foreach ($VM in $VMs) { "resourceGuid": "d77ad786-7150-4871-bbf4-da60017464b9", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/JustOneTestVM-ip", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/JustOneVnet/subnets/JustOneSubnet". He has worked with companies of all sizes from startups to large enterprises. If its missing from the query, the response wont get paged and the results are limited to 1000 records. Is this real?A: Yes. 3 very important issues need to be kept in mind, and well discuss each next. So for every subscription, we set the active context to that subscription and populate the variable $vnets with all Virtual Networks in that subscription. Agree } The final state of the VM, with a second vmNic having a single IP configuration that has a private IP ( and an associated public one: This new vmNic (name= justonetestvm916) is connected to the same virtual network as the first vmNic (name: JustOneVnet) but to a different subnet within it (name= JustAnotherSubnet). I did talk to Microsoft Support, and they explicitly stated that ARG database is fully managed by Microsoft and you will not be connecting to it directly in Kusto.Explorer. The public IPs, as defined in properties instanceView property bag, is an array (note the information is enclosed within []). Although it may not feel like the step in the right direction, were going to split the 2 elements of the array, so that theyre placed on separate rows. You can add -o table at the end if you're looking for something a bit prettier. Luckily, ARG can be used to query VMs provisioned using both models. Define Variables ($Subscription) to collect subscription details and $Report to store all VM status along with OS Type, OS Version, VM Name, RG Name. Similarly, its theoretically possible to have doubled results, eg if a VM gets created inside a page bin thats past that which the current query feeds. "VMName" = $vm.Name Before you deep in, make sure you have right privillage to login via Azure portal, Azure CLI or AzureRM module install on your local machine to run this script in powershell terminal. Of course, nothing prevents you from connecting each vmNic to a different subnet within that VNet. But trying to display the first row after skipping the very first element which in essence should yield the 2nd row doesnt work as expected. How can I get a list of the new Virtual machines? Azure CLI itself supports Azure Resource Graph (ARG) just fine through the az graph command. foreach ($RG in $RGs) { Q: Im getting No tenant found in the context. This is the terminology the Azure PowerShell uses to refer to the currently selected Azure Subscription information that commands will be executed against. We make use of First and third party cookies to improve our user experience. The downside is that the file is written to using the JSON format, which looks a bit cumbersome when opened in Excel: The quick fix is to parse the private and public IP arrays and convert them, as such: And this is how the output now looks in Powershell: The final Powershell code further into the article takes into account all the issues. What went wrong? New-Object psobject -Property @{ Custom join strategies, such as broadcast join, arent allowed. Adding on this, we just loop over all our subscriptions and add the results to a single list, This, however, does not include the power on/off state of the vms. You can also use the below Azure PowerShell cmdlet to retrieve the instance properties of a specific Azure Virtual Machine under a particular resource group. $Report = ForEach ($Subscription in $Subscriptions) { In this Azure PowerShell article, we will discuss how to get the list of virtual machines under your Azure subscription. This is described here, along with a very elegant solution, thats grouping the Azure subscriptions into small enough batches so that the limitation is bypassed. So that might be helpful if you can view and map back that way. So instead of just one row as the result of the query, well have 2. Q: Is there an official legend of the icons within ARGE on the left side?A: Theres a grid icon for the resources table, which makes sense. Coming back to the result we actually wanted, we dont want only the rows whose public IP id in the left table matches one in the right table, instead, we want all the rows in the left table to be kept, and only add the rows in the right table when the ids for the public IPs match. Semicolons arent used in any of the queries in this article, therefore each one is a single query statement. But how sure can we be that ARG is any good in terms of performance? Aside from this, the code has already been adapted by others to work against all subscriptions, by enclosing it in a loop, as seen here. I do have Azure CLI correctly installed, but there seems to be a problem with that file. To rewrite the query and enable paging, see the docs for an example: Well run the pagination code twice first for the ARG query handling ARM VMs, and second for the ARG query handling the ASM ones. The problem with this command is that its running synchronously, thus retrieving results per one subscription at a time only. Here are some simple ways like the Azure product page, the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, or a simple Azure PowerShell command to list the Azure VM sizes per Azure region. I hope this code helps someone in the future =]. }, $Report | Export-Csv "c:\users\$env:username\documents\Azure_VMs_Status.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation. As it can be seen, Ive barely made a dent in my quota, although the workload wasnt negligible at all. To see these 2 limitations in action,take a look at the API call to retrieve resources in ARM here and at the API call for retrieving the network interfaces here. Finally, I would use the summarize function with make_set, which allows me to group the array by one property with another property. In the last paragraph, I mentioned that you need an authenticated account to use Connect-AzAccount to connect to Azure. This script will collect all VMs including the status, OS Type, Version, VM, Location, Resorce Group and Subscription Name. Lets look at the private IP addresses, and understand whether a classic VM can have multiple ones, as was the case with ARM, or not. Use to use this before MS broke the hidden tag (| where tags[hidden-link-ArgMgTag] has MyManagementGroup). Our code will consist of a loop that makes sure that the rolling window is moved across the whole result set. What is ARG? Q: Where can I get more info about model view and instance view?A: Thats a good question, and unfortunately I currently dont have an answer. Well just apply the tolower() function to both vmId columns, which will make the join key consistent between the 2 tables: The only thing left to do is to aggregate the IPs, similar to how it was initially done, using the summarize operator and the make_list function weve introduced back in listing 12. "SubName" = $sub.Name {Name:name, PublicIPs:publicIps, PrivateIPs:privateIps}" --output tsv >> VMs.csv & done; wait; date +"%T". Q: When running a query in ARG Explorer, I get Query result set has exceeded the limit. As you know Microsoft Azure has different Azure Regions available around the world. $vmobjs = @() The second query keeps all the columns, including the id for the vmNics. Martin is right, the title should be changed to : Everything you need to know when using Kusto and Powershell for platform management. Is this a bug?A: According to this GitHub comment, its by design. Maybe cross-link them? "type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/ipConfigurations", "etag": "W/\"dbd7c289-d2dc-46a8-b767-ef6b5f818920\"". { Q: Can there be a vmNic without a private IP? In short, ToString() needs to be called. You can spot this by their null values in the respective figure, which is one of the 4 incarnations of a dynamic type, as seen above. Showing first 1000 of. { $_.Name -like "" } | Select-AzSubscription. An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines. One thing to be aware of is that theres no ordering whatsoever, as background jobs write as soon as they finish, and theres also no guarantee that theres ordering in each az vm list command (as explained here). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. If youre not in a rush, then lets delve deeper into the topic and explore the following: Azure Portal can show in the Virtual machines blade both classic (ASM) and the regular ARM VMs by filtering either on Virtual Machines (classic) or Virtual Machines. How to get list of all Azure VMs in Powershell,, does not include the power on/off state of the vms, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Option 1: Azure Resource Graph Explorer (ARGE). You can use the below PowerShell script<\/strong> to pull the list of all subscriptions & their resource groups & resources in it. Notice below that in the details of the only result returned corresponding to our VM theres only the id of the vmNic. Q: I tried using the command in listing 29 on a Windows machine, by saving it as a .cmd file, then running that inside a command prompt. Cmdlet Rename All cmdlets under Azure Resource Management modules will be renamed to fit the following format: [Verb]-AzureRm[Noun], Example: New-AzureVm becomes New-AzureRmVm, Using the Azure CLI, we can use the az vm list command to get a list of all VMs in the current subscription. The direct link for ARGE is here. Exporting the data to a CSV file needs however to take into account VMs that might have multiple IP configurations per vmNic. Subscriptions are selected in turn, and VM data is obtained for each. Notice that each call needs a specific subscription. For the ASM, or Azure classic VMs, youll have to install the respective Powershell module, as described here, and use different code to get the list of classic VMs, based most likely on Select-AzureSubscription and Get-AzureVM. Lets use it to work towards our goal, of showing all private and public IPs for all VMs. He learned to love the possibilities of automation. Even more, trying to display the array wont return anything: Why this is so is explained here. Q: In the output of Search-AzGraph, I cant see some of the VMs I know I have access to. Once the Azure subscription is set, we can use the below command to retrieve the Azure VMs. By using this website, you agree with our Cookies Policy. If no sorting is performed, the outcome will be that the results might be wrong, and in certain cases the loop will never end*. Specifically, consider the query below, which retrieves all the vmNics in a test Azure tenant: Limiting the number of results to 2, using the limit operator within the query itself, works as expected as seen in the first output below. $AzVM+=Get-AzVM -Status He was working with O365 since 2013 and loved it ever since. Q: Is there a way to supply the Kusto queries in an embedded direct link, like some of MSs own documentation does?A: Yes, simply encode the Kusto query using an online URL encoder (such as this), then append this to catch What can I do to solve this?A: Run Clear-AzContext followed by Connect-AzAccount, then retry the query. This will define which Azure Subscription you are executing commands against. The timeframe for getting this notification can be anywhere from 10 seconds up to 30 hours unfortunately. Why the latter, taking into account that according to the ARM model there cannot be a VM that doesnt have at least one vmNic connected? Powershell can be used to retrieve both ARM and ASM VMs as well. A discussion around public/private IP addresses, with some very interesting notes, is here And as weve seen, we certainly can in about 10 seconds by using ARG. Again, separate versions need to be used, depending on whether ARM or ASM VMs are targeted.The problem with both the Powershell and the Azure CLI approach is that one can only collect information about a set of VMs only after switching to a specific Azure subscription, which burns quite a lot of time. Sebastian is an Azure Nerd with focus on DevOps and Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) that converted from the big world of SharePoint and O365. But running the modified query doesnt work, and instead the following error is thrown:(Code: InvalidQuery) join: Only equality is allowed in this context. } A REST client can be used against Azure Resource Graph. Q: Im trying to run a Kusto query in ARG thats using the join operator. When this is the case, simply piping the output to Export-Csv directly will result in a System.Object[] entry in the private IP address column. Eg can I be sure that properties.IPConfigurations[indexer] is a string?A: As per the previous question, that particular slot is not a string. All the vmNics that you add to a VM must be connected to the same virtual network, as described here The ResourceId always gets included if the primary key (the id) is also present, regardless of how many rows are asked for via -First (it can even be 1 and the column is there). Most likely this is tied to the notion of serializing the row sets, as described here, as sorting is one way to achieve it. The output is then written to disk as CSV files whose filenames are timestamped. See the basic steps for creating a virtual machine in. Each aggregated result from the inner loop thats calling Search-AzGraph repeatedly gets added to the final result set, as the subscription batches are iterated through. As for the id columns, and why we get to see 2 of them: the join operator will merge the rows of the 2 tables according to the specified join flavor, as discussed above. Syntax: The syntax of the Get-AzVM is as below. Q: Im trying to solve the problem back in listing 17, by using on $left.vmId =~ $right.vmId instead of using tolower(), so that this rule is applied by the join operator. properties instanceView property bag contains a slot called privateIpAddress, whose value is a string, not an array. Resource Graph then updates its database. Q: MyCloud Shell bash session is running a command that had invoked background jobs of which some are still running. Q: I always get prompted to enter a Context when using Select-AzSubscription -Name . Change). Q: Can a VM be left without any vmNic after it has been created?A: The last vmNic hooked to a VM cannot be detached, as described here the note: If only one network interface is listed, you cant detach it, because a virtual machine must always have at least one network interface attached to it.. So we can only have a single private IP address for the classic VMs. Both IPs are dynamic.In the last query seen in listing 12, well remove the filtering for the name of the first vmNic and the aggregation line, to get to the following query: And the result, showing all the defined vmNics in the test Azure subscription used: Theres no point in aggregating all the data now, as all we have are rows for every single IP configuration belonging to all the vmNics in turn. Note -This script will collect all VMs including the status, OS Type, Version, VM, Location, Resorce Group and Subscription Name. Q: Whats the parent VM id for a disconnected vmNic? How to stop the Azure VM using Azure CLI in PowerShell? Heres just the top properties slot, as its returned by ARGE: What wed like next is to extract just the private IPs and the public ones. How to query Subscription array property managementGroupAncestorsChain. The final stitched results most likely wont be sorted overall, so well have to handle that manually, by calling Sort-Object right before exporting the CSV files. Youll get to see the request and the replys respective header and payload. We can get all the VM info + the power state using the az graph query command. {name:name,disk:diskSizeGb}'. Some variables might be useful for you if running more than one of the commands in this article: $location - The location of the network resources. try Hence the inner kind will be the one well use, and in the final result well get a number of rows equal to that of the right table (we know the left table contains unique entries, so all combinations that join creates will essentially result in the right table that has the corresponding VM row appended). Even more, if the value for -Skip is large enough (larger even than the number of entries in the result set), then youll still get results back, in a sort of wrap-around bug, as seen below for the same query: If you keep the original column containing an id, pagination appears to work even without sorting. How to list the azure VM extensions using Azure CLI in PowerShell? The first way, using Azure Resource Graph Explorer (ARGE), VMs containing multiple private or public IPs will have these IP addresses separated by a comma in the CSV output. Because it has its own database, that aggregates data from the various providers. If you happen to be a global admin for your tenant, then you can grant yourself access to all subscriptions within via a simple setting. Going back to the initial sample in figure 1, lets look at that in more detail: We can identify the entities based on what we discussed earlier: How can one go about finding out the columns types? As for the numbers, the time it took to go through roughly 4,000 ARM VMs homed in more of 150 subscriptions with the parallel background jobs was a bit under 10 minutes. From the standpoint of what were trying to achieve, the 3 big differences between the models which are in the table at the end of the linked article are the following: Machines under the old ASM model cant be created anymore, unless youve been using VMs through this model in Feb 2020, as per You need to use the Azure Resource Manager mode to access the new VMs: Note that Switch-AzureMode has now been deprecated ( Well apply tostring against the public IP ids extracted from the vmNics objects: Lets think for a moment what the output should be, before seeing the actual results. Adding on this, we just loop over all our subscriptions and add the results to a single list While following labs, I created resources in my subscription instead of the provided Azure Pass Sponsorship., I also realized I had to set this separately for the Azure CLI using az account set for the portions of the labs using those commands. {Name:name, PublicIPs:publicIps, PrivateIPs:privateIps}" -o table will return the VMs in the current context (current subscription) and parse the IPs nicely: As for the command itself: the -d switch retrieves all the details for the VMs (without it youll get neither the private nor the public IPs). How to Export the Azure VMs using PowerShell? The table is just one of the the various outputs that Azure CLI supports. For our ARM query for example, we already have the data sorted (therefore serialized), so the only remaining thing left to do was adding the following 2 lines at the end of listing 20 in order to retrieve the rows 3000-3999 of that query. 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