cheap meals from the great depression

broth, to add extra flavor to pasta, rice, or veggies. A small meal during the 1930s, like the diners of the day often served, would have usually cost between 15 and 40 cents, depending on what you ordered and where the restaurant was located. It worked. You can stock and it will take a little time. Carrots are the same. apple cider vinegar. Most of the kids in our classes in school, were from middle income homes, who got to eat well. Using no special ingredients, this cake is delicious and cheap. You can also make your own noodles quite easily. I remember my mom making salmon cakes. Menu Plan: Great Depression Recipes. We also had a milk cow for milk, buttermilk, and fresh butter that we churned for hours, but was the best tasting butter I have ever eaten. 68. I dont think those meals are great depression meals anymore. I agree, no waste, just freeze it! We do a lot of these including using beans. That time also showed me where I stocked well and where I lacked, plus what I didnt touch, even with no food budget. For those who think the Spam is too expensive, Check your local Dollar store for Treat It should be right next to the Spam & I cant tell the difference. Another great (old) book if you can find it is How to Make All The Meat You Eat Out of Wheat by Shandler (my favorite). When they start getting limp, I chop them up and freeze them to use in soups like this. My Mom and Dad grew up during The Great Depression. II, (1986-93, p. 29), includes two cups of flour, one tablespoon of baking powder, 1/2 . We buy meat in bulk, so most of my purchases are for perishables only. e chipped beef, chopped leftover bacon from breakfast, canned chicken, leftover roast or just the sauce over rice. This pie is a Hoosier tradition that dates back to the 1800s. Mulligan Stew. Copy link. Cooking with potatoes, pasta, grains,and beans. No cooking, just reheating! If I go to my grocery store before noon they put all the products in a cart that is ready to expire. 1 cup water. Named after the president that took office right before the crash, Hoover Stew was the name for the cheap slop eaten by residents of shanty towns. Its interesting because we were raised this way, its the norm to cook from scratch. These Depression-era recipes are proof that food from the 1930s is worth revisiting. First of all, I am going to share some meals my husband and I grew up on and some we still eat today. 13.8K. You throw away a lot of food in peels! I can tomatoes, pickles, applesauce, etc. I will be 70 soon and I still make bread, life is so good when you cook from scratch! Fried rice (leftover rice cooked in bacon drippings with whatever veggies need using up). An amazing meal for about $5 with plenty of leftovers for the next day. Continue whisking and add 1/2 gallon of milk. Meatballs (ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, ground up veggies, leftover cheerios or other low sugar cereal I use 1 part meat, 1 part bread type stuff, 1 part vegetables. A small potato or other starch and a generous veggie portion. My mom had to be inventive to feed all five of us. 45. You almost need to take out a loan to buy meat for, Here is another saver. Trust us, this easy chicken casserole recipe is so easy to make - just cook, layer, bake, and you're done! I think I could get 5 meals at least for our family of four (although eating is more like 2 1/2 people). I love it! Aldi is great for low prices on produce. We are hunters. Red beans and rice with half a pound of sausage add a few spices costs about 6 bucks and feeds my family for 2 days. So before she goes grocery shopping, she spends about 20 minutes online and writes down advertised sale prices on items she needs. Theres a lot of Hispanic people in my area do the price for oxtail is outrageous. . When we make tacos we add a few eggs to the ground meat and you honestly cant tell the difference, then just cook them into the already cooked ground meat and season to taste, it changes the texture a tiny bit but after you add rice and beans to your tacos/burritos, you cant tell anymore at all, this really stretches a meal!. It only takes a couple to go a long way. Add salt, pepper, and sugar to taste. . Have you ever seen that fog that rolls down and out when you open the door? Hi Frank, great comment! Shape and fry up). So how do we serve a good meal and save? Add cheese, apple, hard boiled egg for a more filling salad. 67. Meat mixed in gravy makes it go farther than chunks of roast for everyone. Leftover Potato Pancakes. You can control the salt and other ingredients when you make your own. We cook things from scratch about 90% of the time, rather than using packaged stuff. h ground meat in it, I substitute half the meat with TVP (online ). In the stores, the cosmetic counters normally have samples of things. We use turkey burger from Aldis instead of hamburger not much of a taste difference in our minds. I sat down and made a menu up for a whole month (every Wednesday is fish, every Friday is pizza! No more stressing about what can I make, and, the same menu can be used month after month because its so varied by the time the meal comes around again you havent had it for four weeks! Chicken leg quarters are a good way to have meat at a reasonable price. (every Wednesday is fish, every Friday is pizza! We ate lots of beans and Mexican rice. Mashups were a common way to use up whatever you had on hand during the Depression, and the Garbage Plate is another example. Then I freeze several containers for later meals. Back then they could get it free or for .10. Twitter. I try to save money by throwing in some meatless meals during the week, like potato soup or minestrone. The best part I discovered is all I do is look at the menu in the morning to see what is on tap for dinner that night. The other is learning what ingredients can be frozen so you can minimize waste (my niece learned tons just looking through our freezer). A74-year-old Army veteran told me that when he was growing up in the Carolinas they were dirt poor, so his mother in the morning would mix flour into the eggs to make enough to go around. In this video, 91-year-old Clara who lived through the Depressionwalks viewers through the process of making the Poor Man's Meal: Peel and cube a potato, then fry it in a pan with oil and . Worn fabric was woven into a rug or turned into cleaning rags, tires became garden . They foraged. And as mentioned by many, learning to use everything up along with proper storage and preserving methods helps. Lots of canned soup with crackers. 23. Usually just quoting the policy is sufficient to get the item price matched. Granddaughter learned to make them herself before she was 2. We fill up on salads and 2-3 vegetable sides.Did you know you can make your own cheese using dry powdered milk? Share this post. The place I go to is American Discount Foodsand they have saved our budget! This filling dinner, described as a recipe that "came out of the hard times of the Great Depression," works as an easy way to use up leftovers. Learn how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening to stories from the Great Depression. Fish patties (salmon or tuna, bread crumbs, lemon juice, mustard, onion, egg. 40. Linda, Your email address will not be published. Wash the rice and sprinkle it on top. For snacks, because we have grown children that are grazers we eat a ton of popcorn. I know this sounds crazy, but we all need to rethink what we think a meal is. 66. God bless you, Linda. Meatballs (ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, ground up veggies, leftover cheerios or other low sugar cereal I use 1 part meat, 1 part bread type stuff, 1 part vegetables. You can have a cup of soup, or soup for a group quickly. If you have a garden going salad is basically free- lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. Great ideas. 58. Related: 88 Great Depression Recipes. Then I have a nice hedge on inflation, plus I dont have to purchase that product again until it goes on sale. My book is currently available for sale at book stores around the world and of course:,, How To Store Water For Survival Today Not Tomorrow, Grocery Shopping: 6 Awesome Facts You Need to Know, I fry ground beef, use the grease to make a gravy and serve on toast. 6. I dont need recipes. Ok. THEN, leftover chicken gets turned into a chicken and rice soup! Lasts a long time and feeds many. We bought a commercial quality food sealer and use it daily to seal up leftovers, both for freezing and just for in the fridge, to cut down on waste (and its REALLY worked well). Creamed Chipped Beef & Toast - S.O.S. THREE meals out of ONE chicken! shape, BOIL. Also cook oatmeal, cream of wheat and if I get chicken I shred it to make it last. It is a complete meal and easy cleanup. I decided that as I get my Social Security check once a month, Id shop only once a month (excluding fresh veggies and fruit). Then we would pour Karo syrup over them in order to have something sweet. Also, weve found that some Walmart checkers dont really know how the policy works and may say no to price matching some items that should be OK. I was raised very poor with parents born in the 1920s. Can top with cheese. Ingredients: 1 1/4 cups sifted cake flour 1 1/4 tsps. I make my own bread (usually making two loaves at a time freezing the 2nd). Nutrition over taste was the golden rule when food got scarce during the Depression, and money was hard to come by. Fun fact: It's called "Navy Bean Soup" because it was considered a staple food of the United States Navy in the . EatingWell - Danielle DeAngelis 8h. I also make sure to add beans to taco meat to stretch it. My family & I not only raise chickens, rabbits & a garden here at home, but we have helped set up what we call a Poor mans Co-op. Dinner was meat and veggies, followed by dessert. Frugal Depression Era recipes to help you feed your family for less! This cake recipe from A Modern Homestead doesn't require milk or eggs and still has that delectable chocolate flavor. I loved this article. 1/4 tsp of cinnamon. 73. Dont go overboard crazy and plant a lot of items they wont eat. I still make a lot of beans because they are high in fiber and protein and depending on how you make them, low in fat. Which THEN gets turned into Chicken Pot Pie w/ homemade pie crust! I guess we are fortunate. Shoppers may want to study the price matching policy or even print it out before shopping. My sister does something a bit unique. 85. During the Great Depression food shortages, drought, and poverty meant that people had to get creative with what they ate. Back in the Great Depression, you would often find this pie made with a crushed cracker crust. Venison stew with garden frozen veggies. Also, lots of peels or ends of veggies can be frozen until you have enough to make a veggie stock with them. Cooked all together. Various kinds of nuts and berries were often foraged for the help feed the family. 62. These dishes show just how inventive our ancestors could be! Working to teach DH that leftovers are eaten not thrown out. I know, and prices just keep going up. It made sandwiches for my husbands lunch all week, then I made broth and turned that into noodle soup. One way to save money on utilities is to get a chest freezer and not a stand-up. Times were tough in the 1930s and people had to be creative with the few ingredients they could find and afford. It can be done, but its hard work. 3. Next, put bone-in chicken thighs skin-side up on top of the veggies. 54. Once its smooth and thoroughly mixed, add the milk and keep on whisking, until smooth. She saves a fortune this way! A package of noodles that would probably equal about 15 to 20 ramen packages is $1.99 at a nearby store. Lets share ideas with each other. Fish patties (salmon or tuna, bread crumbs, lemon juice, mustard, onion, egg. Peanut/almond butter and jelly on toasted Daves Killer Blue Seed Bread makes an awesome lunch! 16. A hand full of mixed veggies from the freezer and some seasoning along with some onion and a small part of the meat is good, or you can add noodles or barley. Then I have a nice hedge on inflation, plus. I participate in a food co-op for fruits and veggies, buy canned items in case lot sales, pack lunches for my husband to take to work, eat lots of leftovers, and most importantly, never go grocery shopping while hungry. Great comment! Melt the butter in a large pan, add the flour and quickly use a whisk to make a roux. When the bag is full, veggies soup! Give these recipes from . 1.8.1 Related reading: 10 Best Survival Foods At Your Grocery Store. Getting creative in that area too. Serving fresh bread and pickles with meals used to be very common. I freeze each one separately so I can use just one at a time. Lentil patties (lentils cooked until tender, mash up with seasoning and onion, shape and fry or bake. I dont think those meals are great depression meals anymore. 51. 76. The meat just costs far too much and pasta is filling. 265. Back in the day, there were no food stamps or EBT cards. Its still good either way. 3) Cornmeal Mush with Milk. You can always slow cook enough soup for a couple of days. Linda, something my mom done as i was growing up was take leftover ham dice it add it to cooked beans(1 lb dry red, navy, pinto etc.) I love to cook and can make something out of nothing and its almost always pretty damn good. Potatoes baked in microwave. It's a food that stretches for sure. salt 1 cup sugar 2 eggs beaten until thick and light 1 Tbsp. 27. So even if times are tough, these foods are usually not expensive and good for us. shape, BOIL. Feeding 5 here. So tonight I made 2 round steaks for dinner. Home made soups, pot pies, casseroules, fresh oven breads and pasteries, fermented foods like yogurt and kraut, pickles and relishes, canning. In the video below we get to see how they're made from a woman who survived the '30s and loved her mother's baked apples. Bring back to a boil, stirring constantly. We had a large family of 10 people, so each meal had to be extremely cheap, and go a long way. Its all about cooking at home and eating fewer carbs or like you said balance them with proteins. Baked with chicken, broccoli, and cheese, this is one of our favorite poor man meals. It saves a lot of money when Im not buying prepackaged food. I grew up eating a lot of these same Depression Era meals & I feel like they are comfort food. Popcorn, Corn tortillas fried for corn chips. To stop eating out, we take cheese and crackers or sandwich makings. During the Great Depression, people got creative with crafting meals out of inexpensive and available ingredients. Those same trimmings go into my deer and goat burger to make a great hamburger for Chili, meatloaf, and spaghetti. When we lost our food budget for two months, I turned to boil a whole chicken and shred the meat to use in many meals. Meals my husband and i grew up on top of the kids our... I freeze each one separately so i can use just one at a time utilities is get! 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