should a christian sue for pain and suffering

Suffering Allows Us to Minister. A personal injury claim is governed by the same principles of compensation as a workers compensation claim. According to Jesus, you should settle an argument with an adversary even before you go to court. The psalmist learned this lesson as he wrote in Psalm 119:67: "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word. We find ourselves at the heart of the Christian mystery, inaccessible except through an experience of it: no one who does not know it can prove its efficacy or find its solution. Suffering is excellent at teaching us humble dependence on God, the only appropriate response to our Creator. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4:1718, This light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. But even medicine is a gift from God where man tested God's creation and created medications that would help our fallen, human bodies. Deprivation does not demand a positive cause but the search for its origin. The Parable of the Good Samaritan corroborates what Christ said about the Last Judgment; "I was sick and you visited me". Today the existence of evil still looms as perhaps the largest objection to the Christian faith. May pain and suffering be transformed into a source of strength for all humanity. Suffering Because of The Culture / Systems of the World. Limited Right to Sue - By choosing the Limitation on Lawsuit Option, you agree not to sue the person who caused an auto accident for your pain and suffering unless you sustain one of the permanent injuries listed below . In the counseling world, there is a counseling therapy called Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT) that was specifically created to help people with the most severe mental illness and trauma symptoms that work well within Christian counseling. Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding. Mystery, in the Christian faith, is not darkness but dazzling brightness. The solution to the mystery of evil is not only discovered through theological exposition but also by experiencing that something which, if steadily gazed at, darkens because of its excessive brightness yet is very real - we can say the most real reality -, for it is the only way to happiness. The original version of this article is found at The bottom line is that most types of workplace injury claims can only be resolved through the workers' comp . Pain and suffering damages are often the largest part of a . Marine Corps recruiter Randy Norfleet survived the Oklahoma City bombing despite losing 40 percent of his blood and needing 250 stitches to close his wounds. This is a Trinitarian and Christological solidarity in which the absolute fullness of life is attained through death. To get the best possible experience please use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to view this website. But Jesus said, I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. The point of Job's trials was to enable heavenly beings to see God glorified in Job. To sue for pain and suffering or emotional stress, you have to file a personal injury lawsuit and prove that your employer was at fault. ibid.,n. This the opinion of Job's friends (cf. Claims Amount = $2,000 + $300 X [1.5 to 5%] For a serious debilitating injury, like a disfigurement or brain damage, your claim is estimated to be in the range of $11,500.00 to $23,000.00. Please try again later. For further help and information you may wish to visit the website of Peacemaker Ministries. This divine action is an act of the Most Holy Trinity since the Eternal Father gave his Son to humanity so that he might redeem it through the work of the Holy Spirit. The wisdom we need in this world often wears black. Christ provides an answer to the problem of suffering by offering his unreserved availability and compassion; his presence is effective: he gives help and gives himself (cf. Tertullian said: "Credo quia ineptum".By experiencing relief from evil through suffering, and through that cruelest form of suffering which sums up all imaginable forms of suffering, the Cross, this "ineptum",becomes "aptum",the most just and rational that we can imagine, for it is the only way to experience happiness. You have firsthand experience of both his sustaining grace and his purposeful design. We would suggest that its best to begin by seeking mediation or arbitration. Once youve identified who is at fault for your pain and suffering, its time for some detective work. Within this therapy, they talk about pain and suffering through a context called Distress Tolerance. Each person in his or her suffering is united with the suffering of Christ, and thus this suffering mysteriously becomes a source of life and resurrection. Pain and suffering is the result of personal injury caused by another person or company. When a member is hurting, the church applies the bandages; when a member is down, the church encourages; when a member is in need, the church comes alongside to help. The Holy Spirit is the Love of the Father and of the Son, and it is only through the Love of the Spirit that we can glimpse this mysterious, redeeming solidarity. They've lost track of history. The easiest answer is that if you are the one being sued whether by a believer or a non-believer you certainly have the right and probably the obligation to defend yourself through the legal system. They would be entitled to compensation for their economic injuries separately (the cost of medical care and lost wages). The reason is because the standards, values, philosophies and culture of the world are opposed to Biblical values. C.S. When doctors said he would probably lose the sight in his right eye, Mr. Norfleet said, "Losing an eye is a small thing. . our 99 Self-Care Techniques for Christians, How God Used My Struggles with Scrupulosity to Teach Me His Amazing Grace. We get to the point of saying, "Lord, I can only make it through today if You help me . You want to find an attorney who knows the jurisdiction in which your lawsuit will be filed and understands insurance laws and damages caps. . My weakness made me more like a fragile, easily broken window than a solid brick wall. Nevertheless, if this brother refuses to listen to them, then this matter needs to be referred to the church for further action. California, for example, limits non-economic damages such as pain and suffering to $250,000 in malpractice suits. In some states, awards for non-monetary damages (such as pain and suffering) are capped at a certain amount. But just as sunlight pours through a window but is blocked by a wall, I discovered that other people could see God's strength and beauty in me because of the window-like nature of my weakness! Measuring Pain and Suffering Damages. Deep suffering of the soul is also a taste of hell. grief. Proverbs 25:8. Cases include: Pain and suffering can be caused by injuries such as: Factors that affect the amount of a pain and suffering settlement include: In most cases the settlement you are seeking is paid by an insurance company and the policy limits control how much of a settlement they offer. Romans 5:12 confirms that this happened after Adam's fall, "Just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all . Feeling isolated is one of the hardest parts of suffering. National and International Religion Report, Vol. Whatever brings you closer to God is a blessing. In fact, in the Book of Job and someother Books of the Old Testament the answer is that the cause of evil the transgression of the natural order created by God. There is a statement in Deuteronomy 25:1 that states, When men have a dispute, they must take it to court, and the judges will decide the case, acquitting the innocent and condemning the guilty. Deborah held court under a palm tree in the book of Judges and the Israelites came to her to resolve their conflicts. Some states cap the amount of damages that can be awarded in a pain and suffering settlement. Having been falsely arrested, he used the application of Roman law to be able to regain his freedom once he had been falsely incarcerated. Sally makes $10 per hour at a fast-food restaurant. You can retain an attorney to send a demand letter and negotiate a settlement. In Exodus 21:18-19, money damages are allowed for wages lost and medical care (Exodus 21:18-19), for pain and suffering (Exodus 21:22), and for the permanent impairment of a body part (Exodus 21:27). Suffering, the Pope says, consists in feeling cut off from good. Log in. The problem is especially difficult when it comes to the question of whether christians can bring lawsuits against others for personal injury. And He was the strongest person the world has ever seen. Pope John Paul II states: "Suffering is something which is still wider than sickness", because there is a "distinction between physical suffering and moral suffering" (Salvifici Doloris, n. 5). Exodus 21:27. His suffering is redemptive; its depth can be measured by the depth of the evil in the history of the world, especially since the person who suffers it is God (cf. Draft a demand letter. Its important to work with an attorney who has handled your type of case successfully in the past and who knows what a reasonable settlement is. Get Your Free Consultation From a Top Lawyer. To begin with, the courts do not have anything inherently evil about them. James 1:2-4 reminds us that trials produce perseverance, which makes us mature and complete. 9:10, May 1, 1995, 1. Give to the one who asks you, and does not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from does. Pope John Paul II does not conceal the fact that suffering is something complex, enigmatic and intangible that must be treated with full respect and compassion and even with awe; but this does not justify the attempt to understand it, since only in this way will it be possible to come to terms with it. Also, the Bible discusses the consequences of suing another Christian, so we can infer that there are negative consequences for doing so (1 Corinthians 6:1-8). If someone is suing you for pain and suffering, then perhaps it is because they are experiencing financial hardship due to their own negligence or wrongdoing. The cost for severe injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury, will likely be multiplied by a higher number. Lets say a Christian contractor performed work on a brother Christians house, but the brother refused to pay. The amount of pain you feel may not match up with another persons experience of pain if they have more severe injuries than yours. The Gospel, alone, is not the only form of justice that is Perfect, But this is the best form of justice that may be able to help many family members who lose family member(s) through the Wrong doing Of another in the form of injury or death due to the wrongdoing of another. Not His own strength; He displayed the Father's strength because of that very weakness. He wanted them to grow in trust and dependence on the Father. 1. How this has encouraged and strengthened me in the valleys of suffering and pain! Thus, John Paul II leads us to scrutinize the meaning of human suffering in a mysterious and dazzling way, and which is also the only valid perspective; at last, the enigma becomes mystery. My friend Pete buried his wife a few years ago after a battle with Lou Gehrig's disease. As for evil, it is a deprivation; it has no positive value in . Lawsuits can be useful when a contract is in dispute. It is victory over death. Answer. 14). The meaning of suffering is to do good by one's suffering and to do good to those who suffer (cf, ibid.,n.30). ibid.,n. Visit Probe's website. In fact, a Johns Hopkins study found that medical errors kill more than 250,000 Americans every year, making it the third-leading cause of death behind only heart disease and cancer. This market value on pain and suffering established by similar cases is a starting point from which lawyers operate. Suffering is a product of the fall, a consequence of human sin against God (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21). In addition to the comments above, you should also know that you are likely obligated to arbitrate your claim with Kaiser rather than sue in court. Christians may also face trials and suffer simply because we live in a world full of sin. Wherever there is suffering, there is a battle a battle for your soul. The mystery of suffering is contained in the mystery of Love, in the mystery of the Spirit. This reality is a stark reminder that we have not reached the new heavens and new earth. It is required of you, however, to treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector (i.e., a nonbeliever) if he refuses to listen to the church. Can a person sue for pain and suffering? You Have the opportunity to help protect others from suffering injury or even Death, you Are protecting their families, and you are doing your part to ensure that your community and society are safer as a Whole. It is a matter of a real vocation, especially when one is united to the Church with a Christian profession. 1. Firsthand experience in suffering is essential in equipping us for ministry. With the peace of Christ upon our hearts, let us love our neighbors in their suffering. This includes being charitable towards those who have wronged us or caused harm. Is it right for a Christian to sue? Depending on the facts of the case and what method is used to calculate damages, pain and suffering will make up some . Posted on Feb 6, 2012. 1. If the responsible party doesn't pay, identify the appropriate small claims court to hear your case. In addition to physical pain, plaintiffs can recover for the permanent physical . First, choose your state: . Towards the end of the book Business by the Book, published by Thomas Nelson, I provide the following answer: In view of the fact that there were no corporations in existence when the Bible was written, the best we can do in order to relate the principle to the closest parallel of that time: a government agency. For this solidarity, Christ brought the elimination of sin to completion through his suffering in his life, passion, death and Resurrection. I got facts in Sunday School, but I learned faith through trusting God in difficult circumstances. The church is meant to be a refuge for those suffering. Rhonda is an executive secretary earning $24 per hour. Exodus 21:22 states that if men who were fighting struck a pregnant woman during a fight and she gave birth prematurely but without serious injury, then the offender had to pay a fine equivalent to what the womans husband demanded and the court approved. d. a place where humans were banished from the. In this way we are within the nucleus of salvation. He does know what He's doing . One of the counterintuitive truths about suffering is that it prepares Christians for more glory. Many Christians only know they're saved without grasping what it is Christ has delivered them from. Pain and suffering. But losing Becky has enabled me to weep with those who weep with the comforting tears of one who has experienced that deep and awful loss. Pastor Dick Bacon once said, "If this life were easy, we'd just love it too much. A Christian Understanding of Pain and Suffering, The Thinking and Theology of John Paul II. When you're in pain, your world narrows down to mere survival, and it's easy for others to judge you for not "following the rules" that should only apply to those whose lives aren't being swallowed by the pain monster. . Sometimes an attorneys reputation can help as much as the facts of the case, but it is important to discuss compensation and consider the scale of your claims and possible payout when deciding who to hire. Some survivors, like Sue, wonder how there could be a God who would allow an innocent child to endure such pain and suffering, and others see no meaning or purpose in life. "5 The reality of God's power, His love, and His character are made very, very real to a watching world when we trust Him in our pain. Ever since the fall of Adam, we keep forgetting that God created us to depend on Him and not on ourselves. This means that pain and suffering is calculated over and above medical expenses at that rate. The reason His strength can shine through us is because we know God better through suffering. I have an appreciation of heaven gained from a different experience. So when I say to a mother or father who has also lost a child, "I hurt with you, because I've lost a precious one too," my tears bring warmth and comfort in a way that someone who has never known that pain cannot offer. It is stated in the Bible that a Christian is not prohibited from suing a company for the collection of a lawful debt, but this does not mean that a Christian should exercise this right to sue a company. Theology of suffering is the study of what the Bible says about suffering while considering who God is and the current state of humanity. He not only teaches those we rub shoulders with every day, but He instructs the countless millions of angels and demons. Jesus wants not just a pure bride, but a mature one as welland suffering produces growth and maturity in us. Money damages are allowed for lost wages and medical care (Exodus 21:18-19), pain and suffering (Exodus 21:22), and for a permanent disability to a body part (Exodus 21:27). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to the Bible, it is permissible to sue for hospital costs, rehabilitation, therapy, compensation for lost wages while unable to work, or the cost of any surgery that is required to correct a condition caused by the neglect of hospital employees or physicians. It further affirms that suffering is a punishment inflicted for self-correction, since good follows evil, leading to conversion and to rebuilding goodness (cf. In light of the tragedies we've experienced lately, such as shootings and wildfires, some may ask why there is pain and suffering in the world. Being cut off from good is an evil. panic attacks. 17). Both women are out of work for a month before being released from a doctor's care. Christ himself is the One who was cared for, and the one who fell into the hands of bandits is cared for and helped. I got truth from studying, but I got to know the Savior through suffering. It was the most horrible suffering we've ever known. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. 8). Sometimes attorneys who cannot take a case themselves have a system in place to refer cases to other attorneys, sometimes for compensation. ibid.,n. In Exodus 21:18-19, money damages are allowed for wages lost and medical care (Exodus 21:18-19), for pain and suffering (Exodus 21:22), and for the permanent impairment of a body part (Exodus 21:27).. They were persecuted, treated maliciously, and even killed. For example, if a plaintiff incurs $3,000 in medical bills . 2023 Forbes Media LLC. And from the Cross, not by virtue of the Cross but by virtue of the Father's omnipotence and the Spirit's solidarity and Love, the Incarnate Word recreates within us the authentic Adam, the man of truth, the model planned by God from all eternity so that we might be authentically human. Pastor Jack Hibbs explores answers to these questions. With the Cross, he overcomes sin, and with his Resurrection, death (Jn 3:16; cf. We need to be reminded that we are living in "Plan B." 2 Corinthians 1:9 tells us that hardships and sufferings happen "so that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.". Something went wrong. Love is the only key to deciphering the enigma of pain and suffering: love that can transform nothingness into full reality. Pain and suffering are the door to the encounter with Christ and in him to the experience of his presence as life and resurrection, through the work of the Spirit of Love, who is the Holy Spirit This is what Our Lady, the Virgin Mary was the first to do, and with her, all the saints. As a last resort, God has established the courts as a means of resolving disputes. Take along one or two other people with you if he wont listen to you. But in order for someone to say those powerful words"I know just how you feel because I've been there"that person had to walk through the same difficult valley first. . We naturally try to avoid suffering at all costs. All Christians suffer. But what about lawsuits between Christians and non-Christians? We are forced to depend on the intercession of the Holy Spirit and the saints, needing them to go before the throne of God on our behalf. I know the Bible says Christians should not sue Christians, but is it okay to sue non-Christians? But not always. Suffering has a subject and it is theindividual who experiences it; yet it is not imprisoned within the person but gives rise to solidarity with others who are suffering; for the only one who has a special awareness of this is the person, the whole person. I Believe This is especially true if you are a Christian. After many sleepless nights wracked by various kinds of pain, my friend Jan now knows what she was saved from. Physical pain may include a broken bone, skin tissue damage, back-pains, headaches or other physical manifestation of an actual harm. He has kept you through pain; he has reshaped you more into his image. Suffering is powerfully able to get us back on track. In other types of cases you may need to file a lawsuit or have your attorney share the merits of your case with the person or company who harmed you before they will offer a settlement. This often leads people into a serious search of the divine. It forces us to face the fact that we are powerless to change other people and most situations. But take heart! God is teaching other beings about Himself and His loved onesusas He did with Job. If this doesnt work, and if a lawsuit seems warranted, you should get the counsel of a Christian attorney who is in a position to supplement his legal expertise with wisdom drawn from the Bible. The following is a translation from Italian of excerpts of the Cardinal's lecture. Often, legal counsels will recommend that you file a lawsuit against your insurance company for loss as well as punitive damages. This is the central mystery of the entire Christian religion, not in the abstract nor in an immensely remote way, but in a closeness present in human history into whose temporal dimensions eternity bursts, through the historical Incarnation of the Word with his birth, life, passion, death and Resurrection. If a title is currently unavailable through Focus on the Family, we encourage you to use another retailer. Oswald Chambers reminds us that "God has one destined end for mankindholiness. But after three long years of holding on, during a visit from Cheryl's pastor, the wife trusted Christ on her deathbed and the husband received assurance of his salvation. The etymological root of the word helps us understand something about it: "mystery" derives from the Greek "M" or "M", which means closing the eyes, not in the sense of going about blind, but of closing the eyes if they are dazzled, such as occurs, for instance, when we look directly at the sun. Paul writes, "We know that all things work . Following a car accident, plaintiffs can generally sue for monetary damages (such as medical bills, medications, assistive technology, and lost wages), as well as for non-monetary damages, like pain and suffering, which includes . As well as striking the blow, the man was also responsible for seeing to it that the injured man was fully healed after the blow was struck. Obviously, if a Christian is suing you, it would be preferable to work out some kind of arbitration, as described above. substance abuse. In fact, our suffering is a sign of God's love. Paul confronts that type of thinking when he writes, Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). . The Pope thus situates us in the heart of the mystery whose light dazzles us. There is no such thing as pointless pain in the life of the child of God. Depending on the issue, you may have strong opinions about it. Her per diem is $192 x 30 days for a total of $5,760 for her pain . This means that "pain and suffering" compensation is not intended to compensate for a specific monetary loss, such as a medical bill and lost wages. And if you are faithful to cling to God now, I promise He will use you greatly to comfort others later." If God ordained it, then perhaps we should endure it in full strength. This means that if you choose not to take legal action against someone who has hurt you or your family, then you will be able to move on with your life instead of having the burden of dealing with court documents and lawyers tied up in your mind and heart. Basically the majority of christians see god and Satan as equal or mostly equal figures fighting for the souls of humans rather than the actual biblical relationship between them of Satan being a tool god uses to test the faith and morality if humans. 2008 Ron Blue. Luke 14:31-32. The pain and suffering amount should be fair and just in the light of the evidence. Evil is not a positive entity but a privation. Deep suffering of the soul is also a taste of hell. 12:6). This is the heart of Christianity. Sally's per-diem is $80 x 30 days for a total of $2,400 for her pain and suffering. 2. The Pope is aware of the difficulty of reasoning in this way and therefore tells us that the reality of suffering in solidarity should only be understood through the Resurrection. In these two verses, Paul lists several types of suffering mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. The world God originally made isn't the one we experience. The hosts in heaven stand amazed when they observe God sustain hurting people with His peace."4. Matthew 5:41-42 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. This aspect of suffering should drive us to long for a better . The average slip and fall settlement is between $15,000 and $45,000 for total damages. Those who have suffered tend not to judge others experiencing similar suffering. Some states cap the amount of damages that can be awarded in a pain and suffering settlement. Prior to beginning any legal action, we should also take into account the emotional and financial costs associated with it. Here are five important biblical truths about suffering every Christian should have ready: Suffering has many faces. Almost everyone is living with some kind of pain. if You take me through today . 7). Suffering gives rise to love for those who suffer, a disinterested love to help them by relieving it. Our understanding of the inevitability of suffering does not mean that we should regard it with complacency. When someone is injured by another person or business, there are two ways to approach the situation: suing or forgiving. My husband once told me that heaven is more real to me than anyone he knows. Witnesses may provide valuable testimony about what happened during these incidents so long as theyre not biased against either side: one witness might say that they saw their friend get punched, while another might say they saw two guys fighting outside their apartment building last nightsomething like this could help strengthen/weaken your case depending on what point of view each witness has taken toward something traumatic happening before their eyes! The Bible speaks of suing and the importance of seeking justice (1 Timothy 6:7), but it does not specifically address this issue. 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