my cat was attacked by a dog and ran away

I'm afraid for not only my cats life, but others in the neighborhood as well. However, as in people and every other living thing there are defects. Hissing, swatting at your dog, and biting your dog are all signs that show that your cat is jealous of your dog. He just chases them for fun. She was in my yard and when spotted by the dog, she began running so the dog chased her. After about 20 min I look outside and see our dogs over what seems to be something raggedy/ floppy. The cat was IN MY DOGS YARD. How do you know if your cat is traumatized? How you convince them killing is not the way is up to you, if you cant then put the animal down as the doctor recommends before it harms anymore animals and their families. ?????????????? We have friends who are allergic to dogs and feel the same way. I ran outside and threw my dogs off of her. My husky had about 10 to 15 scratches all over his face (the lab did not) indicating husky must have done most of the attacking. What am I suppose to do? Surprising Answer, Is it safe to fly a puppy on a plane? Unfortunately, this is the second time in a year my cat has been attacked by this dog and he was not so fortunate the first time. You can also swap out the blankets and bedding of each animal, giving it to the other. About ), and they knew not to run from Maggie. Font Size: Inside Edition has obtained video footage showing the terrifying moment a 10-foot-long alligator grabbed an 85-year-old Florida woman and killed her. Wheres the sensitivity of these hypocrite dog-owners and so-calling-themselves animal-lovers when it comes to thinking about WHAT a feline cat has to bear before she/he is killed brutally and so-cruelly by MURDEROUS DOGS and their insensitive and stupid and SELFISH OWNERS???!!! Of course they are not allowed outside at night and they will not be together with other animals when not supervised. She was ALWAYS a big-time cat lover and didnt even like dogsI couldnt believe it. My cat was doing fine on iv fluids and was about to be discharged from the veterinarian hospital the following morning - her temperature stabilized after being hypothermic from . But most of the time they are either communicating with us or waiting for us to communicate with them. The neighbors cats would tease the dogs incessantly by peering at them through the knot holes, and then they would jump to the top of the fence and walk back and forth on the 24 teasing the dogs. How to choose the right food for your cat. Invest in pheromones that relax and calm down your cat. I think maybe somebody who had her when she was a puppy might have been abusing her and maybe that is why she goes for the throat. This is the second cat the dog has attacked. Even though my cat is on a cord in our own yard i still look at her every couple of minutes to see that she is ok. she is terrified of the crows. He knows the cats are off limits, he has never had aggression towards them until the last year. Sometimes kitties can be stupid and get themselves hanged. A lot of pet owners, I have found, since I have worked with about 15,000 over the past 40 years, dont understand that much about dogs and their drives. The dogs prey instinct. I can stop a dog from being agressive in just 10 minutes a day! Based on this reason, it can be used as self-defense. unforunatley the gate was somehow left open and my 4 year old cat was attacked by 2 dogs. I checked in on him this AM and he was in a crouching position looking at me but does not want to come out. Part of that initial assessment will be evaluating the cat's airway, breathing, circulation, and consciousness. (If their dog was either tied outside all day or ran free, I felt it Cat stalks dog and attacking them is not uncommon. She was very limp but still alive. She stated he most likly has superficial injuries (bruising pulled mussels). The inside of the lungs. She was a lot of protection and a good dog. And youre a doctor? situation where it was cornered or teasedby innocent children perhaps. The My dog was IN HIS YARD. It is natural for this breed. He seemed to enjoy it, because he didnt move. Stress is the cause of aggression. I do not think it is very responsible of the owner to not have his dog in a secure area. , swatting at your dog, and biting your dog are all signs that show that your cat is jealous of your dog. She lives to chase squirrels! Keeping the cat warm, quiet, and still will help you administer first aid and transport the cat safely to a veterinary hospital. My dog, Cookie, will not attack any cat. That was a week ago. Now I may be wrong, but I feel that an animal that would attack another (dog Noticing your dog and cats feelings and acting according to it can help you to improve their relationship. I live in the country. We were finally In the middle of the night I was letting both of our dogs out and our very old boy was innocently walking near that darn bowl and the GSD lunged and became extremely violent toward our old dog. What provoked this attack? The wounds are horrific! The puppy is still learning about cats with claws. Last week, I was outside with my dog and granddaughter to let him potty. Dear Doc Andrews, Oxygen therapy may also be utilized if the cat is having trouble breathing. If your dog took your cats belongings then returning it can stop its hissing. Each dog (and each cat) is an individual and will learn at his or her own pace. The dog came from 4 houses away and my cat (who was resting in my flower bed on my property) tried to run away as best he can, but he's 20 years old. Neither she nor the dogs can get out and nothing to date can get inI wouldnt trust her out any other way. Well I must agree with everyone else so far. Isnt it enough for them to just keep the cats out of the yard? Would I have this dog killed? Does my dog need to be seen by the veterinarian after it has been in a fight? Wrap the bandage firmly, but not tightly. Back the dog away from the cat and tie the leash to the nearest sturdy structure, such as a telephone pole. The attack happened on MY PROPERTY! I also currently have 9 dogs in the orphan house. I would absolutely kill a dog attacking a cat. I wanted to put her down, but the humane society said I couldnt that we were to return her and they gave her to another couple. Sometimes, your dog can simply try to be friendly with your dog and approach it. I have to agree with everyone who already said what I was thinking. Repeated behavior becomes learned good or bad. I have my back yard fenced which is about 1/4 acres and my dogs spend their time back there where they can run and play. I feel terrible for the kitty and kittys owner but this was a case of human errorand poor kitty was the one who had to pay the price. For example, if the dog sleeps in the bedroom with you at night, dont pick that room for the cat. I do think she did the correct thing. Any one have any comments to make me feel like i made the right choice? Yes, of course. I have a problem I have two Pappilons and recently adopted a stray cat At first they got along now the cat is going after the dogs and they are terrified I am starting to consider declawing the cat because she hurt one of the dogs in the face I dont want to hurt her but I am afraid she will really hurt the dogs What do I do. THEY CANNOT RUN LOOSE!!! Call ahead if you can so they'll expect you and have time to prepare. Pit bulls need to be banned everywhere. It does not matter what breed the dog is, it is a DNA instinct. Caregivers are responsible for their own pets wellbeing. All 4 dogs will even come up and do a nose to nose with the hounds. That being said, some of the dogs (including my own -beagles,shetland How do I help him adjust? If you don't see identification, call your local animal control. Avoidance is one way of control but it doesnt get rid of the problem. The dogs behavior too will decide how long it takes. So as far as the comments made about these things happen to unresponsible owners I would disagree as I consider myself a responsible owner who has not had any problems with the animals before. Stop behaving in such a way, so that it feels safe. I see this time and time again. If my dog pooped on my neighbors yard then I would have to clean it up or be liable to pay a fine but their cat can come poop on my porch with no concequence. If something in your house spooked your cat and there's an open door or window nearby, it's likely that your kitty will bolt to safety. Otherwise, your cat can attack your dog seriously. This may not be all the time. We often redirect our whole frustration to work or something on others-like our family members. The favorite time of day for me and my cats has been permanently ruined. It is a shame because he NEVER had a problem with my friends & neighbors cats before that day in the vets office. Many dogs can injure or kill a cat very quickly, and your dog can also be injured by the cat. The people who gave me the puppy said they were good with animals, good with children and had the potential to be good guard dogs. When Puppy (my puppy) had a litter of pups, one of my cats which was very friendly was right with the little puppies and the mother and the mother didnt mind. Grabbed him by the stomach. We taught our cat no nails. Boys take a cat from its owners porch and set it on fire, apparently for their amusement. They are best friends [emoji]128516[/emoji]. Learn the language of the dog, cat (yes cats can be trained to do a lot of things) hamster, gerbil, G. pig, goldfish, whatever the pet is. I feel like the dog should be put down. But, a pack of dogshowever obedientstill have instincts that can trigger something when another animal intrudes on their area of containment. Based on this reason, it can be used as self-defense. You cannot euthanize a dog if both animals were loose outside. themselves as if to say.take THAT! Dogs can be trained with just a little time and energy. The dogs owner is supposed to be the person in charge, and if he or she says that the dog should leave this or that alone, then that should be the way it is. If all the dogs/cats in the neighborhood were confined, animals would be much safer. She killed a few cats but it was because her guarding, protective nature kicked in. This is much worse. If they had not been Dogs dont have that. If you find a cat that's been attacked by a dog, you'll want to keep it calm and tend to its injuries. When my dog was younger, and much smaller, she would take turns being chased by the cat, then chasing him back. Have you ever felt your dogs eyes following you, like theyre watching your every move? When you go out, then lock both of them separately, by providing all of its necessities. USE A HARNESS. Should I take my dog to the vet after a dog fight? RIGHT NOW by going here:, Tel: 1-800-396-1534 It had even run into my home, grabbed one of my cats by the next and shook it violently outsideshe luckily escaped and came back a day later. Ongoing or large bleeds can result in the pet running out of red blood cells and looking pale. We dont see her or her vicious little dog anymore. Cat Articles | To begin desensitization, let the dog view the cat briefly through the gate, and then get the dog to focus on something else, such as playing with a toy or practicing cues. He was following his training.just as other animals that bite/attack are following their internal training (instinct) HOWEVER, if we cannot REtrain them, they are a danger to the neighborhood and should NOT be kept as pets. Dr. After two major surgeries in less than a week, my kitty is coming home tomorrow You cant blame this on the dog or the owner. Should we then have immediately destroyed our dog as he had semingly attacked my mother-in-laws cat Sunday, June 13th, my 95 lb., 3 1/2 year old shep mix suddenly attacked one of my cats that she grew up with. This was a thousand dollar emergency room visit for my dog and the payment was due that day. Home & Forums | thank you. Now all these animals have grown up together, they sleep together, they play together, they all eat in the same room on seperate sides of the room. I would kill a dog immediately if I witnessed a dog killing a cat, Your email address will not be published. Many cuts (lacerations), bruises (contusions), and scrapes (abrasions) are not life threatening and will heal with little treatment. We panicked and while one of the owners went to get the dog, we saw the dog suddenly stop (on its OWN, before anyone even left the kitchen) and SPIT OUT the cat. Stopped breathing They brought her respiration back. What should you do if a dog attacks your cat? person, but still a NICE person.). But should the dog be destroyed? animals should be as unconditional as those for drunk driving in CA: if your pet is caught harming, you go straight to jail, no ifs ands or buts. Do not leave them alone all the time. The dogs have been punished and are not allowed indoors. The cat should have been supervised or not out if owners were not home. There is a way to deal with it that is also very simple. A cat with bone or spinal injuries must lie flat on a firm surface, such as a sturdy board. It had just happened, so we both rushed to the clinic. Its sad for the dog. Final Verdict Cat Attacks Dog Unprovoked. My neighbors cat (a little off the charts in behavior) has been allowed outside. Cats are natural out-door inhabitors..regardless of what you idiot cat-haters think. We used to take my one dog and a neighbor dog, with the neighbor on walks. It is breaking my heart, but right now MY cat is in surgery because MY dog attacked it. Thread the free end of the leash through the leash's handle and pull back forcefully to make the leash taut around the dog's body. If dogs and cats are to get along, it seems to be a necessity of having them learn as puppies and kittens about coexistence. There have also been incidents of squirrels and even a Canadian goose killed in my backyardI am saddened when this happens, but even wild animals that wander into an enclosure with dogs are at risk. For a cat attacking a new puppy, this is also useful for the question How to stop my cat from attacking my small dog? If my husband hadnt of seen it on his way out to work and yelled at the dog I am sure he would have killed him. Husband is allergic to cats so I cant KEEP them in the house!!! ABout the Dog-Cat attack issue: or sick, elderly groundhogs that would not run or would move The vet, 3 techs, office manager, and myself all were shocked at the cats behavior. Sadly, Ive been put in a similar situation just recently. NO. These are called animals for a reason they were put here on earth for our enjoyment if we love them and they are part of our family we should protect them. I have an acre fenced in the back for my dogs. I immediatly yelled and removed2 of the dogs and the others backed off. But not necessarily easy. While I express my condolences about her tragic loss, I was not sympathetic about her behavior as a pet owner. I believe that she gets her 2 cents worth in early but I do not allow her to pick on the dogs nor the dogs to harrass her. He has done nothing. serviceand possibly (if an attack occurred) JAIL time. She went after the two dogs (pit bull and standard poodle)with a broom.They released my poor cat, surprisingly. Yet, I wouldnt euthanize Sister. Leaving them alone can stop them from hissing. not. We have an indoor cat we have had 3 years. 15 Clear Facts, Dog Paw Pad Peeling : 9 Clear Reasons Why Dog's Paw Pad Came, Portuguese Water Dog Mix : (9 Interesting Facts), Dog Suddenly Aggressive To Other Dog In House - 5 Good Ways, My Dog Keeps Hiccupping And Swallowing : 7 Menacing Facts, English Bulldog Feeding Chart : 12 Month By Month Comprehensive Feeding Guide, Why Does My Dog Bite My Ears? Have patience and wait until your cat and dog get used to each other. It is cases like these where people must ponder what if this was my pet. Our dogs had always been raised in a home atmosphere and always right alongside our cats and all had always gotten along fine with never a quarrel. I love them all!!! I work with the dogs, only if the owner is willing to put in as much time and effort as I am putting in. She called me at work (I was in the middle of class, as I teach 2nd grade). Best Wishes, Dr Andrew Jones, DVM Copyright 2008 Four Paws Online Ltd. My dog had the neighbors cat by the midsection and was shaking her like a ragdoll on my property. I think she was afraid the other cat would eat all her food. Your cat may be attacking your dog all the time. I couldnt believe the beggar was still alive. While I agree that the owner of the cat is responsible for the cat and the owner of the dog is responsible for the dog. Would i put her down.. absolutely not. I dont care what others here think of me; I think a dog which kills a cat is NEVER-NEVER-NEVER justified. Question: Should I Be Worried That My Dog Attacked A Cat; Why Does My Dog Keep Getting Attacked; How The Cat Ate The Dog; Will My Minecraft Dogs Be Attacked Outsit; How Many Cats Are Attacked By Dogs Each Year; Will My Dog Protect Me If I Am Attacked; Question: Will My Dog Protect Me If I Get Attacked; Quick Answer: Will My Dog Protect Me If I . Like I said its a life style. There are billions of low functioning humans on this planet;Id trade a few of them for a dog any day. I feel horrible right now and that is why Im trying to find a way to get my dog to like cats. I feel the difference between euthanizing a she just about had one up the tree when she was just a year. They hunted my cat down, tore up my garage, cornered her, and proceeded to bite her, over and over, shaking her as dogs do with prey. a cat attacks dog unprovoked, it could be due to protection. Sometimes it helps to keep the dog on leash so that you can move her away from the cat when you try to refocus her attention. Now sometimes they are hardly noticeable, like the whiskers moving, ear movement or position, the body language changes, the tail position or movement, the look in the eye, the breathing, the tenseness of the muscles, but there is always a sign. P.P.S. The sweet little cat was not moving, and having difficulty breathing but she was wrapped in a towel. The owners have no clue as to how to handle their dogs. Last Wednesday, my cat of 15 years was attacked and left paralyzed and wounded by my neighbors black lab. You can also teach your dog alternative ways to communicate that arent quite so puzzling as staring. Less chance of a hanging if they get caught somewhere they dont belong. He was trained to attack. You can also put a bell around your cats neck that indicates to your dog that it is coming. Sometimes kitties can be used as self-defense, Oxygen therapy may also be utilized if the should. From the cat a way to deal with it that is why Im trying to find a way get! 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