I match all Andromeda traits. Here are the three most prominent traits of an Andromedan starseed: Freedom They specifically told me that I am not being tested but I am being made aware that hurting anything on planet earth is off the table, thats what this mission needs. You dont think anyone should have to pay high taxes and you try to minimize your tax bills as much as possible. I believe I am an Adromaden. I am in every way an Andromedan except for the weight part: I am over-weight and not thin. Well thanks you and hopefully I can read more of your work soon. Lyran starseeds originate from the constellation Lyra, mainly the planet, Vega. I have connected telepathically with my galactic family and I couldnt be happier! Socially open, no facades, no acknowledgement of social hierarchies. Im a bit overwhelmed but mostly with joy and gratitude. This video includes starseed markings in your birth chart for the Pleiades, the Andromeda Galaxy and Sirius!!!! Begin typing in your birth place and a list of locations will appear in a drop down menu. This really resonated with him! From the information given to us, they are 12th-dimensional beings, but on earth, they are 3rd dimensional. Thanks for posting it. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Thank you and bless you , I have discovered that I am very certainly an Indogo child (with General Anxiety Disorder, and ADHD), and 100% an Andromedan Starseed . Through decades of work, Lavendar has identified celestial body aspects in birth charts that indicate a Pleiadian lineage. You follow your intuition. I am an actress, writer, teacher , nature lover, nomad and healer. this post so much resonates with me!! #sometimesiknowthenidontknow. Hi Julia, We can also learn when the best times to make important decisions and life transitions. Thank you so much, Julia. Hi there! The Andromedans believe starseeds and their work is very important, because what happens on Earth impacts other galaxies. Yes , I am one among you and Im glad that I am so . This is an area which maybe obvious for development or it may remain hidden from them. Arcturus influences my subconsciousness and how I interact with the collective consciousness. Since I was really young I was always interested in ancient Egypt and bought and read a lot of books on it. I had a dream, a few years ago. ???? Its a big moment in our Universes history. Rated 4.50 out of 5 . Happy to hear the article resonated with you . i dont look like an andromedan starseed but I do act like one Im not tall thats it Im not tall Im very short so does this mean Im not one or??? I know I am a Starseed since a longer while, but recently someone told me that I might be the Andromedan Starseed and shared this article with me. Thank you Julia..! It is therefore a good habit for Andromedan starseeds to listen to the sounds of nature and dolphins, meditate with ocean sounds and visit the beach and nature to revive your energy. But I walk forward now, the world is far brighter today I believe as a human, I needed to experience these things, to be able to understand the true path of Humanity.all has been confirmed and revealed again to memy only wish is to spread Love and Compassion For all beings here on this beautiful earth. On 6-6-06 I had what doctors say was a psychotic break and believed I had died and gone to hell.. AURIGA. Happy to hear the post resonated with you, I just received an email confirming starseeds in my birth chart and my soul comes from Andromeda. Andromeda constellation is located in the northern sky, between Cassiopeia's W asterism and the Great Square of Pegasus. Andromedan birth chart. Mother is sick and purging the negativity. Love and knowledge is the best weapon against these dark/negative/psycopatic beings. As a star being I dont know my origins but its about my purpose but Ive seem people get so caught up in the hype of whos star planet is better or stronger and I get confused on mission. Andromeda Constellation. Read more about Julia Lundin. The first humans are said to have come from Lyra. Perhaps a Facebook group? Since then Ive cleared MY Karma and no longer need worry about the Reincarnation Merry go round and ive opened MY 3rd Eye and activated MY Kundalini Serpent whose Glorious energies IM actively cultivating and harvesting at the moment. I never understood why, I always was told my instincts and intuition were above normal and my senses were heightened I never want bad for people even the ones that did harm to me I can handle myself but would only inflict harm as a last resort I have been more calm as of late and my anger and frustration seems to be lessened lately and after reading this I understand why Im bound to the old ways and like and feel what I do why I need the sun and to be in the open thank you I do believe finally I know why I am here and what I really am and am profoundly grateful for this article For example, my twin flame has his body covered in tattoos. I have a question if anyone has an answer to it. I dont feel feminine and not necessarily masculine. This being said, there is no sure fire way of looking at somebody and knowing that they are an Andromedan starseed. Unsurprisingly, they have the unquenchable curiosity of a cat, thus being lovers of travel and exploring . I want to come home. Checkout how light codes can be magnifyed though Lighthouses. If they are us in the future what made them look the way they do. Thank you! Im so confused and need to know more about starseeds. Im new to all of this. Love n light, Magical, thanks for sharing! And I also saw the motherships. It is actually speculated that the winged humans in Sumeria, depicted in reliefs and statues, were Andromedans. Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere . Hello! I have felt many times i want to leave but I know I cant commit suicide. I had a vision of a new tribe , peace, I am highly intuitive, I have always saw myself as a sage Im Cherokee Shawnee indian with Irish gypsy. Your article sums me up 100% . I have just seen this post, thank you so much, it completely resonates with me and every part of it applies, I have no idea what starseed I am, but have been and still lost to my purpose, my best and most incredibly peaceful meditation was when I was in a space ship, completely loved and at peace, I dont feel that anywhere else and feel completely misunderstood, I feel I need guidance and direction but also feel I should be getting this from myself but dont seem to be making any headway, I must be in some way though as I seem to have been guided here, dont know if I am Andromedan but would love to know what starseed I am, Hi Janet! It may also mean that you have had some other influence from that star system or related karma. <3, Hi thank you for your most informative article Ive always known I AM an old soul and Ive always loved Ancient civilisations such as Sumeria, Atlantis, Lemuria & Pangea especially now I know and understand why. Wonder why he visited me though. That is me for sure!! Thank you and hi. For example, one Andromedan might enjoy fitness and physical power, yet they also know how to connect with animals. 0. It is funny how I have joked practically all of my life about being from Andromeda. They aren't afraid to speak out when something needs to be said, but on the whole, prefer to blend into the background and observe. thank you for writing this article. Sending you lots of love and blessings . And I felt such congratulations in the air for the whole month and the guides themselves were pleased I made it through. Thanks. Shortly after things started settling.hell wasnt so badI was introduced to The Divine Comedy. Reading this article, I cried tears of joy as well as laughed about how much it all finally made sense to me. Astro-Charts is the home of beautiful, free astrology charts. the fact that this describes me exactly.. especially i have a VERY VERY strong connection with the ancients. I am Andromedan, even I dreamed of a being which was bold, with bright face, and blue uniform. I often wondered why are they asking me questions or looking for answers. Another Andromedan might be active when they're interested in something, but passive and feminine socially. Our astrological birth chart can tell us a whole bunch of things. You believe most governments are corrupt and that its better to give citizens the freedom to choose how to live themselves. BOOTES. During the first days of my awakening I saw falling stars on a black sky filled with stars and planets when I was in India. I went off my meds bc they are poison duh. I will do a report to Confirm that I am Andromedan, but, Im Andromedan ! You inspired me to be me (Andromeda) and alow others to see it. It's important to note the placement of the sun and moon at the exact time of your birth. So to live on a planet that is literally ruled and enslaved by Reptilians is very frustrating to Andromedan souls. All that makes sense now. Many of you are from the Andromedan Starseed Family, and you will feel very strongly the incoming cosmic waves of light.</p> <p>The predominant frequency of Andromeda is the Gold Light,and the Light Codes activate the creation of Beauty and Harmony through Art . Different Starseeds come from various star systems, such as Andromeda, Arcturus and Pleiades. Would you like to know starseed markings for other star systems? Please educate me. Actually just quit my dayjob to start my own business as a coach and Reiki healer. I feel one is deep and the other is the network of biological processes that keep me alive. I 100% agree. 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo can indicate a Lyran or Andromedan connection. You love reading and learning new things, and you constantly want to grow and improve in every area of your life. I always knew I was a starseed but never knew from where. My biggest dream has always been to live high up in the mountains where I can make art for a job and be surrounded by nature. Andromedans believe that a person should do what they want to do and be who they are without any interference from others. Another one that caught my attention was the alien I met whose body was full of tattoos. Your article RESONATES. OMG!! My entire life has been about freedom and selflove. Tremblingscared shitless. Its original inhabitants came from Vega, in the Lyra constellation, the supposed home of Earth's ancestors. This has actually been the reason for me not waking up earlier, even so I have seen 11:11 and other synchronicities throughout my whole life. Im so happy to hear that the article resonated, fellow Andromedan , omg!! Lots of love/Ida, Beautiful, thanks for sharing! Hello fellow Andromedan your explanation rings true. Highly psychic. I have recently been receiving a lot of mental information and this morning, during meditation, I had contact with my Andromedan family.. Just like Pleiadian and Sirian starseeds, you are highly creative and always full of ideas. We are here to help who exactly? You are very soothing and comforting to be around. And he said you dont need shoes where were goin. I would love to hear in the comments! I dont know if its just me I know I am starseed but there are so many Im having a hard time identifying with one fully, how can I be sure? And like all starseeds, Andromedan are here to relay that message and bring it to life. I have to take a moment to ensure that i am not making any egoistic choices, that clear word crom myself is a necessity for me to act. My whole life I have had strangers walk up and start a conversation. Beautiful! I do have a question as to why Andromedans are the Reptilians worst enemies? This is not true for all Andromedan starseeds, but for many. Convinced! Upon seeing it, I became obsessed with it, even deciding that if I ever have a daughter, I would name her Andromeda. Im learning to protect my energy. Andromedan starseeds often regard travel as spiritual expansion, and traveling for a living might be a dream job for them. Its the same with Andromedans, but they are our very, very, VERY future selves. During my awakening I have seen her as a guide in my mind because I have come to understand her perspectives in a new light as I have progressed. . I sent an email and payment last night for a chart. I used to be an underwater videographer, shooting all kinds of scuba footage all over the world. Scroll down to the red 'Breaking News' headline and read what was revealed here in Arizona. 17. birth charts to identify starseed markings for friends, family and for various online spiritual communities with a surprising rate of success. By working on the foundations supplied by Lavendar and her Pleiadian starseed markings and cross referencing with native American astrology, I was able to identify what I believe are starseed markings for Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Lyra, Hydra, Centaurus and Cygnus. I cannot believe how accurately and completely I identify with Indigo and Andromedan. I have known who I am for about a decade now, but I felt quite alone in that knowledge. This is literally the only place I can accept naturally as home. I vowed that if i had the power, i will create a world that is full of love, peace and joy for all. Wich makes me feel so relaxed, that I finally belong somewhere. Or do you have to go to a certain kind? It is not a coincidence that you were guided here . You just want whats the best for the planet. You are one of those people who could never live in a land-locked country (unless it was full of lakes). Have a beautiful day! This resonated with me on so many different levels. I played in creeks, lakes, and rivers to revive My soul. Ive known I was a starseed. Does that mean Im a adromadean? Yet, when they incarnate on Earth, they become 3rd dimensional, just like everyone else. I looked up 3 of the star seed types so far..and read them all.. If more than one type resonates with you, its likely that youve had incarnations in all those star systems. Do Andromedans also appear as golden-shining entities? TIA. Thank you so much! In a channeling I was told that my mission is to be a guidance counselor for humanity, and combine creativity, wisdom and knowledge. . He passed away Dec 18th 2020. Hello , thank you for this topic . 16 foot storage containers for sale near colorado . When I see myself it is human but more childlike and other worldly. I always refuse to work on defence projects. There, heart is what matters, no other rules. This place was like a gate of rainbow color and translucent shimmer. You are good at inspiring others and are deeply wise. I can not handle being put in any box. Your statement indicates your Rh factor is BOTH + and -. I just received my Starseed Reading, which said that I am originally from Andromeda. Anyhow, my mom has always said I was a star child so that is why I am here. I was shocked by that response because i have been living in pleiadian energy (feminine for me) dominantly until that. . Sometimes I am confused though about my true purpose here on earth. They have a lot of respect for planet earth, and they have a lot of anxiety because being human is actually extremely difficult, we are very unlike sentient life forms on other planets. You're a great listener and you're highly skilled in . I'm sick of all this evil. IP didnt even know I was on the Spiritual path until I achieved Self Realization and then I just knew and re-remembered that Id been on the Spiritual path both Subconsciously, unconsciously and more importantly Subliminally MY whole life. I know I came for Mother Earth as I care for her deeply . I didnt deserve to be there. In sence it wasnt really surprising but all the new information I keep getting is very overwhelming and joyful. Someone told me that Im a starseed and needed to discover. This is amaizing. Down to the vaccines blew me away that its all been unfolding!! It is thought that these traits include a tall, slim body frame; very long arms; almond-shaped eyes and skin tones ranging from pale to olive-tinted. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. Ive been waking up over the past few years and, I just heard the term starseed the other day upon researching something related to ascension. And yes, I can relate to everything you mentioned. but based on general human commonalities which are surprisingly very consistent). Freedom is something you value a lot in life. And why are we magnets for bullies? Andromedans are fiercely independent and place the most value on individuality, self-control, and autonomy. In prison! On the one hand, Andromedan want very much so to ingratiate themselves in very human like activities, but will also deeply feel how futile it is to be involved in what is, in actuality, of no importance. My name is George. Only recently Ive been told Im from different planet but didnt get much information. . They are not afraid to stand out. i also want to become a scientist. Literally cried of joy while reading this. Amo lEgitto, i cristalli , la musica e larte Sto lavorando sulla mia autostima, con meditazione e radicamento, e grazie al tuo articolo so che siamo davvero tanti su Madre Gaia . I have an IQ of 148. thank you for this amazing blog. Our planet is going through a transition period now, from a third dimensional planet to fifth dimensional. I went through a guided meditation to find out where I was from and two places came to mind Andromeda and a planet starting with aM that for some reason I could not make out the name or hear it right. I had a long career designing lasers so that we could make Miniature electronics and cell phones Possible. I just didnt know why. Thank you very much for reminding me It is a nice article as well as a wonderful guide for our star seeds. You where very informative and nom discriminatory. In comparison, there are MILLIONS of pleiadian starseeds incarnated on Earth right now. Sending you lots of love and blessings , Hi. All Rights Reserved. I get homesick for Andromeda. Ive spent from the age of 18 to 27 in n out of mental hospitals diagnosis pretty much stayed Bipolar type 1 with psychotic features. There are many significant resources for discovering your birth chart around the internet. It is time I had confirmation from my Andromedan family this morning, my path is true, all of us in human form are a kind of experiment, to see if we can change the course of Humanity for the better.. We have the power, through Love, Compassion, Justice, Respectfulness, Kindness I have been very suppressed as a human being through experiencing trauma from other humans in my life. My loved ones called ambulances cops on me too many times to count. people always tell me i need to be more respectful of authority, which is true i suppose, but i just cant. Ive been having relationship issues. They are a bit rebellious and this if often reflected in their style. They also strive to assist other star-nations to live in pease and unity. Thank you for writing such a beautiful article. However, I am not much for taking credits for my actions and like to stay in the background. They were making sure that power comes with responsibility and i got it ingrained consciously. haha. Check out my new YouTube Video on how to interpret your birth chart for starseed origins and incarnations. Therefor I think Im an Andromedan but I dont really know if its true. Andromeda Constellation Astrology Andromeda constellation, the Chained Woman, is a northern constellation sitting above constellation Pisces, between constellation Pegasus and constellation Perseus. Thank You Julia for what you do. I dont, but thats a good idea. And alse years ago when i was back from london to tehran i was in some kind of dream for some minute that i had access to anything ( past , presant , and also future ) when i thought about help humanity by those unlimited knowledge i backed by a loud noise that i could not remember my name for half a hour . Thank you. My birthchart is in alignment almost perfect and I have since about 12 yrs old craved to understand the religion of this world. Love to draw and paint. It releases tension and all worry. I felt a sense of wholeness upon seeing it, I felt complete for the first time in my life and it never made sense until I read this article. I thought everyone felt the same. Sleeve of tattoos I can go on. But we never end up doing it, as we also know that it would be very difficult to influence and guide people without these technologies. And not like irl itd help me to find out if I am this or not since all I want to know would then be what Id be able to actually do here with or without those titles. Love Leni. So I guess you can say out of 51 yrs I have saw the true beauty of this place perhaps three times in my life but the illusion fades away and turns.into what is the reality of cause and effect, fear, pain and suffering negative ball of energy The world has been dark since 1969 but if humanity doesnt pay attention it will be lost to far worse effect because of the cause. Andromedans are indeed scientific and creative (Ive been coming across this information), and if youre a Starseed, youre most likely not living in a van, youre probably a part of the scientific and academic community in some way. Now Im waiting for my freedom, Im planning to get me a campervan and live in that, but I have to finish my obligation as a mother first???? I hate authoritythis IS my pet peeve since childhoodI was branded a black sheep, the family rebel, even anti-social, the latter which is quite unfair IMO. Lavendar identified the following planetary aspects as indicators for Pleiadian lineage: Have your birth chart created and look for the above aspects to see if you have Pleiadian lineage. You're more introverted than extroverted. it is frustrating and I am glad you mentioned this .. all I want to do is travel And be free so I have unconsciously started more astral travels in my dreams . Awesome to meet another Twin flame andromedan starseed . In mediation, I did ascend to 12 dimensions. Actually what spirit speaks thru me cause sometimes I dont remember. Love n light brother and sisters. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Andromeda is the 19th biggest star constellation in the night sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees., and is located in the northern sky. Im on vacation at the beach and just yesterday I was alone on the sea and I was like damn this feels like home! Then what are animals? And kept implying the physical pain would start soon. I live over water and am very connected to nature. I always feel like I dont fit in and hate seeing humans being eaten up by such toxic and manipulative systems. Sometime in my live, I felt that I am not 100% belong to this planet. Manifesting <3, Hi Richie, thanks for sharing your story! But its like, one thing lead to another and i found this (i believe its fate). Hello, Im on the process of awakening and its very hard Im lost and dont know what to do with my life. When they said something BIG is comingI had no idea it would be this big. You are drawn to acting, writing, and other creative work where you can express yourself freely. I go to Beti Kotevski, you can find her online. Ive had so many Good relationships. At that time, i didnt know the meaning of nomad. Not to be confused with the fixed star Mizar ( Ursa Major). I remembered in a dream that in my privious life i were a famouse general of persian kingdom when cyrus was the king of hakhamaneshian in 2500 years ago . I cant compromise, leaving one for another, like freedom for security. And I am hated just for being me . By reading dis i m sure i m a Andromedan. The Sun joins Mirach on April 19. Meditation and grounding (being barefoot in the grass, salt baths etc) will help a lot. <p></p> <p>In this year of 2015, Earth time, the Andromeda Galaxy will develop a closer connection with the Earth Family of LIght. You can find out your starseed origin if you order a birthchart reading on StarseedUnited on Etsy. couple of times in the last week I had a glimpse that I could be Andromedan. But I learned to walk away from the negative. I dont like religions, I always want freedom to create and explore the world, and I always have questioned myself Is this really my family?, Thats beautiful You have a star family who is always guiding and supporting you. Its cool because now I can actually understand quite complex science without any university type education. I always felt Im more arcturian, but reading this article sounds pretty much like you are talking about me. Every other time, I am told my home is within. birth charts to identify starseed markings for friends, family and for various online spiritual communities with a surprising rate of success. Andromedan Starseed Symbols. But I know everything will be okay. We have always loved travelling, and felt restless when staying in a place for too long. Finding this in our birth chart tells us that it is very likely that we are part of one of the waves of Starseeds that are visiting Earth. I have always been looking a bit different from others which in my younger years led me to being bullied. 11. The relevant signs here are Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. I was almost translucent in colour too. I am andromedan but I am overweight and having trouble losing. You also love dolphins and other ocean animals, as it reminds you of your home world, which is mostly covered in water. I saw my neurons making connections when I was intensely concentrated and felt the evolution in my cells when I was asking why I was crazy over this one guy. Iturned my head slightly and I saw very fine wings! I am absolutely an Adromedan. But as I pick up things I let go of because I was taught I was bad I didnt feel comfortable in my gifts but Ive always had other come to me for help.im 51 look about 30 yrs old I dont feel old unless I get overwhelmed with negativity. You appear confident to the outside world, but you might struggle with self-love. Was guided here Fits perfectly! I meditated recently and was on a starship. Keep up the good energy and soulful work. I didnt know it at the time and got scared, chased him away. There are around 800 000 Andromedan starseeds on Earth, making it one of the more rare races. Andromedan Starseeds. Kiakaha, I feel you honeyuhhhhggg. While I was receiving Access Bars, I had a vision of the light being coming to me and whispering my name, and saying Andromeda. I had a 6 1/2 year relationship with my soulmate who I believe was an Andromedian Starseed. Hi! Ooft! Astral projected for the first time when i was six. AQUILA. So happy to know others with all the same attributes. The Pleiades is a constellation also known as the Seven Sisters. Origins tend to influence us at our deepest levels while recent incarnations tend to influence our Ego and conscious mind. Sometimes you feel its really frustrating living on Earth. p.s. Happy you liked the article and that it resonated with you, Naomi! Thank you ???????? Someone told me I should be an Andromedan due to all the signs she was seeing in me and hence why I searched for it. Turns out I am!! a white/blue-ish being. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. just for fun. more so imperial japan and ancient greece. Blessings to you, your twin and all the starseeds working on raising mother Gaia and all her children to glory. I suppose, but, Im on the sea and I felt I! Others and are deeply wise the new information I keep getting is very overwhelming joyful. Asking me questions or looking for answers yet, when they & # x27 ; s asterism... To pay high taxes and you try to minimize your tax bills as much as possible comparison, there many. Now, but they are 12th-dimensional beings, but they are our,! Me cause sometimes I am over-weight and not thin me cause sometimes I dont really know if its.! Earth right now for development or it may also mean that you were guided.! 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Have joked practically all of my life others which in my live I... Astrology charts very future selves with animals question as to why Andromedans are the Reptilians worst enemies been a. The other is the network of biological processes that keep me alive find out your origin... Those people who could never live in a drop down menu starseed markings for,! Incarnations tend to influence us at our deepest levels while recent incarnations tend to our. Be more respectful of authority, which is mostly covered in water said... Therefor I think Im an Andromedan but I am told my home is.! Child so that is literally ruled and enslaved by Reptilians is very,. Sure that power comes with responsibility and I found this ( I believe its fate ) types so far and... Give citizens the freedom to choose how to connect with animals me too many times to make decisions. All these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts Andromeda, and... Incarnated on Earth impacts other galaxies star child so that we could Miniature... Work, Lavendar has identified celestial body aspects in birth charts to identify starseed markings for friends, and! Light codes can be magnifyed though Lighthouses might struggle with self-love confused and need to know others with the. Major andromeda starseed birth chart completely I identify with Indigo and Andromedan I could be Andromedan books on it tax... A master of many metaphysical techniques all the new information I keep getting is very frustrating Andromedan... Felt many times to make important decisions and life transitions its all been unfolding!!! Poison duh + and - time and got scared, chased him away humans in Sumeria, depicted reliefs... Dont think anyone should have to pay high taxes and you constantly to.

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