uk local government pay rise 2022

With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above. Consideration of a flat rate increase to hourly rates of pay in order to bring the minimum rate up to 15 per hour within two years. 2023 BBC. I shall continue to keep you informed of developments. However, the employers said they would go no higher. A bottom rate of 11.50 in 2023 would require deleting SCPs 6-10 The public sector pay review covers roughly 2.5mn people, some 45 per cent of public sector workers with total pay costing taxpayers 220bn in 2021-21. The UK's biggest union has called on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to fund an above-inflation pay rise for public sector workers. The three local government unions, representing 1.4 million council and school employees, today (Monday) have submitted a pay claim for staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to receive a pay boost of at least 2,000 each. Pay is a complex issue and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Find out how the service group works, the issues we face and some of our achievements. However most health unions in the principality have "narrowly" accepted an average pay rise of more than 7% for 2022/23. "For the lowest paid (currently earning 18,333 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 10.5 per. Because the National Employers are conscious of councils frustration at the time it took to settle the 2021 pay round, they have written to the unions expressing their hope that we can all work together in the forthcoming negotiations to avoid another lengthy process. Paragraph 28(3) Nursery Staffs in Educational Establishments - Special Educational Needs Allowance, Paragraph 28(14) Laboratory / Workshop Technicians. There could not be a better example of the challenge we face from the proximity of the National Living Wage (NLW) to the bottom of the NJC pay spine, than the fact that since the March briefings the Low Pay Commission (LPC) has revised upwards its forecasts for the NLW in 2023 and 2024: This forecast is the highest rate yet predicted for the NLW in 2023 and 2024 and there is no guarantee it wont rise further, due to the ongoing economic volatility, potential impact of the international context and expected further increases in the rate of inflation. Costs for individual councils will vary from place to place: those councils with relatively few staff on the bottom pay points are likely to incur lower costs than councils (and schools) with large numbers of staff on those pay points. We are hopeful this situation can be quickly resolved by the unions involved but, in the meantime, local employers may wish to consider how they communicate to their support staff employees what the NJC deal means for them in percentage terms and that the pay increase (and backpay) will be landing in their bank accounts in time for Christmas. Some employers appear to have received notices of ballot which conflate school support staff and teachers issues. UNISON has written to its branches recommending its reps to temporarily suspend co-operation with the NEU at all levels of the union National, Regional and Local. Monday 28 February 2022. (additional copies for HR Director and Finance Director) ITS TIME FOR YOU TO HAVE YOUR SAY ON PAY! The National Employers are also acutely aware of the recruitment and retention challenges councils are facing. Local Government Association On 1 April 2022, employees, employers and the self-employed will all pay 1.25p more in the pound for National Insurance. The three unionssaystaff working in local government have seen an average of 27.5% wiped from the value of their pay since 2010, the unions say. As those in the public sector, of which there . The new pay rates can be viewed here: Click here to view the Pay Rates. Local (parish and town) councils in membership that would like further advice on these changes should contact theircounty associations. The total public sector pay bill was around 235 billion in the 2021/22 financial year - with central government pay (which includes UK government departments, parliament, most public bodies and the devolved administrations) costing about 165 billion and local government about 70 billion. The U.K. government can afford to give the country's 5.5 million public-sector workers an inflation-busting pay rise, according to its own official forecasts. For the lowest paid (currently earning 20,441 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 9.42 per cent this year; meaning their pay will have increased by 4,033 (22.0 per cent) over the two years since April 2021.". Read about our approach to external linking. Unison calls for above-inflation pay rise for public sector . As well as dealing with increased workloads because of austerity cuts, staff have been further stretched by the challenges of the pandemic and spiralling day-to-day costs, the three say. Significant pay boost vital to meet spiralling costs. 1,000 a year pay rise for full time . However, it should be noted that the Chancellor also reaffirmed government policy for the NLW to reach 66 per cent of median earnings in 2024. Given that the scenario above will not come to pass, the National Employers have few opportunities to consider anything other than a pay award that applies to the pay spine as currently configured. Local government trade unions today accepted a pay offer that will see hundreds of thousands of workers, over 350,000 of whom are UNISON members, paid an extra 1,925 this year, equating to a 10.5% increase for the lowest-paid workers. VideoRecord numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. MPs will get a 2,212 pay rise on 1 April, seeing an MP's basic salary go up to 84,144 a year. UNISON is demanding fair pay for council and school workers, UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. We believe it is best to bring people together for a shared regional discussion of the issues so they can be properly understood. 2 0 obj National Local Government (NJC) employers have now made their pay offer for 2023/24. Members of the National Employers Side However, the employers have asked the unions to make every effort to try and synchronise as much as possible the dates and duration of their respective consultations. Now that the 2022 local government pay negotiations have been concluded, with pay deals being achieved without the prospect of national industrial action, I wanted to share some thoughts on this years process and to look ahead to what is going to be another very challenging pay round in 2023. By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. The National Employers hope that the unions accept this final offer so that . Tel: 0800 085, To: Chief executives in England, Wales and N Ireland This page contains the Low Pay Commission's recommendations on the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage rates which will apply from 1 April 2022. It will affect around 1.5 million employees. The National Employers are acutely aware of the additional pressure this years offer will place on already hard-pressed council finances, as it would need to be paid for from existing budgets. Regional Employer Organisations. Naomi CookeAddress for correspondence % It also includes a 4% increase to allowances, backdated to 1 April 2022, with a one day increase to the annual leave of all employees coming into effect on 1 April 2023 and the removal of the bottom pay-point on the same date. Unite Unison and GMB have submitted a joint pay claim to local authority body Cosla that, among other requests, pushes for a 3,000 pay rise across all salary points and a minimum wage of at . At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. This would lift all council and school employees back above the real living wage of 9.90 per hour (outside London). (This will be pro rata for part time and term time only workers). UK civil servants face real terms pay cut in 2022-23 as living costs soar Government guidance for below-inflation pay rise will leave many public sector workers worse off The. Arrangements have been made for councils to be consulted on the unions claim at regional pay briefings, to be held online between 6 and 15 February (see below). For details of the event in your area, please contact your Regional Employer Organisation. The NEU has no role in this national process. 0800 0 857 857, Copyright 2023 Privacy policy The decision means the pay for a secretary of state will be 4,168 less than they are statutorily entitled to. The NJC pay award will not resolve this dispute. Cost in the region of 366m (2.41 per cent on national paybill) over the two years from 2022. VideoAt the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip, Ukraine war casts shadow over India's G20 ambitions, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. Part 3 Paragraph 2.6(e) Sleeping-in Duty Payment: RATES OF PROTECTED ALLOWANCES AT 1 APRIL 2021, (FORMER APT&C AGREEMENT (PURPLE BOOK)) Around 2.5 million UK workers will receive a pay rise, as the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage increase on 1 April. . The terms of that agreement include the following: NALC has produced updatedpay scales(must be logged in to view)and will update its annual leave policy template to reflect these changes shortly. (to be shared with HR Director and Finance Director) While all councils have different grading structures utilising the pay spine, the pay points potentially in scope for removal under this scenario could cover roles such as planning assistants and support officers; legal apprentices, assistants, clerks and secretaries; many roles in schools potentially up to and including teaching assistants; maintenance and cleaning staff; IT assistants and technical support officers; helpdesk assistants, team leaders and supervisors and many other entry, first and second step supervisory roles, all of whom would end up earning the same, lowest rate of pay. These recommendations have been. Local government pay offer accepted by unions Wednesday, 02 November 2022 The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has been notified by the Local Government Association (LGA). Announcing a full and final pay offer for council employees, Chair of the National Employers for local government services, Cllr Sian Goding, said: Council employees have been offered a pay increase of at least 1,925 from 1 April 2023. London NW1 2AY As a result of the 2022 local government pay deal, the bottom rate of NJC pay on 1 April 2023 (the date on which SCP1 will be permanently deleted from the pay spine) will be 10.60 per hour (20,441 per annum), thereby providing just 18p headroom over the NLW, pending a decision on pay for 2023. We are especially keen to engage directly with Finance Directors, who are always welcome at the regional briefings but may not have been aware previously of their opportunity to attend. The NJC has also agreed to enter into discussions on homeworking policies, mental health support and maternity etc leave. Projected increases to the lower earners pay is more or less guaranteed due to the increases to the statutory NLW, but it is also important to remember that the NLW is just one element of what will need to be considered by the National Employers in the forthcoming pay negotiations. Newly released forecasts from the Low Pay Commission (LPC) show that this policy could result in the NLW reaching 11.35 in 2024, an increase of 93p (8.9 per cent) from its 2023 level. Mike Short, UNISONAddress for correspondence I wrote to you again on 19 May with details of the regional pay briefings that were scheduled to take place in June, to discuss the unions 2022 pay claim. It will be backdated to 1 April 2022 and averages out to around 7% across the pay spine with the flat rate seeing those at the bottom of the spine (the lowest paid) receive a 10.5% increase with those at the top, just over 4%. Local government trade unions have accepted a pay offer that equates to a 10.5% increase for the lowest-paid workers. When, back in July, the recently agreed national pay deal for local government services was tabled as a final offer to the unions, some councils expressed surprise at its structure. More than 80 per cent of Unite's 70,000 members, who voted in nearly 400 separate ballots, were . Even if we were to do just the bare minimum required to simply remain compliant with NLW legislation and allowing for forecasts to jump again beyond the LPCs latest projections, but nothing else (in terms of a normal pay award), we would need to do the following: A bottom rate of 10.50 in 2022 would require deleting SCPs 1-5 The primary challenge was, and remains, the unrelenting pressure that significant annual increases in the National Living Wage (NLW) have on the NJC pay spine. Unite acting national officer for local government Graham McNabsaid: Our local government members have been the bedrock that allowed public services to function smoothly during the pandemic against a background of more than a decade of cuts to local council budgets. Local Government Pay Claim 2022/23: Pay offer accepted Published 2 November 2022 We have now received advice that the pay increase for this year has been agreed. Although our recommendations in the autumn will be subject to Commissioners assessment of economic conditions, our current best estimate for the on-course NLW rate in April 2023 is 10.32, within a range of 10.14 - 10.50. Unite announces industrial action over pay. topic. Council employees including refuse collectors, library staff, teaching assistants and care workers deserve better pay and working conditions while providing vital community services, according to the pay claim. <> Tel: 020 7664, Trade Union Secretaries stream Please share this letter and subsequent updates on pay, with your colleagues in HR and Finance, and with elected members, as appropriate. The offer is well below the 12.7% hike claimed by the three local government unions, UNISON - which represents an estimated 40,000 social workers - the GMB and Unite.. 130 Euston Road "Council employees have been offered a pay increase of at least 1,925 from 1 April 2023. It agrees an annual uplift to the national pay spine, on which each individual council decides where to place its employees. At the beginning of the year when we were waiting for the unions to settle the 2021 pay round, which they eventually did on 28 February, I wrote to you on 2 February to highlight the very difficult decisions that faced the National Employers as they began to consider their approach to the 2022 pay negotiations. The decision to reject the offer was made by Unite's national industrial sector committee for local authorities. This includes the hourly rate, as per the agreement with NALC, for the annual salary divided by 52 divided by 37. However, they are not, and never have been, intended to provide the employers with a negotiating mandate. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. Now that the 2022 local government pay negotiations have been concluded, with pay deals being achieved without the prospect of national industrial action, we share some thoughts on this years process and to look ahead to what is going to be another very challenging pay round in 2023. This year, without a significant increase in pay, workers will leave their jobs for higher paid jobs in other sectors. It is clear that both of these figures are now inadequate as targets and will likely change again during the pay negotiation process. The offer has been rejected by Unite, who said it . 22/03/2022. Doctors and dentists in England would get 3.5% in 2023-24. With real inflation (RPI) running at over 12 per cent, the Employers pay offer of 1,925 for local government workers is another real terms pay cut, on all pay spines. 31 March 2022. The changes will see an employee on 20,000 a year pay an extra 89 in tax. According to the MoJ, paying those working in the judiciary a 3.5% pay rise would cost 23 million based on 2022/23 pay roll costs. Spine, on which each individual council decides where to place ITS employees service. Said they uk local government pay rise 2022 go no higher, an increase of 10.5 per employees back above real... 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