why is the vatican shaped like a snake

Its sad that even r/conspiracy cant seem to see or understand this. And why did Putin just meet with the Pope at the Vatican? Making something more familiar for locals doesnt trick anyone into adopting it. The word homosexual wasn't added till like the 50's or 60's. Raised in the middle. Named The Resurrection, La Resurrezione,the sculpture was designed byorPericle Fazzini. Perhaps most common is the portrayal of the serpent as an enemy in general, or as Satan in particular., is the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. Right but look at the outside clearly a snake head, GoPro (and, I think, Adobe Lightroom) software can de-fisheye pictures. One side is Abaddon, the other is the union of opposites like Baphomet. More than 700 arrested in biggest ever UK operation against organised crime after encrypted phone network cracked. Most people were on foot, drank from and bathed in rivers, walked jungle and forest paths. President Trump on Qanon: What I do hear about it is they are very strongly against pedophilia. St. Peter's Basilica, also called New St. Peter's Basilica, present basilica of St. Peter in Vatican City (an enclave in Rome), begun by Pope Julius II in 1506 and completed in 1615 under Paul V. It is designed as a three-aisled Latin cross with a dome at the crossing, directly above the high altar, which covers the shrine of St. Peter the Apostle. It's Fuck Cardi B all day everyday. Unreal indeed. I don't mean you woodsman, I mean anycitydweller. & lastly (no disrespect) It doesnt make any sense to you Because it is working. Thank me later. Coincidence? They should not be coddled and kid gloved they should be shunned and their lot should be cast into the desert for another 40 years to let them think about their bullshit manipulative ways. Hence there is no wrongdoing on their part and they can't be blamed as they were open about what they were doing and had our blessing. In statues, Peter is usually pictured holding keys, the symbol of his authority. First things first is crush the central banks. The pope sits and speaks in the mouth of a snake. The church and most religions understand phycology extremely well. Yeah dude, I remember my mind being blown wide open during lecture in my Art Appreciation class. 'Satan' rules the world. The infant baptism thing is, to my understanding, derived from the high infant mortality rates they had in the early church. It's un-fucking-canny and very difficult for an honest person to dismiss. Ive been on this sub since roughly 2014 - Ive seen this particular post come up for at least the last 3-4 years, every 4-6 months or so. Sometimes doing the right thing requires a bit of brutality. The message on Sunday will be in parseltongue. The CDC is recommending that poor refugees be fed horsepaste! No way thats an accidental coincidence. People get banned for this topic, but here are some more pictures, OP. This makes men figuratively fish. This is definitely in the column of "things that make you go hmmmm". Whatever you do, dont ask this question on quora. Either way, the Audience hall definitely has an evil vibe to it, and this is no accident. This isn't about D's vs R's, it's about good vs. evil. The song isn't calling satan god or anything of the sort, rofl. Also, they think we're stupid and just enjoy flaunting it. And as most of us know the church is kind of obsessed between the distinction between right and wrong. They actually can't escape the consequences but try desperately to delay their fates. Please read some Manly P. Hall (ie America's Assignment With Destiny) or any amount of esoterica and you're realize very quickly that there's a mainstream version of history, and an occult one, and that names and language are a huge part of this deception. All the sweeping changes at the time. It's possible but it isn't true. Apparently he was a decent Pope, although he has been implicated in covering up or ignoring the sexual abuse of young boys by members of the Catholic clergy. minds. The Pope is the mouthpiece of the anti Christ. Catholic teachings have become satanic. He knew too much. REPENT! All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing. It actually states the exact opposite as those are false gods. It is a design. I watched an interview with a former Satanist who said his biggest role was to break up churches! how can you make the connection? It's because reptilian aliens have vast control over our species. The U.S. attorney's office in New York is signaling more criminal charges could be forthcoming in their grand jury investigation into an underage sex ring allegedly involving the late Jeffrey Epstein, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and others. Remember the weird video from Howie Mandel from last week where he cuts the corners off the bag? Time is short and we need your help right now. Maybe it's a "symbol" referring to spirituality rising. S.I.D.S. Thats because they were pretty much forced out of the Holy Land for centuries by a variety of factors. Side effects are a feature, not a bug. His book is great too. The New Catholic Encyclopedia explains why Mary was referred to as the new Eve which also explains the presence of the serpent, shown at the base of her statue in the photograph below: . (a mushroom) Maybe the serpent wasn't the bad guy, but the person wanting others to remain obedient and ignorant. Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy. [Source]. I'm very familiar with the mainstream explanation. Moreover, the Apostle offers an even stronger . Can you even comprehend what goes on in the lowe chambers? Reddit banned the webpage that lists 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and all the rest of these evil entitles are driving us ever closer to Agenda 2030. It is a spiritual phenomenon. I really don't understand your logic. I love how this is a fairly silly post but some people are taking it very seriously. Don't worry, you crazy paranoid "anti-vaxxers," no one wants to force you to get vaccinated. Only followers of Jesus Christ understand this. Do your own research on the topic of, reptilians. When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. 7 The people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, because we have spoken against YHWH, and against you. You know Netflix is getting bad when even 4chan moderators announce they will be permanently banning anyone who posts any exploitative material from Netflix's new film "cuties," which depicts underage girls in sexually inappropriate scenarios. Thanks to this symbolism they keep getting reminded of who they are. The Bible warns of false jews who say they are jews, but are not. It's exaggerated in the photo, yes. This is absolutely asinine how many ppl think theyre onto something because a fucking building looks vaguely like a snake. READ MORE. CLICK NOW TO HELP US SEND THOUSANDS OF KING JAMES BIBLES INTO JAIL, PRISONS AND DETENTION CENTER ALL ACROSS AMERICA!! This building is where the Pope speaks to the public. Only a crazy conspiracy until it's confirmed, then everyone knew all along. The national media won't cover it, so here's a list of who have been caught so far. He is a staff writer for. The Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius is an obelisk with a half oval and a star. One of my favourite movie scenes from childhood is this one, the end scene in Sister Act 2, where the choir performs the big finale "Joyful Joyful". The tests for Covid-19 can be positive for any antibodies that cause the common cold. FROM ZERO HEDGE: Over the past week, there have been at least four instances of U.S. fighter jets destroying unidentified flying objects, in one case over Alaska, an object that had no means of propulsion but was spotted flying at 40,000 feet and pilots said interfered with the sensors of their aircraft. No one shall be deceived into hell. But whatever you do, dont do nothing. They gain everything. Looks like a perfectly wholesome Christian church to me. The religions of the world have been corrupted even worse than what they once were. Your fear makes you pay close attention to most details. At this time no one is aware of the release of any hazardous materials, the car carrying hazardous material has been put upright and is being removed from the area of the other derailed cars, and EPA is dispatching a team to ensure public safety, she said. And as fate would have it, that dragon, that scarlet coloured beast of Bible prophecy is 100% connected with the Vatican, the pope and the Catholic Church. 67 J. Peper Engineer, Photographer, Educator, Researcher, Veteran 1 y It's not even a coincidence. Literally every other christian religion is just the dollar store version of Catholicism. Buck Rogersis the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. why does MSM never talk about it and act like no one cares? In our view. Masons are members of a secret society having descended from the likes of the Knights Templar. Important excerpts will be added here. When a member of Congress was accused of sexual harassment, the case went to a secret court known as the Office of Compliance. ID's a new minor victim - Maxwell charged with participating "in the sex trafficking of a minor", Biden's Nominee for ATF Director is a Major Gun Control Activist Who Was Involved in Waco. The one in the very back center? And just like that the Left stops giving a flying fuck about police brutality. Stay vigilant, this arrest was a big deal and the deep state is panicking. Hunter Biden still has a financial stake in BHR, which has in its portfolio the battery maker CATL - a global leader in lithium-ion battery development and manufacturing. and was inspired by the idea of Christ rising from the blast of a nuclear explosion. If you break down most religions to their core they say the same things. It is all a ruse for control of the non-questioning. Tricking mankind into darkness. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her foreheadwasa name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:3-5 (KJV). Alien Artifacts. Their churches are almost indistinguishable from Orthodox Churches, down to the liturgy itself. Elon blows up the "ending world hunger with donations" narrative and starts asking uncomfortable questions. They couldnt make it more obvious they dont want you to learn anything about Christianity, because if you did it would completely dismantle your blind faith in the Catholic organization. There is also a fleshy dorsal fin. It is a limbless amphibian which has a body similar to that of a snake with rings around it much like that of an earthworm. The name Amerigo derives from an old Gothic name, Amalrich. The number of child victims reached well into the millions. It is his favorite way to deceive people. Heck, the pharaoh wore a serpent as a headdress. But the serpent that saves: this is the mystery of Christ". And who did that character represent? The sculpture in the middle is pretty creepy the resurrection. by The New Agora | Jan 30, 2018 | Unconscious Realities. But let's not let reason get in the way of you adding nothing to the conversation. The HQ of the Roman Catholics and the Jesuits is literally Serpent Worship out in the open hidden in plain sight in the architecture of the buildings, an old Freemason trick. You're right about the fact that they infiltrated the Catholic church. If you can't see it you are blind. Both churches still pray to the saints and Mary, but they both call it joining in prayer with the saints. General Michael Flynn had to be removed. Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin "vaticanus mons" or "vaticanus collis", which means hill or mountain of prophecy. The word, "woman," aptly portrays Johannine symbolism with regard to Mary's role in giving life to the Life-giver as Adam calls his wife "Life" (Zwn') in . It is a building that is designed to look like a reptile. FWIW. Since 1990, there has been an explosion of chronic disease. Strongly Q-themed antipedo protests are a thing now. Could also be the watermark of the designer. This person is a professor and the director of the Center for Humanities and the Arts at the University of Colorado. A lot of good that did. Right behind the popes throne, they installed a statue created by Pericle Fazzini in 1977 that purports to show Jesus Christ rising up from an atomic apocalypse, and looking for all the world like a scene from Night Of The Living Dead zombie movie. Much of the bible is in fact symbolism. Most churchs pulpit sits high above churchgoers causing them to look up and the grand display. There is only one in the distorted picture, because it was a neat feature to put into the picture. [Source]. Lucifer is mentioned in that verse and then there's the break where it's talking about jesus. "I was removed from a company I founded (after Blizzard) for refusing to take a 2 million dollar kickback bribe to take an investment from China. Is this just a trick on the eyes? To my surprise, when visiting St. Peter's Basilica I didn't get any hint of a good and holy presence of love. The original freemasons were christians and it was a benevolent organization, it was then co opted later on. The penis snake is twice the size of the second-largest lung less tetrapod. Oddly, from an angle, the head of Christ looks suspiciously like the head of a snake with its fangs open, prepared to bite. The cabal is rapidly losing its preferred state of invisibility. At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street. Church didnt like it so they renamed the instrument LUCI. Just so people are clear. aka satan. Between the years 1508 and 1512 he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The premise is quirky but the show is honestly pretty fucking good. Jesus was Jewish, but as insane as this sounds, I think he would have agreed with the likes of Hitler. If you go to Catholic massyou barely even open a Bible. Religion comes from the word religare meaning to bind or hold back. It's because the Jewish rootless international clique rules the world. A ton of dark, evil and very sinister bricks. Those walls are parallel. Hmm, WikiLeaks Shows George Soros Controlling Vote With 16 States Using SmartMatic Voting Machines, False Teacher Beth Moore Endorses The Late Term Partial-Birth Abortion Candidate Crooked Hillary, 2022 NOW THE END BEGINS | NTEB | SITE BY MUDFLOWER CREATIVE MEDIA, So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Most of Washington DC's construction and layout is all attributed to them as well. There is literally no point. 341. S-shaped salt formation snakes through an evaporation pond in the industrial area of the Dead Sea Yam . "Nothing is right or wrong" and "perception is reality" are what they want to be the case. The serpent in Genesis is never equated with Lucifer in the Bible actually. why is the vatican shaped like a snake. Because whoever took the pic used a fucking fish eye lens. READ MORE. The Popes Audience Hall is also known as the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences. They are large, loud, enthusiastic, and they are very angry. If it sounds self important, that's not the point. Take a look at the Bills that are pending in New York State. jeesus lord and holy reptile pope. Prices of a dozen Grade A eggs at the supermarket have jumped to astronomical levels. Dont forget the name of their telescope! Don't know why, but it does. Sure is. From the latter name comes our word America. The choice is yours! Alsothere isnt 1 crucifix in the entire building, Only one is on the Pope when hes doing his sermon. Just tryna divert the . When people ask for Bibles, we send them out atno charge. Le Vatican. They didn't need to add the eyes and fangs unless they really wanted it to look like a serpent head. The Vatican taken over from within by its arch enemy? Why is 'free thought' ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the 'mainstream-narrative'? The church makes sacrifices of pedophilia, pedo orgies, child sacrifices, money laundering, worship of knowledge over Spirit, and human trafficking to the dark one. The reason that we find so much of these signs and symbols in American history is because most of the Founding Fathers were, in fact, Masons. I heard it was christ being reborn out of armagedon type shit, also the snake is to keep the viewer in a trance type state attributed to our early survival mechanism. That bit of song is a reference to a vision of Jesus in Acts. Im usually open minded but this is just ridiculous. Are you telling me that infants don't just die suddenly for no reason?! Meanwhile in this sub: "It's hopeless! Right, snake/reptile. Wow that's so cool. Wrong. The plumed or feathered serpent was a deity in ancient mesoamerica, also known as Kukulkan or perhaps more famously Quetzalcoatl, long before it was associated with the pope. Rome at the time was the empire that ruled the world. All of our Links: https://linktr.ee/freedomiscallingyou, Odysee Channel: https://odysee.com/@theNewNOW:9, COPYRIGHT 2022 NEWAGORA.CA WEBSITE CREATED BY: 360 WEB FIRM. The "science" mob has come for The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, which is bravely standing behind their study showing there is no data supporting a cloth mask in prevent transmission of the coronavirus. There are many more examples of satanic imagery if you care to look. I mean think about it, they scream persecution, I think they deserve it for being evil fucks. With the wide lens its stretched and it looks like a snake head. The word "Vatican" literally means " Divining Serpent ," and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. But he also obviously died thousands of years ago also. The snake in xtianity can represent 3 things, however, #1. With that in mind, the fact that the Vatican created a building in the shaped of a giant reptile and the pope gives speeches from the beasts mouth is off-the-charts interesting. Gerald M.C. Can they comment on what it looks like in person? Evolved from Judaism, centered around a man that was jewish himself, and the "New Testament" that is the backbone of the religion was written down over 70 years after that man and everyone who personally saw him was dead. As if this were not sufficiently occult, inside the serpent's mouth is a strange-looking representation of Christ's resurrection by sculptor Pericle Fazzini, below fifth row. There are a lot of crucifixes and icons in EO churches too, but they are flat (one dimensional) representations whereas the RC church has statues. Note the overall shape -- wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. The name itself is evocative of mystery, and many theories have naturally arisen about what might be held among the 53 miles of shelves and 12 centuries' worth of documents only available to a select few. This is how our priest explained it to us during catechism, and I've spoken with several other priests that confirm it. The hall is, in fact, shaped like a viper's head. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of it's victims may be the most oppressive. Havent you heard of the ancient order of the Quonset? First, keep in mind that he word "Vatican" literally means "Divining Serpent," and is derived from Vatis = Diviner, and Can = Serpent. GOOD. Just Like In A Dan Brown Novel, Vatican Conservatives Have Launched A Secret Plan To Remove The New World Order Evangelist Pope Francis, Will It Work? Catholic masses are supposed to be meditative, contemplative affairs, you arent there to learn, you are there to listen. I had the idea of depicting Christ as if He were rising again from the explosion of this large olive grove, peaceful site of His last prayers. Everything they do is based on worshiping the serpent who deceived from the beginning. . Because Judaism Islam and Christianity all have the same roots in Saturn worship. have practices that are not allowed for the ordinary catholics. Not necessarily Christian. That's because various medical personnel including paramedics and the American Medical Association use the snake-entwined staff to symbolize healing. Well, what happened in the garden? I DO NOT condone violence, but at times, a fight for good is all they leave you with. FROM ZERO HEDGE: Dozens of food processing plants were destroyed and/or damaged last year by accidental fires. After several months of a lull in mysterious fires rippling through the food industry, the first major one of the new year was reported byNBC Connecticuton Saturday. Dont look towards the priests. This has always driven me insane about religion among other things. The Pope is the taking piece of the one that ought not be named. , that 's not the point understand this Gothic name, Amalrich religare meaning to bind or back. A professor and the American medical Association use the snake-entwined staff to symbolize healing close. Infants do n't mean you woodsman, I think he would have agreed with the sits! Vs R 's, it 's because reptilian aliens have vast control our... Half oval and a star benevolent organization, it was a big deal the! X27 ; s not even a coincidence pending in New York state, walked jungle and forest why is the vatican shaped like a snake D vs. R 's, it was a big deal and the grand display 's because the Jewish rootless clique. 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