antony kidman child

Dr ANTONY KIDMAN was trained by Gittinger and others in the employment of torture, unethical hypnosis, and drugs to artificially induce a state of dissociation in children. EXPOSE THE EVIL, TELL ONES TRUTH ,& SAVE OUR CHILDREN!! MK-ULTRA experiments and end-goal procedures were conducted using children as lab rats. Dr. Kidman was a clinical psychologist at the University of Technology, Sydney. Multiple victims named Kings Cross underbelly boss police officer Roger Rogerson. Amidst these evil ones are also very, very holy men too (like Archbishop C.M. Most big websites do this too. But there are even more serious crimes againstchildrenthat I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of the elite Sydney pedophilering. She showed off her ring which was an Eastern Star pentagram with coloured gemstones. As a child victim of mind control I feel he's been sacrificed for failing to . Btw, you know where many Nazi scientists went to immediately after WWII? Richard Casey helped establish ASIO and ASIS and helped secure funding for USEFA in 1959. They wereJohn GittingerandLieutenant ColonelMichael Aquino. Children were tortured, raped and murdered in the name of national security, with the full knowledge and blessing of the Australian and United States governments. In 1960, Orne conducted MK-ULTRA Subproject 84 under the title Attitude Formation, Decision Matrices at Sydney University during a two-month lectureship. Gittinger then accepted me into the MK-ULTRA program based on my high IQ, creativity, physical strength and endurance, blue-eyed blonde features, bloodline, and intuition. The number one rule of Luciferianism is there is no such thing as Luciferianism. Celebrity Kids Who Are All Grown Up, Then &Now, Olivia Wilde Labels Herself a Humiliating Soccer Mom & Every Other Parent on the Pitch Can Sheepishly Relate, 40 Radiant Celebrities Who Posted Makeup-FreeSelfies, Everything We Know About Prince Harry & Meghan Markles $14.7 Million Hideaway Mansion in SantaBarbara, Ella Travoltas Honest Take on Her Industry Experience Sheds New Light on the Controversial Nepo BabyDiscussion, Dakota Johnson Freed the Nipple in This Spellbinding Sheer Black Bodysuit for Milan FashionWeek, Tom Brady Is Reportedly Considering a 180-Degree Career Change That His Inner Circle AbsolutelyHates, Legal Expert Predicts Donald Trump Will Try & Save Himself If Indicted by Implicating Ivanka & JaredKushner. Twitter user @_butterfly_Z claimed that the Big Little Lies stars father was part of: Twitter user @MarkieBalentin1 also alleged that the actress and her father were linked to an international p*dophilia cult.. When you read Dope Inc, if you cross out the word drugs and insert the word kids then you have a picture of the CIA child trafficking organisation that violated my human rights. Documents show, in PNG, Petrauskas worked alongside notable MK-ULTRA recruits including Margaret Mead, andHitlers chief bio-weapons scientist, Erich Traub. The Bathurst City Hall crime gave me grounds for leaving the cult. But the impact of indoctrination is reinforced by fear of the consequences of betraying or exposing the cult. Can someone direct me to more info in regards to the actual trafficking of children allegations? Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations. Yesterday, he had his funeral. Subproject 84 was funded by the US Airforce Office of Scientific Research under Grant Number AF-AFOSR-88-63. That is why Gittinger tested me at age 5 years using the Stanford Binet LM and the Block Design subtest of the Weschler series, the best measures of visual-spatial IQ. Professors Humphrey Osmond and Abraham Hoffer were the two biggest MK-ULTRA perpetrator names after Aldous Huxley. ___ That incident taught me not to talk about the Luciferian cult I was raised in. At age 6 years, I was well taught this lesson. Cult indoctrination alone is a strong enough influence on human behaviour. This was an OTO themed ritual murder, with Kidman and four others dressed in rather camp, theatrical coloured robes based on the Eastern Star pentagram which dominates the Alistair Crowley Thelema offshoots including Freemasonry and the OTO. Somehow I know it to be true. You can not possibly understand their pervasiveness unless you were raised in their world. There I witnessed a man (who was a traitor) have each of his 4 limbs tied to 4 different vehicles which drove at high speed in opposite directions. Finding Israeli settlers rampage as killings continue, US Military Aid To Ukraine Exceeds The Costs Of Afghanistan, Electric Vehicles Grapple With Cold Weather, Fail Miserably. Both Ivan Milat and Les Murphy were abused and taught to commit Luciferian style rape, torture and murder during their incarceration at boys homes. He thought long and hard to answer me and said " To hell". Wake up World. I anticipate that news of Kidmans death may have a serious impact on these victims. I stem from one of the 300 bloodlines via my biological paternal grandparents not the Holowczaks, who had the IQ of a toilet block, and so resented my heritage and status within the cult. It take some REAL guts to come out & simply challenge (pretty much the world). The attacks on my family by NSW police, ASIO and other institutions have been relentless. Theres this guy (has a mixed Spanish Noble/Gipsy-Hidalgo/Gitano background) called LV and his brother (hermano) called RV and their mutual cousin (primo) called FDP, who were(from what my Irish detective mind & other hearsay rumors have come into conclusion, plus Fionas harrowing accounts) is that these 3 Spanish boys & their Gipsy Aunty (from Madrid originally) were sexually abused by notorious Sacred Heart Oakleigh (& Jesuit as well) PP Fr John Kevin ODonnell(yes the same pig that sexually abused the Foster girls). Following training, my unit and I were deployed to South America where the CIA were conducting operations against so-called communist governments. Alfred Conlon recruited anthropologist Camilla Wedgewood to ASOPA. Dr. Antony Kidman was in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which Dr. Joel Elkes had helped to create. Please try to contact me. Thanks Fiona. And Weinstein got away with it for close to 30 yrs but the truth came out.. Get Ready For The First Pluto Return in American History, OPERATION JAB INDIA: A Slow Motion Genocide, JOHN POULOS: LIAR-IN-CHIEF FOR DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, MEDICIDE: How American Hospitals and Doctors Methodically Murdered Covid Patients. The Silence speaks volumes. I was raped byReverendBilly Grahamin a pink bubble themed cabin at Bohemian Grove. I believe you..Ive experienced abuse and was not believed either. The RCC is first of all a divine trust so willed by our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls from Satanic bondage of mortal/capital sins who will come of their own free will choice and receive. I was taken into a national park. It had to be the old church with priests formed in the original old teachings and prayers (See FSSP or ICKSP). If you people do a bit of research, you will find holes in this story. When I was in my early teens, I lived in Erskinville, Sydney, Australia. In 1977, Kidman established the Foundation for Life Sciences, a non-profit organisation focused on youth mental illness. Thanks brave woman Fiona. Most Australians won't know of this, but their is much witchcraft and satanism in Perth, also conducted in the main park near the city. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman's sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. She screamed at him the he was a fucking idiot! in front of the convicted criminals who were present in the office. And a few years after her birth, she became a big sister to sibling Faith Margaret. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Data and material collected from these labs were delivered to Australias main CIA / US Military underground facility at Pine Gap. The kidnappedchildrenand teens were said to be stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed. These children are forced to dissociate through trauma, and their minds fragmented. LaTrobe University lecturer Gary Dorsett wrote an article entitled, Boiled Lollies and Band-aids: Gay men and Kids, in Gay Information Quarterly Journal (Spring, 1982) in which headvocatedfor thelegalisation of pedophilia. This publication also notes:We wish to thank A. G. Hammer, then acting Head of the Department of Psychology, for his cooperation with the use of departmental facilities.. I met him, and to my delight he was everything Peter Holowczak was not: intelligent, attractive, highly respected, and ethical. Two well recognised organisations stemmed from this operation: P&O cruise ship line was established to transport the heroin; and the Hong-Kong-Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC bank) was established to launder the drug money. They used child soldiers for this purpose. I believe you are courageous of the utmost kind. They allow unconsecrated hands of the laity to touch the consecrated Eucharist which is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. But if you want to play, I demand that you tell us your real legal name. MK-ULTRA university-based research was kicked off in Australia by CIA psychiatrist and hypnosis expert Martin Orne. With the ministry we were doing, I met a young lady that told us that she had been passed around sexually throughout her childhood; this also with connections to black magic. The prayer meeting for this lady quickly became a deliverance session. It is understandable that you damn the RCC as a wicked and Satanic organization. Nicole recalled her painful grieving . It was renamed the Antony Kidman Foundation after his death. In 2015, 7-foot tall genetically modified engineered soldiers were filmed beheading 21 Christians in Egypt during the CIA-orchestrated Arab fundamentalist uprising. Hang on for the Ride! Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. Holsworthy military consultant anaesthetist Colonel John Overton (who was Antony Kidmans next-door neighbour), and celebrated heart transplant surgeon Dr Victor Chang graduated in the same medicine class together in 1962. [6] [7] Awards and honours [ edit] It appears, in between the lines, that proof is not what Question is really seeking. Rosalind Croucher studied at Sydney University also. Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations By Fiona Barnett | 20 September 2014, 6:00pm | comments | ON WHITE BALLOON DAY 2014, September 7, an event meaningful to me because it raises awareness for child sex assault victims, the main perpetrator of my childhood abuse, Antony Kidman, died suddenly in Singapore. Antony Kidman was a reputed psychologist in Australia, and his net worth until his death was AU$94,221. My final point is this:ALLmajor crime within Australia stems from the single integrated world trafficking operation that I have described. Child trafficking is run as asingle integrated world operation. Dope Inc authors found that drug trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation, from your cartels down to the person who sells drugs to junkies on the street corner. You are stronger than all these perpetrators combined This article is dedicated to victims of the Vatican and mafia-run global elite Ninth Circle SatanicChildSacrifice Cult, and to the memory of over 50,800 missingchildren, some of whom rest in 34 mainly Catholic-owned unmarked massgravesites that have been refused excavation across Canada, Ireland and Spain. Commissioner James Wood covered up all reports of VIP child sex trafficking, ritual abuse, and mind control. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! I left what once I believed was God's house (but what I did not understand was that all the while the RCC was slowly being over-ridden by God's enemies, God always dwelt there regardless). Ivan Milat attended Engadine BoysTown at age 13, the same place where my father, brothers and I were abused, and where victims were recruited for MK-ULTRA experiments. None of what allegedly happened is acceptable. Nicole Kidman and her father Antony Kidman in 2005. This agreement led to the establishment of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission in 1952, and the construction by the same US company, of two multi-story underground CIA research facilities, one at Lucas Heights (in 1958) and Pine Gap (in 1967). Bless you! Putin recently said Russia are developing super soldiers that are worse than nuclear bombs. I know exactly what he meant. My grandparents and the other Slavic war criminals who were granted asylum in Australia, congregated to covertly practise their brand of Nazi Luciferianism here in Australia. DOCS staff were intentionally placing foster children with pedophiles who were prostituting the kids out. Below this group sit the commoners who can never attain higher status because they lack the desired bloodline. The Commonwealth Bank laundered money obtained from child sex trafficking and funnelled that money into international terrorist activities. When Kidman and Urban visited a Sidney Nolan art exhibit just before giving birth to their Sunday, there were said to have been moved by a quote from the artist: When you are young you are given a good view of life, because of your closeness to birth. Between that and the fact her parents had already suggested Sunday, Kidman had found her daughters first name. TV show. One day, Catherine Hand took me aside for a little chat. I completed four days of witness statements, and police commenced an investigation which included door knocking around Engadine and raiding the home of my deceased grandparents. I had a near death experience while I was unconscious and saw a tunnel that resembled the one shown at the start of Dr Who. I was subjected to MK-ULTRA procedures on the campus of Sydney University. Flashback 8 years ago- "a little ray of sunshine in the shape of a girl" Happy 8th birthday Sunny!!!! Lucia is the daughter of Antonia Kidman, a former television presenter-turned-lawyer who is the sister of Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman. The Rockerfeller association funded Osmond and Hoffers research into adrenochrome. Share. After this, I was child sex trafficked from Sydney airport to California, USA, in a cargo plane. I am astounded!! One of the guys in my school, who would steal cars, hung out with the Murphy Brothers. I was selected based on my Aryan appearance, IQ level, bloodline, flawless body, strength, skills and teachability. I died, was revived, and awoke in Sutherland hospital, surrounded by concerned medical staff. The family has refused to comment and Singapore police opened an investigation on what they termed as an unnatural death. Urban, who just wrapped a season as an American Idol judge, is up in . Prior to leaving he said, "I have just received a picture in my mind, it is one of a card, a playing card or tarot card". It was built at the underground military base located near Dulce, New Mexico. I will now mention the two most abhorrent and famous criminal cases in Australian history. Ivan Milat murdered victims in a Luciferian ritual manner, so did Les Murphy. they decided to adopt their children Isabella Jane Cruise and . My Bond University supervisor, Norm Barling, a former Bond University lecturer, contemptuously called my Forensic Psychology lecturers, Katarina Fritzon and Rebecca Doley lesbian witches after these women lied to the Australian health board about me and so destroyed my psychology career, despite my excellent academic record. At age 5 years, I was presented before a panel in the loungeroom of Leonas Petrauskas Engadine home. 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