please the interviewer if there was concern about the applicant's dedication to the job or ability or desire to work longer hours. Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that she was always out of the door exactly at 5pm, at that time it is always daylight here, and even though she kept promising she would come in for a night shift once to get an understanding of what it was like, she never followed through on that promise. = Sentence Notice that I switched the Verb and the Subject in the original question. 4. I used to find it irritating and then people I work with started using it more so there was no point in being irritated. It would be considered very unusual for me to simply call someone, though. Came to say the exact same thing. I dont use it myself but that is because in most places I have worked it is used to end emails from managers or directors. But obviously it struck a nerve with me, because Ive been thinking about it all day. The call me is a little short. I tend to err on the side of not reading snideness into emails unless its either really egregious or I have reason to believe that the person is actually trying to be snide. It loses the effect and can be irritating/condescending when you use it too often. That said, its important to know whos writing it. ", Using it first time but seriously I have ever imagined that this type of sites is available. Yikes, I learned to do this when I worked in a law firm and often end emails this way. But it does feel like theres a need to end the email with what youre looking for. Ha, this post brings back memories. You obviously understand what they are saying but choose to read more of a personal message into it. Back-office folks are often out of touch with what client relationships mean. its only used when i know theyll do it. It was perfect for the scenario because if someone shows you a proof and you dont follow it, you often dont have a question so much as you have a wuhhh? I always wondered if it was an expression I wasnt familiar with or what. I think theres probably something to this. And if I had to contact them again regarding the same manner, I would just say follow up. In the nicest possible way, this made me smile because like is pretty common in the UK as well though mostly with younger people. It was at that point I realised, it is not my explaining that is the problem here. if you wish. Nothing is worse than the evil Thanks in advance. To me it reads That was not a request! (Or, they just dont know better.). 1st Option: Be the student who only gets average marks in every SAC and exam (50-60% in everything) and have a strong social life, while having fun memories at school. I dont think I would even know what that meant. My last supervisor would copy me on everything, and most times the emails didnt have a question directly related to me so I wouldnt respond. Some people either a) forget to put any subject, b) put a very generic one-word subject that I have twenty other emails with that same subject but for different topics, or c) put an entire novel in the subject. Stands for very respectfully. I dont feel comfortable using it as a full sentence because it sounds a little stilted to me, but I dont mind when other people use it. But not only would I be ok implying that Im telling my boss what to do, but I do that regularly. T eilen Sie mir bitte auch mit, wel che Zahlungsweis e fr Sie gnstig ist - entweder. 2. Im not a big user of please advise, but I dont think theres anything wrong with using it. As a non-native speaker, I always have second thoughts about my expressions. should I be so emotionally drained by managing? Its super formal feeling, but Im told that literally everything else will be misinterpreted by someone. For some reason, it gets the point across to her that we need certain information now, not later or not ever, *the time between Lucy pulling the football away as he tries to kick it and before he hits the ground knowing that she DID IT AGAIN. Some additional tips: The more time slots you suggest the better. similar ( 8 ) Let me know your thoughts and advice below. ? Running errands: I have to get the needful done. ", I love being able to see the tracking of the changes! Consider following us @archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular basis. 1) Using the royal we when clearly asking for a specific person in the group to help. Sexy way of putting it! I also find that, when replying all, it helps to specifically address the people who need to take some sort of action or provide an answer. 6. Say what you mean to say. I dont usually go for five opening questions before my real question, especially in instant messaging. As it is, Im asking my recipient how they want me to reconcile the A and B that theyre asking for, not because Im blaming them or am throwing their request back into their court, but because I genuinely want to work together with them to find a feasible solution. People arent usually willfully distorting what they read or hear in these situations. The worst manager I ever had was constantly misinterpreting my text and she kept claiming that I was sending angry emails. This is so interestingI recently had a discussion about this very phrase with a coworker and we had completely different opinions on it. Its alarming how much I see that and I dont even receive emails nor work in an office. Its difficult to find delicate ways to follow-up with someone when youre unsure if somethings fallen off their radar or not. } else { Juste tre sr de me faire savoir quels animaux vous prfrez la caisse. me: yes Some physicians can get a bit touchy about being questioned by a pharmacist, so I use please advise because it can help sooth feelings and imply that they are still in charge. I got needfulled a couple of times before I went to investigate the thing. I never mind it. Often, one person or department will need to make a decision that effects my clients. But I do thank them afterwards too. I require has a very different feel to me from I need I require implies that dang it, I need this and you better give it to me. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. Heres the cluster fudge thats happening. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Terms of Service. Its work. Can I help the next person in line? is much better. In that case the please advise makes no sense because hes already asking you a question that you can answer. And I definitely wouldnt instruct others not to do it, since its really just a personal preference on your part, not a rule thatthey should be following in general. You can use this phrase when speaking to houseguests or new coworkers. How may I help you? or even Next in line, please., I have fortunately never heard that phrase , but I suspect that somewhere along the way Whos next? got combined with I can take/help the next customer in line (or something similar), Ok, I can see that. and the comments from the editors", My editor understood my intention and gave me a good advice !! ok, thanks all. It is a shame April Fools Day has just been and gone, because you could have sent out a great email I am no longer going to be answering the question Can I ask you a question. They also like to use gentle reminder and thanks in advance. s.src = ""; Very special me. . This is a kind phrase, as you are politely ensuring their comfort, while also offering any further assistance if deemed necessary. I never, ever, take a no answer personally. I use please advise sparingly, and only in the following two situations: (1) You have dropped the ball and its become my problem. Quick is fine, its the gentle. Like Im reminding you in a gentle way, when you know its really not. Or sometimes, thanks for reading and mulling this one over. "Please let me know if otherwise" is a grammatically correct phrase that you can use in a professional setting. Please advise. So because of that, it does signal impatient and demanding to me. I used to think it was extremely formal and cold, but now it has no affect on me because it is used so freakin often. Ugh, I cried once at work and ever since, my manager always sends me gentle reminders whenever I make an error. One day I went in to talk to her about a security issue. If someone whos not approved to send emails to the list has a legitimate reason to send out an email to everyone, that person can contact the relevant admin, who will vet the request and then send it on to everyone if its deemed appropriate. For example if a person has not done something huge, dont tell them they did. If the sender shows signs of taking my work for granted in other ways, or is just generally annoying, sometimes the grrr is mentally capitalized, bolded, italicized, and/or underlined. or Please let me know if you agree? Please Keep Me Up To Date Seems polite, like thanks for reading(? Not all jobs are client-facing however, so it may not be appropriate for all industries. It drives me batty. But, I think more often than not thats not the case. He sends documents to me to get rid of a blank page (when all it takes is a single backspace to get rid of it) and when he got a macbook I was constantly with him at 30 minutes at a time trying to teach him how to right click or minimize a window, how to locate a file he has saved, etc. w.onload = loader; (I am so immature. You could just say its a reminder without qualifiers. Me too. I think Ive caught myself doing this a few times but I realize it before I send it out. I cant see anything remotely annoying in the phrase though I dont use it myself. :). When I see it, I interpret it as, I dont expect you to have any objections or questions to this, so the next thing I should be sending you is my thanks to you for letting me know its done, and Im just going to get that out of the way right now. I make allowances in my head for the possibility that the sender doesnt actually mean that, but I always give a little mental grrr when I see it. It openly pisses people off. Theres something about the tone of it that feels too deferential or uncertain to me. . Sometimes on emails its unclear whether its just an FYI or something I need a response on. I just say, Hi can you tell me if blahblahblah? and just wait their response (if Im IM-ing them its not that urgent). People tend to use it when wrapping up to indicate, Can you give me your thoughts on this? or How should I handle this? I dont think its in any way intended to be demanding its just a wrap-up to the message. The same thing happened at my old job as well! My boss has a thing for highlighting key words, e.g., I will NOT have contact with the printer or Please be sure to save ALL files to the shared drive. I understand shes trying to stress the importance of the message, but the caps feel distrustful to me. It can be At my job only see it used where the person isnt at their regular desk. English (US) "please let me know a time that is convenient for you" or "please let me know what time is convenient for you" sounds more natural, but yes, this is polite. But in Namibian English, dear has come to be spelled dia. I spent a lot of time wondering who Dia was and why people were always thinking that was my first name, I just got really excited that someone else commenting here has lived in Namibia. See a translation. Haha, I see people mentioning that here all the time but I have never received an email that said anything about doing the needful. ", Textranch corrects my mistakes and tells me what is wrong in the sentence, and they responds quickly.". I was thinking this too. (I wont get into the aggravating colleague who copies the boss on EVERY (sorry for the shouty capitals) email exchange between us, which is another reason why my emails resemble business letters I look more professional than she. I like my subject lines clear and concise so I can quickly find it while quickly browsing in my archives. I used to have to deal extensively with someone brusque, arrogant, demanding, and (based on her emails) borderline illiterate, and she regularly used plz advise. Those additional three keystrokes were apparently just a bridge too far for her. Oh, The Eyes! This is why I learned to use Would you like to know more (about this)? especially in conversation but it works for emails too. Im a little behind. Which option do you prefer? If I was having the chocolate tea pot situation I would write, Please let me know which option you prefer. I feel like more time is wasted when people try to save time on words and instead use please advise. (We know people are not a statistic, so please let us know about any mistakes). Heeeeelllllloooooooo? This means that you can drop the adverb "please" and simply use "let me know if you need any help" instead. why? My peeve is when people reflexively end all emails with thanks, even when they are merely letting me know about something, not asking me for something. They are rarely, if ever, able to clearly articulate their reason(s) and at that point, I ask them to please refrain from using it in communicating with me. Hey! What else was I supposed to say? No. Im going to ask Alison!. 3. Doesnt everyone? So I emailed her that I had tried the codes but got an error message, and ended the email please advise, thanks, Cassie. Is it really a good use of their time to work on a solution that will likely be less effective and will end up being thrown away in favor of your solution anyway? From coworker B, it makes me want to hulk-smash and scream hey, try to solve this incredibly simple non-issue before emailing me!. Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? I dont say make sense? in emails but I do say it when explaining something to employees in person. Please let us know you thoughts on this. Do they tend to throw you under the bus? A nun in grammar school taught us math. is not business-like as you said. I will say that if I sign an email with please advise its really just my way of saying for the love of God answer my email! Although I would agree that there are worse email offenses. Leave this page open, and your corrected text will appear as soon as it's ready! Makes sense to me; Im asking for advice from my boss. Im rapidly coming to that conclusion as well. Thank you in advance! I usually can get improvement by coaching them on this. Instead, we head to a conference room for almost all phone calls. Its just that, were putting covers on ALL TPS reports now. I do this too quite often. It is Something That Is Not Done in our culture (which tends to be very email/IM-focused). I advise that the order is held and you request an investigation. Being a defense agency, an acronym was created: V/r. This. I think overall people have a hard time getting tone correct when reading emails. It drives me REALLY batty. Thanks in advance! is less annoying to me than please and thank you. That would make me investigate accordingly and resolve as applicable and reply with details of any action taken. While quickly browsing in my archives know better. ) in discussions about works fiction. All TPS reports now person I speak with asks why not just do C the!. So immature ) using the royal we when clearly asking for a Nigerian scam. 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