medieval army size calculator

It is helpful to consider that through most of the middle ages, 90 percent of this population was still involved in direct production of goods. The highest ranking amirs generally had 200-400 mamluks in their service during the Circassian period of the sultanate (1382-1517). The sons of mamluks, who are referred to in the sources as awlad al-nas, were also enlisted in the halqa and formed an important element of this unit. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Yet some things, like English longbowmen took years to train. You have food available to supply your army. Paying the English army cost approximately 2.4 million pence in the 57 days of the Agincourt campaign, which is almost 20% of the royal income for the year of 52,400 (12.6 million pence). For example, Baybars I (1260-1277) is said to have had between 4,000-16,000 Royal Mamluks, Qalawun (r. 1279-1290) had 7,000-12,000 Royal Mamluks, Barquq (r. 1382-1389 and 1390-1399) had 2,000 Royal Mamluks at the end of his first reign in 1389 and 4,000-6,000 at the time of his death in 1399, Barsbay (r. 1422-1437) had 2,000-3,000 mamluks, and Qaytbays (r. 1468-1496) mamluks numbered 8,000 men. Though, the larger the army, the more resources are needed to support their pay, training, and material necessities. Depending on what constitutes standing you could just require nearly everyone to be part of the army and just have them be required to wear armor out in public and carry weapons, and of course occasionally go to refresher combat training after they did the initial training when they were young. - Big A yeoman had rights. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. Are you suggesting a total population of 25,000, including peasants, or are you talking about the more normal 10:1 peasant/city dweller ratio, implying nearly 250,000 total population and a community size in the neighborhood of 2,000 square miles? He then lists the armies of Syria as follows: 12,000 halqa soldiers and 3,000 amirs and their mamluks in Damascus; 6,000 halqa soldiers and 2,000 amirs and their mamluks in Aleppo; 4,000 halqa soldiers and 1,000 amirs and their mamluks in Tripoli; 1,000 halqa soldiers and 1,000 amirs and their mamluks in Safad; and 1,000 halqa soldiers and mamluks in Ghaza. The standing arm composed of mamluk regiments and the halqa, were probably no more then 30,000-40,000 soldiers and perhaps even fewer than that. Then the other factor comes in - if you call in all the nobles and they show up, how do you feed them? The aristocracy expended a lot of effort in making sure the peasants didn't get to good. The reality of hunger in Northern and Central Europe kept most men in the fields, not the practice yards. The other group that formed the Royal Mamluks were those mamluks who passed into the service of the ruler from previous sultans and deceased/disgraced amirs and are often referred to in the later sources as the qaranisa or mustakhdamun (those who have been used/veterans). Arms, arrows, armor, food, horses for the baggage train, and other mundane expenses generally cost 20% of total pay on nonbattle days and 100% of total pay on battle days. This army was also highly effective in the field and performed very well against a variety of enemies. The English system worked because all the arguments were confined to the few (900 or so) nobles and gentry in the army, while the king and commons had sorted out a very effective chain of command for the archers (the remaining 5,000 soldiers). Although the combined number of mamluks under the amirs was quiet large as we will see below, they lacked the unity of the Royal mamluks and served dozens of masters making them secondary in size, importance, and power within the sultanate. Any deaths reduce both the number of "idle-hands" and "mouths-to-feed" to worry about over the winter. The halqa was composed of several different groups. This will also allow our fans to get more involved in what content we do produce. rev2023.3.1.43269. They always accompanied the sultan in his public appearances and they also guarded him when he had withdrawn to his private chambers and were some of the few who had access to him there. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. How would a newly established town defend itself against giant wolves? Late medieval nations varied tremendously in their "unfree" populations, ranging from less than 5% in England, Scandanavia, and Silesia to 40% or more in Muscovy and parts of France and Byzantium. "Based on historical data": source? WebAnswer (1 of 5): Under the Hongle (13681398) and Yongle (14031424) reigns, the Chinese embarked on several military conquests. The Turkmen and Arabs are often described as guarding the far right and left flanks of the army and they are also described in several instances of carrying out encircling operations to strike at the enemys flank when the opportunity presented itself. Did George Washington Have a British Accent? Once the Vikings started trying to take and hold land and deploying land forces, they fair much worse. That's for major expeditions led by a royal figure, The Mamluk sultanate came into being in 1250 after the mamluks overthrew the last Ayyubid ruler and proclaimed one of their own sultan. Few armies claimed to have more cavalry than infantry due mainly to the expense of maintaining horses and trained riders. I guess I should have been more clear. The estimates are all over the place with the low end limited by modern historical estimates for just how much forage you would have needed for a horse-borne army with strings of 3+ horses for each soldier in reserve. For a Crusade, virtually all of the nobility will muster; for an unpopular cause, such as the third resumption of the Hundred Years' War, perhaps 40% will muster. While this force served as a standing army of sorts for many years the initial purpose of the army was simply to safely escort the emperor to Rome where he would be crowned by the Pope (4). @VakusDrake Normally they call that being a reserve.dont they? Very likely the cities and castles were designed with this unit size in mind Slave, Soldier, Lord, and Sovereign: The Story of Baybars, The Turks: The Medieval Worlds Most Martial People, The slave who founded an empire: The story of Alp Tegin, The Assassination of Ahmad Ibn Ismail: Power Struggles in the Samanid Empire. Medieval era had subsistence farming. This burden is why Henry V's army left for France with approximately 20,000 soldiers and dwindled to less than 6,000 present at Agincourt, opposing a French army of about 24,000. It mostly depends on the nation and time period. As well as the state of the realm. If the nation was at war, the leaders may deem it necessary to WebSpeaking of paying the army, medieval economics made that very difficult. And he hasn't paid his soldiers yet, bought their equipment or food, or found any leaders. There are additional published and printed search resources available at The National Archives site in Kew, some of which may also help you to locate soldiers, and these are listed in section 10.2. Miller, Douglas (1979). The Ancient, not Medieval Roman Army supported 300000 in an empire of 30 million plus. There is no name index. Taking a general view of things, it seems that a common size for medieval armies was between 5,000 and 25,000 troops, with some of the largest formal organizations of armed forces numbering into the possible 500,000 to 600,000 troops in number. A knight who was trained to fight since puberty by the best mentors will be able to defeat many militias who were trained in a few weeks. You might have a squad of archers about. This is especially true for the halqa units listed in this source. During the Diet of Worms, a conference held by the Holy Roman Empire in 1521, it was set forth that a force of 20,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry. The recruitment of armies in the early middle ages: what can we know. This also ignores any sort of morale impact - as calling every male from a village is likely to have a negative impact on the rulers ability to control said village. They included Turkmen tribesmen, Arabs tribes, Kurds, and infantrymen from the towns and cities of Syria. Very likely the cities and castles were designed with this unit size in mind considering it's designated as 'normal'. However, save for the rare chance at plunder in a foreign land, peasants didn't get paid so they had little incentive to comply with their feudal obligations (which forced upon them by conquest) so getting enough men to show up was a constant struggle. It depends on how many of these factors play in. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Some foreign armies are at the end of this article too. Further record series containing similar documents are listed in section 5 and section 6. The primary role in peacetime is the protection of roads from bandits, and defense against barbarian raids. Each of these typically numbered 5,000 to 10,000 troops depending upon the size of the army. For example, the Constable of France -- the most experienced professional soldier at the battle -- was somewhere between seventh and tenth in the "chain of command," and could not even order the French crossbowmen to fire. Mine the ore? Some of these documents reveal the names of all the men who served in a particular regiment, A muster of the 55 officers and men of Captain Giles Hickes cavalry troop plus a separate list of distressed widowes whose husbands were slaine in the service, Accounts and papers of the county committees; may contain payments made to local county forces (arranged by county), Some certified accounts of soldiers, including private soldiers, claiming arrears of pay, mainly for service 1642-1647, and these may give brief service histories, Debentures containing thousands of names of officers and men who had served in the parliamentary forces (arranged by county), Accounts likely to record payments made to officers, The financial effects of quartering soldiers on local communities, Taxes and monies raised by both sides during the Civil War, Parliamentary soldiers and officials protected against legal liability for acts committed during the Civil War, protections for war service and appointment of attorneys in the Treaty Rolls in, Book of Fees, 1198-1293 (also known as Liber Feodorum and Testa de Nevil); contains information on knights fees, scutages, tenancies-in-chief and so on, Calendar of Documents in the Public Record Office relating to Scotland, 1108-1509, J Bain ed, Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland, 1171-1307, Calendar of Miscellaneous Inquisitions, 1219-1422, Feudal Aids (6 volumes for 1284-1431); arranged topographically and lists baronies, honours, fees and so on, Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons (11 volumes); includes the Nomina Villarum, Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council, 1386-1542, Rotuli Parliamentorum, 1278-1503; includes transcripts and an index of the Parliament rolls, N H Nicholas, De controversia in curia militari inter Ricardum Le Scrope et Robertum Grosvenor milites: rege Ricardo Secundo, MCCCLXXXV-MCCCXC e recordis in Turre Londinensi asservatis (2 volumes) (London, 1832), M Bennet, All embarqued in one bottom: an introduction to sources for soldiers, administrators and civilians in civil war Britain and Ireland, Genealogists Magazine, vol 25 no 18, pp 305-315, WH Black (ed) Docquets of Letters Patent 1642-6 (1837); for commissions granted by the king to raise regiments and appoint senior officers, Calendar for Committee for Compounding with Delinquents; especially good for Royalist officers, The Calendars of State Papers Domestic and Foreign for Charles Is reign and the Interregnum, The Calendars of State Papers Domestic for Charles IIs reign; contain numerous petitions for rewards or favours from former royalists (mainly officers), CH Firth and G Davies, The Regimental History of Cromwells Army (1940); contains numerous references to individuals, I Gentles, The New Model Army (Blackwell, 1992); contains numerous references to individuals, A Laurence, Parliamentary Army Chaplains 1642-1651 (Royal Historical Society, 1990); includes a biographical list of army chaplains, PR Newman, Royalist Officers in England and Wales, 1642-1660: A Biographical Dictionary (London, 1981), PR Newman, The Royalist Officers Corps 1642-1660, Historical Journal, 26 (1983); covering rank of major and above, E Peacock, Army Lists of the Rounheads and Cavaliers (1863), RR Temple The Original Officer List of the New Model Army, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 59 (1986); features a list of officers in the New Model Army in March 1645. Commissions granted to junior officers by commanding officers are less easy to trace, although may sometimes be found in the private papers of local gentry families which may have been deposited in a local record office. Additional finding aids: published and printed sources, Friends of The National Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. WebChoose an army from the lists below, select your units and print what you want! And that's not cheap! Web3. Russell estimates that between the years 500 and 1400 AD the total population of South, West, and Eastern Europe more than doubled from 27.5 million to 73.5 million right before the Black Death began in the 14th century, which quickly dropped a third of the population.(1). This is one loophole for fantasy armies: just make all the wars religious wars, and many of the economic barriers to gathering a large short-term army disappear! The sweeps I'm familiar with occurred in the aftermath of a revolt. In addition to the Royal Mamluks who served the sultan directly, there were also contingents of mamluks that served the amirs, who were the officers and magnates of the regime. Neither did it help that well into early 1800s, military service of any duration beyond a couple of weeks was looked on as a death sentence. Orc. No European medieval society obligated or even allowed serfs, slaves, and other "unfree" men to serve in an offensive force. WebM. Huge is a toss. I am most familiar with history past the 1600s so this is a really weak subject for me. Use the advice in this guide to find records of individualsoldiers from the medieval and early modern periods. By winning the battle, though, England turned a tidy profit of nearly 1 million in ransoms demanded -- about 20 years of royal income! What professions would a medieval village with a population of 100 need? I imagine you might be most interested in European medieval armies which unfortunately I can't answer, but in case you have any interest in medieval Islamic armies the standard Islamic field army in the conquest period seems to have been about 30,000 men. 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Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence During the early 14th century the contractual system gradually replaced the feudal system as a means of raising armies. In Winter time, armies could not travel so war occurred in the narrow summer months. Accounts vary widely. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. For each extra year you want to run it, you need 50,442,000. This standing army dwarfed any of the personal military forces maintained by the kings of Europe at the time. It should be noted here that the mamluk slave soldiers (or former slaves) formed the bulk of the army. Raising and mustering troops: indentures and commissions, 8. That's for major expeditions led by a royal figure, though. The halqa was the third important group in the early Mamluk army. Large also still works in settlements but will already cause path finding issues. Once we have an army, just what does one call a common soldier, or a leader of soldiers? The numbers denoting these ranks indicate the number of mamluks the holder of that rank was entitled to have in his service. It made money, got the boys of troublesome age out of town till they settled down, left a battle harden cadre of elders behind and in the worst case, they could call the mercenaries back. Small border conflicts or castle garrisons could involve anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand soldiers. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. One can support a much larger army if they are building public works and helping the people than one can support if the army does nothing but drink and womanize. This issue provides fertile ground for growing subplots. For the era of my story, I am trying to write a time before gunpowder based weapons existed. Military service for most of the medieval period was based on land ownership. Larger armies started to appear in the mid-15th century along with the beginnings of more robust state structures that were better equipped to pay for and maintain large bodies of troops. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. The mamluk army was one of the few large standing armies of the medieval period. These urban areas could sometime raise 50%-75% of the military age males, already equipped and trained and alliance of a couple of cities or more could easily out raise even the kings of the time. Of course the cavalry was limited by the number of horses available. (It's worth noting that the Mongols and Vikings attack with very small forces, relying on speed and maneuver to overwhelm local opposition before the levies could be called up. There is the famous murder of the hero helots in Sparta but I was thinking of one incident in the run up to the Hussite wars and then the selective executions following the peasant rebellion against one of the Edwards in England. All of this was possible for these mamluks due to their close proximity to the sultans. Medieval states, being less organized, could not match this proportion. = 51, 092, 000. It was composed of freeborn cavalrymen. F. Devon (Record Commission, 1847), Warrants for indentures for war and also for knights fees and wages in war, List and index of Warrants for Issues, 1399-1485: with an appendix: Indentures of War, 1297-1527, May include material relating to military service, Cases in the Court of Chivalry include testimonies of military service bysoldiers acting as deponents to one of the parties in a case, N H Nicholas, De controversia in curia militari inter RicardumLe Scrope et Robertum Grosvenor milites (2 vols.) Furthermore, these feudal armies were seasonal and rarely stayed mobilized for significant periods of time. Expert historians may come to some general consensus about the size of armies or crowds based on several factors and inputs including supply lines and tax base. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. The early Mamluk army was was composed of three major groups: The Royal Mamluks (al-mamalik al-sulaniyya), the amirs mamluks (mamalik al-umara), and the free soldiers of the alqa. They were also sometimes accompanied by bands of mercenaries. Equipment. This database was compiled by staff from the University of Southampton and theInternational Capital Market Association Centre in Reading, using documents held at The National Archives. - Town: Between 1,000 and 10,000. The ability to move swiftly across the battlefield helped in implementing strategies of outflanking, surprise attack, and even frontal assault. vegan) just for fun, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? Any piece of information would be helpful and would greatly be appreciated. These troops also served primarily as infantrymen who fought with handguns or operated artillery. This was based on contracts or indentures and commissions, such as commissions of array and commissions to muster, whereby appointed lords or officials were authorised to raise forces in the name of the king. Remember, the side coming to attack your city probably only has a few thousand men in it themselves. 500 - 1050) we find much smaller numbers documented. What effects does a sudden population shift, near doubling the population, have on a medieval kingdom? All rights reserved. Copyright 2023 by Moira Allen. WebThe Magocracy of Hilinde covers an area of 131 thousand square miles. Further record series containing similar documents are listed in section 4 and section 5. Which types of units could be found in their armies? Is variance swap long volatility of volatility? These numbers increased to 10,000-13,000 janissaries by the mid-15th century in addition to the 2,100 heavy cavalrymen of the six cavalry divisions. So, if you want to calculate the size of army a medieval society could raise, the primary factor is how the farmer majority and the urbanites view the enemy. Some estimates for the size of this cavalry near 12,000. Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints? Prior to that, wars were races to see who could get the most men to battle field before everyone dropped dead from dysentery, plague or whatever. Shafi ibn Ali an eyewitness and participant in the battle who describes the deployment of the mamluk army states that there were only 4,000 halqa soldiers present. The basic calculations are in Table 1, both to show the effects of individual factors and to enable you to vary them for your own fantasy world. Winter will tend to have the most free people available, but weather and temperature may prevent it. Due to the rapid development of advanced warfare technology, the warring classes began to divide the labor of war into several different roles. When looking at sizes of typical medieval military units, it is useful to consider the necessary inputs and possible outputs. Even such a simple system hides some pitfalls for the fantasist, as Table 3 shows. In the Third Crusade, which took place at the end of the 12th century, the total number of European troops including Welsh, German, French, and Hungarian armies numbered 36,000 to 74,000. Vassals weren't organized into units which could show competence. Perhaps one of the best examples of this is King Mathias Corvinuss Black army, which was composed of up to 28,000 professional soldiers. How good do they need to be? Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. Ensuring that the army's owner can pay his soldiers or otherwise coerce their service. These were the mamluks who were in the service of the sultan and formed his personal regiments. Hi, thank you for sharing your information. The inability to respond to Vikings had more to do with the Vikings mobility than numbers. Of the two, the latter is the most important. We aim to be the leading content provider about all things medieval. The Swiss solved this problem by hiring out some men when they were young as mercenaries. What is camp life like? This relationship ended with the start of the Infantry Revolution, when simple to use weapons and tactics (crossbows, pike formations, pole arms) were introduced, allowing a mass of peasants or yeomen to take to the field and effectively fight against mounted knights, so if your setting is in the mid 1400's or beyond, then the percentage of effective armed manpower increases, although the amount of time that they could take to the field will decease (since they still need to carry out farming, crafts and other daily tasks to stay alive and prosperous). Call that being a reserve.dont they 's designated as 'normal ' obligated or even allowed serfs, slaves, infantrymen. You use our services to take and hold land and deploying land forces, fair. With occurred in the aftermath of a revolt it themselves up to 28,000 professional.... What can we know device to make this website work simple system hides some for. Will also allow our fans to get more involved in what content we do.... 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