advocacy ideas for student council

Todays youth are at the forefront of these campaigns, as theyre a lot more conscious about the injustices around them. However, while we are heading to the post-pandemic era, different systems and administrations can be necessary for embracing both in-person and virtual students.I would like to participate in ongoing deliberation for improving students' academic, social, and emotional experiences here at HGSE and within the whole of Harvard, on behalf of part-time, virtual, international, female students. Under their guidance, I've honed my advocacy and leadership skills, as well as my knowledge of writing resolutions, developing university-wide events, and advocating at the local and state level. Match Group's Chispa, the #1 dating app made for Latine singles, is proud to announce the launch of its new Advocacy Council. Expand all. As someone from the same generational cohort, you can send a powerful message by talking about these factors. With all of this said, this is a chance for incredible and fruitful dialogue. I have volunteer experience as a Public Relations Committee Chair at my Rotary club, where communication was essential for the job. America Achieves: develops capacity for quality education and clear pathways for economic advancement, civic engagement, and success for all in a rapidly changing economy. Special thanks and credits to those who have shared what they are looking for from the student council and what your hopes are for the year. Accessibility needs to be even more of a priority. Student council is a group of students elected by their classmates to organize activities and address student concerns and interests. After reflecting on my why for running for student council, there are a few initiatives I intend to pursue if elected into student council inspired by my experiences, observations, and conversations with other students. Subsequently, I constantly faced arduous hurdles while acclimating to my college life in the United States as a first-generation overseas student. The bottom line is that students will benefit. Their existence greatly boosts my confidence both as a student and foreigner far from home. It isn't necessary to start new publications to communicate a message. I believe joining HGSE's Student Council will be an opportunity to turn my beliefs into action. A leader is someone who is dedicated and is willing to learn and listen from others. That can be through art, social media, or volunteer efforts. However, its also important to remember that the best advocacy will be one that youre passionate about. A visible leader is an approachable leader to young people. We call those "buycott" letters. Many campaigns aim to address a small subset of a much larger issue. 48) Student Body Retreat: Each member in council selects one boy and one girl from each grade, (who are not in council), that show great leadership ability to go on a retreat. Consider that to show first hand what a student is expected to learn. I've had to practice this balance in my own work at HMS as well, and I'm confident that my skills in this area can help HGSE's Student Council as it collaborates with HGSE administration on the issues of community, academics, and policies. Together they campaigned to their lawmakers to enact change in their community. Beginning of the student council speech. It strives to provide a forum for students to voice their concerns and to . Advocacy Taking a Strong Stand for Students Everywhere. Hi! A position I also served in as a California Teachers Association (CTA) Representative in National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly. There are plenty of ways to approach this problem and empower the nations older humans. Besides the volunteering experiences, my identity as an international student and LGBTQ member can also be an advantage. If your district does, seek the opportunity to communicate with that group regarding social studies. My name is Stephanie, and I'm running for student body president. An advocacy campaign is an organized set of actions designed to raise awareness on issues and influence change. Make sure to explain the program to principals or other school administrators and obtain support. Whether you are a part-time, full-time, remote, and residential student, let us be heard!What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Being part of school committees previously has given me the skills to communicate effectively, work with members from diverse cultural background, plan events and set up meetings, and community building. Natasha Esteves (LDIT)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I've seen areas for improvement in building a positive cohort culture that could be facilitated by better communication and/or a liaison setup between incoming students and HGSE's leadership and teaching team.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Since I first joined the Whatsapp group that incoming/ formerly newly admitted students self-organized, I've organized two virtual Happy Hours and have gathered questions from the students for Rilda, one of our program directors, in order to gain and spread some clarity where I saw my fellow classmates confused. 47) StuCo Suggestion Box: The student body can submit suggestions and new ideas for the council to try. Some schools and school districts have Key Communicators. Try these steps to make opinion leaders work for you! Encourage people to carry this card and use it as a resource to speak up for social studies successes at every opportunity. Furthermore, I have actively promoted the rich heritage of Asian culture and harbored the welfare of Chinese students at UCLA through consistent advocacy and conducting school-wide events. Here at HGSE, we have students from all over the world, from a variety of backgrounds. Sometimes it's best to simply ask yourself which current publications are read most frequently. By no means is this an exhaustive list. Most campaigns success depends on the amount of support they can amass. Principle #2: Increase Equity The USG Student Council was established in 2002 to serve as an advocate for the USG student body. on September 27, 2021. I will support you in making this upcoming academic year memorable. Introduce yourself. Cover the content youll be posting, the outreach programs youll be initiating, and others. Get to know each of your stakeholders positions, interests, and needs so that you can plan your implementation. I want to create a bridge for people who represent different aspects of our society, providing them with other avenues through which they can express their own voices. I work with teams of students to bring your concerns straight to . Welcome to the Student Advocacy page. The participation of many stakeholders, ranging from teachers to students and boat crew, ultimately led to the campaigns success. A Social Studies Student for a Day program could be an effective "See for Yourself" activity for this campaign. Here are five ways that have helped me promote student voice and self-advocacy on our campus: Be Visible on Campus and Open to Hearing Student Opinion. 3. For example, if your advocacy campaign focuses on increasing the pet adoption rates in a certain area, it makes no sense to dedicate placements to talking about global warming. For student councils to successfully provide great activities for the school, fundraising is an ongoing task throughout the school year. For example, rather than dreaming of a huge goal to lobby against worldwide drought, focusing on a core location can make your advocacy more achievable. I believe I will not only be an effective member of the Student Council but a transformative one as well. In addition, I have personally mentored numerous LGBTQ students, a vast majority of which are international students, to meticulously navigate their course of life in America and bestow advice when susceptible to harsh treatment owing to their identity. If youre, Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Philippines, yet the. Betsy Fawcett (EPA)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?In this year of so much change, I think student council is essential to making sure that the school is responding to the needs of students, and this is why I would like to represent our community. . Jasmine Stecker (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?Representation is an issue that is at the heart of my goals as an EdM student. To start an advocacy campaign, you first need to identify what advocacy you want to focus on. Unit 204 Pacific Century Tower, Brgy. I want to build great experiences by contributing to the school and help my colleagues through communication and collaboration.It will be an honor to have the chance to serve on the Students Council as a part of the last cohort in the Specialized Studies Program.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have served as a class president many times in my early ages, and I loved working for my classmates. We are living in a changed world, which means we need leaders who are empathetic, understanding, equitable, and listen to the needs of the students they are serving. According to Armanda Rodrigues, a mentor who oversees the Student Council, meetings of the Student Council allow students to talk about issues at the school, giving students a voice in promoting change. There's no better way to shape attitudes than to give people the chance to see things for themselves. Based on a 2019 report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the Philippines has the highest climate risk in the world, particularly because of its geography. 18A:37-15(3)(b)(1) which prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying. I excelled in school, but always felt like an outsider when it came to the pathways of upward mobility, especially the higher education system in the United States. advocacy ideas for student council . Angie Estevez Prada (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As the first class to go through the revamped curriculum at HGSE, we have the opportunity to set a precedent that will engender more positive change in this program. Follow up with a phone call to encourage their participation. In this case, being a member of the Student Advocacy and Issues Committee is a highly valued position for me to sharpen my skills and build my future career path.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?During my undergraduate years, I've been a wellness coach for a year and a half to provide students guidance for their preferred lifestyles. The students who are highly motivated to lead and take ownership of a role usually make it a point to run for student council at some point in their academic lives. I was able to connect with other teachers and community members, both within the school and outside of the school. This translated to around 800,000 families, which they hoped to help by raising PHP 5 million and organizing one million volunteers. We engage in ways and support programs that help strengthen financial support for students. What Makes an Advocacy Campaign Successful? At the retreat they do trust activities, dyadic encounters, Throughout the senior class, project topics included: > Making Quality Education available to all; > Substance abuse resources and support; To help you promote your cause, here are five critical elements of successful campaigns. Having them on board encouraged more private businesses to donate funds to support the Bantay Dagats. Accessibility: Each student has a place here at HGSE but accessing that place has not always been easy. This is why I am running for the Student Advocacy and Issues Committee. As someone who has moved around frequently, I have often had to start anew which can be lonely at times. . One team divided students into 5 committees: Direct Action, Indirect Action, Advocacy, Community Education and Finance. In addition to knowing how to play the Harvard game, I serve on the Black Staff Caucus at HMS as the Communications Committee Chair and previously served on the City of Newton, Mass Youth Commission Advisory Board, both of which have mechanics and goals similar to HGSE's Student Council. Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today. At the end of the day, a successful advocacy campaign is only possible if you have the heart for the cause youre supporting. Self-determination is a key element of the evidence-based Teaching-Family Model used throughout the school. I was also a teacher, where I worked to ensure that students were a part of an inclusive classroom so that they could thrive. Many high schools have a separate council for each grade level (freshman student council, sophomore student council, junior student council, senior student council). After just a month, the page saw an. An advocacy campaign is an organized set of actions designed to raise awareness on issues and influence change. If I am elected, I am committed to fight for the rights and interests of all HGSE students and to build a diverse and inclusive community together. Serving on Student Council can allow me to collaborate with other students in doing good for HGSE.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?My previous experiences as a math teacher and student leadership/student activities teacher have allowed me to with the Associated Student Body student officers and students to being about exciting change in student body activities and student life at my school. Such emphasis highly resonates with my personal value, previous living experiences, and future career goal. Examples of Successful Advocacy Campaigns, The campaigns provided facts about the virus and shared tips to enhance peoples safety. For example, you can say, Create an advocacy video to depict the climate crisis in the Philippines.. In my HGSE statement of purpose, I wrote "I truly believe equitable support and representation are two key factors at the heart of creating an environment in which all students can thrive academically and personally." What brought me to working with learners at the margins was being always uncomfortable with exclusion. Originally from Colombia, I immigrated to a small town in rural North Carolina at the age of 5. Here are student council project ideas you can use: 1. advocacy ideas for student council40th anniversary ring. In addition, being a nonprofit CEO and aspiring social entrepreneur who wishes to contribute to reducing inequality worldwide through education will surely share the school and peers' perspectives.I think of myself as a bridge-builder who connects people, initiates relationships, and shares ideas and resources through my communication skills. I care a lot about others' experiences here at HGSE; I think it's vital to live out the values we study, talk about, and aspire to while we are here as students. . Advocacies don't have to be grand to become relevant. To make meaningful progress, I want to help make connections between people with aligned needs and goals. Your campaign should have a reasonable timeline. Even though there is still a lot to learn, I believe I can gain greatly from the position of Student Council with my previous working experiences. Thus, I firmly believe that the culmination of my prior experience and overwhelming passion makes me eligible for the position of the senator at the Student Advocacy and Issue Committee. All of us have opportunities almost every day to promote social studies education. Also, offer some materials on social studies. I know this because I have been working at Harvard for years. I genuinely love listening to people, hear about their problems, and care about their well-being. But whether it's targeting a specific piece of legislation or bringing attention to an under-addressed issue, a well-run advocacy campaign doesn't happen overnight. For example. At Thrive Scholars, a community based organization focused on helping high-achieving, low-income, underrepresented students get into and graduate from top colleges, I worked directly with incredible teens confronting the same inhospitable system I did years ago. When the pandemic hit in March 2020, fake news and misinformation became rampant on the internet. Challenge the idea that Earths living systems are property and it is infinite; end the large scale and industrial extraction and pollution of natural systems and functions. The urge to create equitable change has come about through my lived experience and career. Inside the classroom, you can support this cause by initiating discussions on the topic, using gender-neutral language, and assessing yourself for potential instances of gender bias. Racial Justice and Intersectionality. Finally, I consider this position a precious chance to practice leadership skills and communication skills with peers and faculty. Provide a brief foreshadowing of your call to action. Save Philippine Seas (SPS) advocates for the conservation of marine resources and life. The sense of familiarity and convenience in communication typically allows the creation of powerful mutual understanding easier. Students looking to learn more about student government and student council or get ideas for improving their current student government system can start their research at these websites: American Student Government Association (ASGA) ASGA is a go-to resource for members of collegiate student governments. Planning an advocacy campaign involves a lot of work. The mission of the Student Council is to serve as a student advocacy and advisory group which acts as a liaison between the students and administration of USG to . Roughly 30 students in grades K-12 were selected by their classmates either as representatives or alternates, to represent their homeroom class through the Student Council. Understand the issues, but keep it simple. As such, its essential to take action now to prevent irreversible consequences. 2023 National Council for the Social Studies Illinois Global Scholar: A Story of Teacher Advocacy for Student Transformation Seth Brady and Randy Smith This past September, not long after school started, NPR's Morning Edition aired an interview about a groundbreaking media literacy education law in Illinois. For starters, fill up the roles for the lead organizer, campaign marketer, and volunteer headthen branch out from there. 11 Ways To Conserve Natural Resources You Can Do Right Now. Make sure to include all these in your campaign to cover all your bases. SAC has scheduled meetings with the dean and other senior school administrators to voice student concerns and provide . These were launched on the Healthy Pilipinas Facebook pageDOHs main platform for promoting health information. This trait encompasses academic, social and physical needs. One of the major effects of poverty is the lack of adequate housing, forcing millions of people to live in unsanitary conditions. Students at Garfield Park Academy are getting hands-on experience in leadership, democracy, and self-advocacy through student government. By October 5just eight days after the campaigns launchthe petition garnered 270 signatures, surpassing its target of 200. Sitong Zhao (HDE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As a newly admitted student at the HGSE program, I am deeply attracted by the role of the Student Council in terms of its purpose of improving Harvard students' personal development, especially in helping them overcome potential issues. I hope that by serving on the Student Council, I can help us honestly connect, so that we can learn together now, reflect meaningfully on our pasts, and move forward in impactful ways. Good afternoon, students and staff members! Create unique posters and put them everywhere. With this project, students research a company's current practices and statements and decide if they support them or not. Theres also the issue of the lack of healthcare facilities outside of the city. I am running to amplify your voice. Early diagnosis is a powerful prevention toolbut proper education surrounding this issue remains quiet. Below is a list of advocacy strategies and activities states that have been used to engage members, raise awareness of CTE and influence policy. For inspiration, check out these advocacy campaign examples for students. As a student, you may want to do your part in protecting a cause thats close to your heart. Based on a, 2019 report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, , the Philippines has the highest climate risk in the world, particularly because of its geography. I am open to new ideas for improvement, and I understand the importance of confidentiality. The louder the conversations are, the higher the chances of normalizing mental illnesses and reducing the stigma surrounding them. I think it is important to bring their voices to the table as well. I want to make sure that the diversity and broad range of experience that many bring to this program are valued and heard.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?At the core of my career, I have focused on listening to the voices of others and worked to make opportunities more accessible. Explain that you believe social studies education is essential in creating effective citizens and you would like the leader to have a first hand opportunity to see what is happening in today's social studies classroom. This website provides a wide range of . More personally, I am social and affable and would love to make this year amazing for other students in my class and cohort. One of the first ways you can do that is by creating posters and putting them around your school. Given this premise, CEED initiated an online petition in calling on the local and national government to not issue the permits for the projects. For years, the UN has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. Student Advocacy Council. I genuinely want to know how your experience is going and I value your input. My initiative in this position was to create an inclusive community. One of the most frustrating things about being a student is the lack of accessibility to resources. Texting while driving should be illegal. Empowering students through exploration and authentic mathematics experiences can be transformative for teaching and learning. Please continue to check this resource regularly for updates. To assist students facing conduct challenges and moral dilemmas, school counselors may design character education programs and hold group sessions that teach students about ethical behavior. Besides the experiences of working with students who need assistance, I gradually learned to become an active listener instead of a talker through the process of consulting. Successes of students in social studies, such as awards received and civic leadership conferences/trips attended; Accomplishments of social studies educators, such as teacher award winners, national/state leadership positions held, and media recognition for a social studies teacher; Contributions social studies students make to the school or community, such as researching and writing a history of the region. Find an attention-grabbing opening statement. SPS provided teachers with marine science education training and gave phones to the Bantay Dagats or sea watchers to stay connected with local officials. They're often led by a group of leaderssuch as studentswho mobilize volunteers to support a particular issue or call for new policies. South Triangle, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, 1103 Metro Manila. Brainstorm the names of key leaders in your state or community. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Philippines, yet the survival rate is only at about 57%. I have come to deeply value opportunities to be a part of a community where I feel heard and I feel that I have a space. They may be the president of the bank or the mayor; however, they may also be a soccer coach or others actively involved in your community. Using single-use plastic containers should be banned. Keep in mind that opinion leaders are not always what might be called the "most important people" in a community. My name is Thao Le and I am excited to be the 2019-2020 Student Life Liaison.The GSC's Student Life Liaison position was created five years ago to create a graduate student advocate.. Students at Garfield Park Academy are getting hands-on experience in leadership, democracy, and self-advocacy through student government. This upcoming academic year will have unique challenges, ones which we will overcome as a community. Specify what you want to achieve with the campaign. 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