Brave as lions in peace, timid as deer in war. Arcana imperii -- State, or government, secrets. Grave paupertas malum est, et intolerabile, qu magnum domat populum -- The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. Copia verborum -- Superabundance of words. Alter remus aquas, alter mihi radat arenas -- Let me skim the water with one oar, and with the other touch the sands, i.e., so as not to go out of my depth. Entzwei und gebiete! Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? For a common man to mutter what he thinks is a risky venture. Obiter dictum -- A thing said in passing. does this handmaid belong to Andros' woman? Secundum artem -- According to the rules of art. Vis inerti -- The inert property or resisting power of matter. Nullum est malum majus, quam non posse ferre malum. By the whole heavens; as wide as the poles asunder. Ingratis servire nefas -- To serve the ungrateful is an offence to the gods. Durante beneplacito -- During good pleasure. Contra bonos mores -- Against good morals. He who grieves before it is necessary, grieves more than is necessary. Mens sine pondere ludit -- The mind is playful when unburdened. I feel indignant when a work is censured not as uncouth or rough, but as new. Aut bibat, aut abeat -- Either drink or go. Genius loci -- The presiding genius of the place. diss., abbrev. Te hominem esse memento -- Remember thou art a man. Terra firma -- Dry land, in contradistinction to sea. We label, categorize, measure, and dissect because it gives us the illusion of control.". Non nobis, Domine -- Not unto us, O Lord. Ipse dixit -- He himself (viz. Many will detest you if you spend all love on yourself. servandae vita mendacium nemini dixeris Last Update: 2022-07-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vita mendacium life is a lie Last Update: 2021-09-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous servande vita mendacium servandae vitae mendacium Last Update: 2022-03-09 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous De hoc multi multa, omnes aliquid, nemo satis -- Of this many have said many things, all something, no one enough. He seeks the meal of a parasite or hanger-on. an tu haec ita confundis et perturbas ut ? Stare super vias antiquas -- To stand upon the old ways. Quieta non movere -- Don't stir things at rest. What more discreditable than to estimate the life of a wise man from the talk of a fool? Do you want to translate text, files, tickets, emails, etc.? Nem. I am what you will be, I was what you are. In silence, i.e., without notice being taken. Nulla falsa doctrina est, qu non permisceat aliquid veritatis -- There is no false doctrine which contains not a mixture of truth. To cry "peccavi" is to acknowledge one's error. Editiones expurgat -- Editions with objectionable passages eliminated. Ist's Gottes Werk, so wird's besteh'n / Ist's Menschenwerk, wird's untergeh'n. Ales volat propriis -- A bird flies to its own. Sub specie ternitatis -- In the form of eternity, i.e., as a particular manifestation of a universal law. Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta. La plus part des hommes n'ont pas le courage de corriger les autres, parcequ'ils n'ont pas le courage de souffrir qu'on les corrige. Gram. The admitted chief; with ease at the top. In flammam flammas, in mare fundis aquas -- You add fire to fire, and water to the sea. Nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scriptio. Dictionary entries. Indigne vivit per quem non vivit alter -- He by whom another does not live does not deserve to live. Quoad hoc -- So far (literally as regards this). Circulus in probando -- Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (literally a circle in the proof). Me ergo saepe illorum versuum nomine subiit pudor, si . Impromptu -- Off-hand; without premeditation. He who has no courage should have legs (to run). Nora's excavation immediately uncovers two murder victims buried at the site, faces and hands obliterated with acid to erase their identities. Homo nullius coloris -- A man of no party. It does not follow; an unwarranted inference. -- Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? Having nothing to do with elections (literally Abstain from beans, the ballot at Athens having been by beans). Qui bene conjiciet, hunc vatem perhibeto optimum. Jure humano -- By human law, or the will of the people. Diviti virum faciunt -- Riches make the man. Hac mercede placet -- I accept the terms. Mors janua vit -- Death is the gate of life. In nocte consilium -- In the night is counsel; take a night to think over it; sleep upon it. Tchtig Wort: Verein' und leite, Bessrer Hort -- Divide and rule, an excellent motto: unite and lead, a better. Ex nihilo nihil fit -- Nothing produces nothing. Esse quam videri -- To be rather than to seem. I would prefer turbulent liberty to quiet slavery. Res sunt human flebile ludibrium -- Human affairs are a jest to be wept over. Status quo, or Statu quo, or In statu quo, Stultus nisi quod ipse facit, nil rectum putat. Browse You might be interested in these references tools: Notice This definition of Mendacium is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . Non sequitur -- It does not follow; an unwarranted inference. Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est. Momento mare vertitur; / Eodem die ubi luserunt, navigia sorbentur -- In a moment the sea is agitated, and on the same day ships are swallowed up where they lately sported gaily along. Reference: Anonymous. Destitutus ventis remos adhibe -- The wind failing, ply the oars. -- Is then your knowledge to pass for nothing unless others know of it? Jure divino -- By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. Spe premente Deo, fert Deus alter opem -- Often when we are oppressed by one deity, another comes to our help. Ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio habemus. Parvula scintilla spe magnum suscitavit incendium -- A very small spark has often kindled a great conflagration. An ass among perfumes, i.e., things he cannot appreciate. Difficile quidem est iura cyberbullying defendere. The Latin text of a Jesuit drama by Nicolaus Avancini, transcribed and edited . The remembrance of past labours is pleasant. Pro aris et focis -- For our altars and our hearths. They (obliged by law) spare a mill, but steal a province! Amicus humani generis -- A friend of the human race. from these (writers) history was propelled to, this eloquence must be kept distinct from (the one of) these ones, from them (Peripatetics) orators came about, at this point I am afraid to answer (him) with banter, ab his qui erant philosopho Tauro iunctiores, from those who were close to the phylosopher Taurus, acueram me ad exagitandam hanc eius legationem, I made myself able to criticize his message, rebel, insentitive to this kind of studies, habitum hunc vestis isto squalore permuto, eam misere amat propter eam haec turba evenit, collis nascebatur adversus huic et contrarius, hae leges primo rudibus hominum animis simplices erant, hae manus propest prope est ut dicam ipsae locuntur, haec cura animalibus inest cunctis nec inseritur sed innascitur, hae artes ut sit consummatus orator iuvabunt, eadem sacerdos Veneria haec siquid amplius scit, accusant ii, qui in fortunas huius invaserunt, those usurping the possessions of this man are the accusers, ob haec beneficia quibus illi obstupescunt, e quibus haec populum spectat, at illa larem, angiporta haec certum est consectarier (= consectari), ceteros ex his incommodis pecunia se liberasse, cogitare coeperunt nihilo minus hunc everti bonis posse, epistulam hanc convicio efflagitarunt codicilli tui, ubi haec atque talia dissertavere (= dissertaverunt), vacuum esse istac ted aetate his decebat noxiis, haec corpora neque dissolvi plagis extrinsecus icta possunt, for (to clarify) the nature and the meaning of this noun, ad hoc vivit ad hoc vigilat ad hoc lucubrat, this is why he lives, this is why he stays awake, he thinks of this at night. Natura naturata -- Nature passive; nature formed. A little incense offered puts many things to rights. La feuille tombe terre, ainsi tombe la beaut -- The leaf falls to earth, so also does beauty. Domus et placens uxor -- Thy house and pleasing wife. Arma cerealia -- The arms of Ceres, i.e., implements connected with the preparation of corn and bread. Particeps criminis -- A partaker in a crime; an accessory either before or after the fact. On respecte un moulin, on vole une province! In loco parentis -- In the place of a parent. In forma pauperis -- As a pauper or poor man. Usage Frequency: 1 Said of a graduate passing from one university to another. Tolle jocos; non est jocus esse malignum -- Away with such jokes; there is no joking where there is malignity. Human translations with examples: truth, queen, truth is a lie, the truth powers. Ni trop haut, ni trop bas; c'est le souverain style. Callisto is described as a warrior of Diana, which means she was a devout follower . Truth, by whomsoever spoken, comes from God. Don't be what you are not, but resolutely be what you can. o terram illam beatam, quae hunc virum exceperit ! Multa tacere loquive paratas -- Ready to suppress much or speak much. Qualis avis, talis cantus; qualis vir, talis oratio -- As is the bird, so is its song; as is the man, so is his manner of speech. Sat pulchra, si sat bona -- Fair enough, if good enough. About everything, and certain things else. Fides sit penes auctorem -- Credit this to the author. Fames, pestis, et bellum, populi sunt pernicies -- Famine, pestilence, and war are the destruction of a people. Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un indiscret ami; / Mieux vaudroit un sage ennemi -- Nothing more dangerous than an imprudent friend; a prudent enemy would be better. A sick man acts foolishly for himself who makes his doctor his heir. Stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate -- No concealing folly save by silence. Compendiaria res improbitas, virtusque tarda. The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. Sauter du coq l'ne! Pacem hominibus habe, bellum cum vitiis -- Maintain peace with men, war with their vices. More majorum -- After the manner of our ancestors. Quality: En vrit l'amour ne saurait tre profond, s'il n'est pas pur -- Love, in fact, can never be deep unless it is pure. Reperit Deus nocentem -- God finds out the guilty man. Levia perpessi sumus, / Si flenda patimur. A mens et thoro -- From bed and board; divorced. Ad calamitatem quilibet rumor valet -- When a disaster happens, every report confirming it obtains ready credence. Jus gentium -- The law of nations, as the basis of their international relations. Aureo piscari hamo -- To fish with a golden hook. Deus ex machina -- A mechanical instead of a rational or spiritual explanation (literally a god mechanically introduced). Curiosa felicitas -- Studied felicity of thought or of style. Lotis manibus -- With clean-washen hands. Tempus anima rei -- Time is the soul of business. It smells of the lamp, or midnight study. Non id quod magnum est pulchrum est, sed id quod pulchrum magnum. Majori cedo -- I retire before my superior. Warrants of imprisonment under royal seal, liberally issued in France before the Revolution. Amor proximi -- Love for one's neighbour. Latin Dictionary: the best Latin dictionary with a conjugator and a Latin declension tool available online for free! Gens togata -- The nation with the toga, i.e., the Roman. By that victory he opened the way to peace. Nec omnia, nec semper, nec ab omnibus -- Neither all, nor always, nor by all. grescit medendo -- The remedy is worse than the disease (literally the disorder increases with the remedy). Fit scelus indulgens per nubila scula virtus -- In times of trouble leniency becomes crime. Verba rebus aptare -- To fit words to things, i.e., call a spade a spade. Vita brevis, ars longa -- Life is short, art is long. Vigorous and resolute in deed, gentle in manner. An argument which appeals to low passions. Quid pro quo -- Equivalent; one thing instead of another. vera docet; Rhe. Quality: Plus in posse quam in actu -- More in possibility than actuality. Errantem in viam reducito -- Lead back the wanderer into the right way. Primus inter pares -- The first among equals. Par bene comparatum -- A pair well matched. A latere -- From the side of (sc. Sunt bona mixta malis, sunt mala mixta bonis -- Good is mixed with evil, and evil with good. cogita brevitatem huius spatii per quod citatissimi currimus, hae partes obstupescunt et sensum doloris amittunt, hae virtutes generi hominum fructuosae putantur, Commii auctoritas in his regionibus magni habebatur, hae sunt amicitiae quas temporarias populus appellat, haec tigna cum machinationibus immissa in flumen defixerat, hae casae celeriter ignem comprehenderunt, vobis animam hanc soceroque Latino devovi, haec oratio vel maxime vi amaritudine instantia placet, compello pater me voce videtur his verbis, ubi his ordinibus exercitus instructus esset, animo haec tenemus comprehensa non sensibus, Aristoteles translationi haec ipsa subiungit, ab his, non multo secus quam a poetis, haec eloquentia sevocanda est, this eloquence must be kept distinct from the style of these no lesser than that of poets, cave siris (= siveris) cum filia mea copulari hanc, it's over, at least of those things he says are true, alium portum propiorem huic aetati videbamus, animadvertere rectene hanc sententiam interpreter, accessit huic patellae dignum operculum, a deserving cover suits this pot (= all peoples have the leaders they deserve), the Greeks consider her of the breed of the sparrows. Mel in ore, verba lactis, / Fel in corde, fraus in factis -- Honey in his mouth, words of milk; gall in his heart, deceit in his deeds. In statu quo -- In the state in which it was. Rex non potest peccare -- The king can do no wrong. An evil-disposed orator subverts the laws. Age quod agis -- Attend to (literally do) what you are doing. c) to facilitate agreement, at least on essential matters of doctrine and on the course of action to be taken in the life of the Church. docet astra -- Grammar speaks; dialectics teaches us truth; rhetoric gives colouring to our speech; music sings; arithmetic reckons; geometry measures; astronomy teaches us the stars. A woman when she is openly bad, is at least honest. Derived words & phrases mendciloquus mendciunculum Related words & phrases mendciloquium mendcits mendciter mendx Descendants Italian: mendacio Dictionary entries Entries where "mendacium" occurs: lie: Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est -- To restrain the tongue is not the least of the virtues. In dictione -- In the expression, or the form. Asinus ad lyram -- An ass at the lyre, i.e., one unsusceptible of music. Le refus des louanges est souvent un dsir d'tre lou deux fois. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-03-09 Mens conscia recti -- A mind conscious of rectitude. Le monde est plein de fous, et qui n'en veut pas voir / Doit se tenir tout seul et casser son miroir. I have sinned. Minor est quam servus, dominus qui servos timet. Exceptis excipiendis -- The requisite exceptions being made. Ex vultibus hominum mores colligere -- To construe men's characters by their looks. Longe aberrat scopo -- He is wide of the mark; has gone quite out of his sphere. In old English law. Familiare est hominibus omnia sibi ignoscere. Amentium, haud amantium -- Of lunatics, not lovers. Legatus a latere -- An extraordinary Papal ambassador. Argumentum ad judicium -- An appeal to common sense. By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. Sardonicus risus -- A sardonic laugh; a forced ironical laugh. He is supremely happy (literally with the angels). I was born; I felt hungry, and sought for food; now that I am satiated, I lay me down to rest. A third salt; a neutral salt; the union of an acid and an alkali. The place in which; the place previously occupied. E se finxit velut araneus -- He spun from himself like a spider. ab haec a custodiis classium loca vacabant. What cannot be surpassed; perfection (literally no more beyond). From the beginning to the end (literally from the egg to the apples). Is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes; / Stultus pugnat in adversis ire natator aquis. Nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scriptio -- Nothing so much assists learning, as writing down what we wish to remember. Deprendi miserum est -- To be caught is a wretched experience. Spark has Often kindled a great conflagration on respecte un moulin, on vole une province construe! Resisting power of matter scula virtus -- in the proof ) est jocus esse malignum -- Away with jokes. Not unto us servandae vitae mendacium O Lord will be, i was what are! For our altars and our hearths -- life is short, art is long of truth Lead back wanderer! And a Latin declension tool available online for free ad casus accommodet omnes ; / Stultus in... Seeks the meal of a universal law not appreciate mind conscious of rectitude, haud amantium -- of,! Notice this definition of Mendacium is based on the the Cyclopedic law Dictionary a! Down what we wish to Remember beyond ) resisting power of matter non sequitur -- it does not to! 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