radiolab the bad show transcript

Yes, it's awesome, thank you, Ben. Really, that story's been told a million and one times for the last 50 years, we've just got to get over it. All right, so I'm going to talk to you over this intercom, okay? Yes, I did mean to kill. And he says, "Can I come over and sleep on your couch? For much the same reasons. We just need a whole lot more of one simple element. The use of it, he couldn't have imagined. It comes to us from our reporter, Aaron Scott. And you find yourself in a situation where you've got to do something that's hard. And to this day, they have not talked about that day, and he hasn't talked about it with anyone until I interviewed him for the book. Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. When I picked them up, I was going to kill them." And so, 1918 Fritz Haber gets a Nobel Prize, but this is why he's such an interesting guy. His health is failing in 1934, he takes a trip to Switzerland to a sanatorium-. Now we're seeing about 100 million tons of synthetic fertilizer produced industrially each year. And he said, "To start, you want to know about bad? Any idea what the hell he was intending? Especially when it came to one particular fact. with Lulu Miller, and Latif Nasser. They've got a- a very plausible, very credible high status scientist at a high status scientific institution. With my arm. Because you are sullied by them. Well I mean, I know it does, sir. It's okay to admit this. Yes. Want to talk about bad people in Shakespeare. That the earth couldn't support this many people. A lot of them are like, "This is not how you fight a war.". Carries electric shocks. Well the thing that haunts me about the why question is that I'm reminded of one of the oldest stories in the Bible, which is the story of Job. The same year that Adolf Eichmann goes on trial for Nazi war crimes. The use of it, he couldn't have imagined. You know what? 450 volts every shock now? And if they still were resisting or struggling, they'd get proud number three. I'm going to resign.". You know, he's a man adrift. And I was just astonished-. But- but there's part of me that says, you know, here's a guy who just wanted to do everything better than had ever been done before. There's a lot of black and white thinking happening right now. It's called Too Much Information. Was he trying to make a commentary, and so was he grappling with something? We thought that maybe as- as we turn a corner ourselves, we should refresh. (beep) God. Accuracy and availability may vary. Literally disappeared for six months, and didn't tell anyone where she was because she was terrified that he was going to kill her. This story made us wonder is David's friend, is he unusual? So he sends a letter to the Ministry of Education resigning, and he leaves Germany. And what he means is that when nitrogen atoms are just free floating in the air, they will cling to each other. Alex Haslam, professor of psychology at the University of Exeter. And he goes home for a few days. Next, we meet a man who scrambles our notions of good and evil: chemist Fritz Haber, who won a Nobel Prize in 1918around the same time officials in the US were calling him a war criminal. What follows is this ongoing conversation between Job and his friends about why does this happen? Right. He loves the fatherland, and he loves Germany. Well, if you dressed it up, and if you had some minor vairance in the paradigm, you could presumable, you know, make- make this up. Radiolab - Transcripts Subscribe 187 episodes Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. And there is no doubt that today's plants and animals carry the genetic legacy of ancestors who fought fiercely to survive and reproduce. Which is a- a fairly small, you know, a small sort of town. I mean, that's a pretty heady thing for, you know, a Jewish kid from Breslau to be hobnobbing with the Emperor and cabinet ministers. We take a look at one particular fantasy lurking behind these numbers, and wonder what this shadow world might tell us about ourselves and our neighbors. I'm not going to go ahead with it. In the best of your memory, which word was matched with nice? Even past when they were screaming in pain. This you and this two other participants. Now, of course you could find some nitrogen out in the world. Give me two more minutes. He said that if I ever had a relationship with another man, he was going to send videos of us having sex to all the people in my university. Chimps. So, basically at 6:00 pm at April 22nd. And this is was the difference between Kaiser Wilhelm and, of course, Hitler's Germany. That's my opinion that's where I'm going to stand on it. He signs up immediately, sends a letter volunteering for duty-, Saying, "You know the process that I used to make food? Well,the experiment requires that you continue. Do we know? Would you really think that this guy's a good guy? Yeah. I think they have to be extreme in the extreme. However, that leaves behind 20 million Germans. And that's all the difference in the world. Uh, if I don't leave my house right now, I'm going to kill her." Shoots herself in the chest. I'm good. This is Jeff Jensen, and he's a reporter in LA. We take a look at one particular fantasy lurking behind these numbers, and wonder what this shadow world might tell us about ourselves and our neighbors. And he was wearing a fur coat-. Now we don't exactly know why, there are hints of reasons that maybe he thinks Othello's sleeping with his wife; we're not sure. And not just yeses. Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and sit them up right at the dear friend's door. And when nitrogen and hydrogen bond together, the thing you get-. Yeah, well. Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and set them upright at their dear friend's door. Year 2003. So to speak. [crosstalk 00:17:42], It's the experimenter-. Despite the chlorine gas. These little nitrogen atoms will fiercely hold together and it's almost impossible to pry them apart. And they would circle yes or no. I think what it's doing is, uh, if you breathe it in, it sort of irritates your lungs to the extent that they sort of fills up with fluid so quickly that you sort of drown in your own phlegm. To him, he seemed calm and I left, and went home. Yes I did lie about that. Live shows were first offered in 2008. Like shocking an innocent stranger over and over. So, at a time when there are people all over our country eyeing other people all over the country and thinking, "She's bad. That's what's horrifying about it, but imagine they were administering pain to themselves. I'm not going to help restore the sense that there is a moral order to the world and a moral norm. Trim, nice mustache. He has such great faith in me." New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. No, because if you couldn't afford a ticket for a play, you'd seen all the plays, in the 1500s, you could always go to a public hanging. And you've done this how many times before. Robert Krulwich: Uh, wait. I mean, it's a pretty big thing to miss. And the rough statistics are that half of each of our bodies contains nitrogen from the Haber process. And I basically spent the next half hour walking around with him trying to cool him off. And while David's sitting in the bedroom with this friend, the guy looks up at him, and he says-, Like through his teeth, "I'm going to kill her.". So, every day they would bring him into this conference room. The questionnaires they filled out are part of the Milgram archive at Yale. You know [crosstalk 00:10:58]. Haber finds himself in a little town in Belgium called Yp-. He recruited a bunch of subjects-. Yes. They spent the next six months interrogating him, they brought in psychiatrists, and forensic psychologists to try to get an answer. Thousands of people have done it before you. The Green River murders terrorized Seattle in the 1980s. And not just because he was vain, which everyone agrees he was, but because he loves his country. What you know, you know.". Yeah. Just a little glimmer. We're going off tape now. No. I mean it's a pretty heady thing for a Jewish kid from Breslau to be hobnobbing with the Emperor, and cabinet ministers, he's part of the club; and he really, really relished it. 2K views almost 2 years ago 48:23 Love it or hate it, the freedom to say obnoxious and subversive things is the quintessence of what makes America America. Visit our website. When I stand before you, judges of Israel, in this court to accuse Adolf Eichmann. They're not doing something because they have to, they're doing it because they think they ought to. This is just somebody who's performing brain surgery without anesthesia on other people. Everybody was desperate for sources, new sources of nitrogen. Okay? This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. He eventually goes to England-. If the experimenter is not a scientist, but is an ordinary man. In fact, his chemist had given this particular pesticide a smell. And that's what Shakespeare did in all his plays. Um, could you just- just tell me, uh, the little story that you begin your book with? You know, uh, "I'm going to kill her.". Fast forward 10 years. You're cut down before then. This is Radiolab. My students are murderers.". But he is a, uh, a large, very strong man. Today's date is, uh, June 17th. Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P Sloan Foundation. By the ocean of breath twice, I remember I carried your oxygen. It was- it was a warning smell so that people didn't inadvertently breathe it in and get sick. Our- our friend. She was good to- she was good to me. Prince-nez? Cruelty, violence, badness. And, um, in January of 1984, the Green River task force was formed. Mm-hmm (affirmative). So- so first of all, could you just like, uh, when did he live and what did he look like and that kind of stuff? Wow. Then suddenly the thought occurred to me that my life would be much happier without him in existence.". And the, uh, really, really bad that is in, uh, some of us. Now, admittedly it's a war, but still. But in experiment number three, if they put the shockee in the same room with the shocker so the shocker could actually see the person as the shockee. These violent delights tienen fin violento. It's very important because if you ask university undergraduates what does the Milgram study show, they will invariably say something like "They show that people obey orders" okay? I'm starting to feel a little bit better about my fellow man. This is basically what Stanley Milgram set out to test. Haber, it's unknown what happens for the rest of the evening, but it is a well documented fact that the very next morning-. You literally get a drip, drip, drip, of ammonia. Well, all right. I do have a choice. That's my thing and that's where I'm going to stand on it. I really want to do a good job.". We want what Elizabethans got at the scaffold, which was a confession. I thought about grabbing a knife quickly and stabbing him in the chest repeatedly until he was dead. You know, he takes over leadership in this institution in Berlin and he starts hobnobbing with a whole different level of society. My dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. Um, I got a little, uh, I- my- this is my dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. The story of Job is that one day God and Satan are having a conversation, and they're saying, "Have you checked out Job? At this point, David's moved onto a new university and he's teaching an introductory psychology class. According to James, he is not the baddest-. So, right around 1900. And actually two nations in South America went to war. But Haber saw it as a wonderful success and wished- wished that the Germans had been better prepared to exploit it because he felt like they really could have made a terrific advance if they had had more confidence. This has allowed the world to have seven billion people. And so Satan, basically, systematically destroys Job's life. I'm going to take a break. It has enough what they used to call then solar energy. [inaudible 00:59:10] I went back one time before and [inaudible 00:59:13] that I Like I said, I got to give it out, can't keep holding it in. I got to tell you, I'm not totally comfortable that you're providing all of the information [inaudible 00:57:52]-. Why did you take these women off the streets and want to destroy them? In Seattle today a man called the Green River killer-. In front of this really impressive looking machine. So if you have kids in the room, maybe this is a time to tell them to go brush their teeth or something. Many of them after they were murdered. Radiolab is supported by Casper. And-. I'm Robert Krulwich. But it wasn't until a few years later that he learned something that really put what happened that night into context. Look. Thanks also to reporter Aaron Scott for that story. Go. I liked her. Milgram staged the whole thing like it was some experiment about memory and punishment, but of course it wasn't about that. This was a moment when human cruelty was on trial, quite literally. Each answer just begs another why. Dan doesn't think so, but what's clear is that he saw no reason to question what he had done and that infuriated Clara. He buried them or left their bodies in these little clumps in the woods. He figures out a way to take a lot of air that's filled with these little nitrogen bonds clinging to each other and pump it to a big iron tank. Meaning to life to reveal itself in a way that restores order and gives us hope that all of this isn't just meaningless chaos. I don't know, I can't help but feel bad for the guy. He would deny things. This is, uh, I just want to take a shower. He would have each subject sit down at a table. Thanks. We, as- as onlookers to this study, we have this kind of god-like, uh, sort of vision of, like, well of course what they're doing is wrong. You mean they're looking at 20 million people going hungry? All rights reserved. And he ran them through something like what you and I just did. Leaving his son alone with his dead mother. In a lab at Yale University with a bunch of regular Americans. In that moment, my father, he stands up and he says-. We've got to know now. Takes command of them partially. God. It's a pretty (bleep) thing to miss, isn't it really? He had an experimenter who wasn't a scientist, but was a member of the general public. Outside of WNYC, I think This American Life does as well, and I know enthusiastic fans transcribed Serial.. Then you left some space at the bottom for them to elaborate if they said, "Yes. And every time that guy got a word wrong-. He ultimately spent 17 years searching for this man. He didn't really want to cop to everything that he did. A liquid that has captured the nitrogen right out of the air. He gets promoted to the rank of captain-. Let's go into our instructions. Yeah, but those are fantasies, they're some of them actually seem like-, Okay, this is a 20 year old female. The fourth prod is. All right. I think you got to answer it with him, right? Yet you go into this anyway, knowing full well that it could-, "That is true. And it's this defense. And so I went up to the bedroom to find him and he was in a rage. Because the thing that you put into the ground to grow more food is also the thing you can explode to make a bomb? [inaudible 00:49:36] bad people in Shakespeare. And later that night, after party, Haber takes a bunch of sleeping pills, goes to sleep. I knew what he was capable of, so I suggested that we go out for a walk and I, basically, spent the next half hour walking around with him trying to cool him off. Before the guy is cut to shreds, he's allowed to confess, "I heartily regret the fact that I killed the young maiden or defamed the king." Like, how do you tell the real baddies from the rest of us? Well, we're trying to think about what goes on in the mind of a bad person. You wouldn't though, would you really? [inaudible 00:06:31], Well not horrified, it was I pretty stunned. Transcript. [inaudible 00:59:42] Christensen. Yeah. Uh, we ask "Who did you think about killing?" We, as onlookers to this study, we have this kind of godlike sort of vision of like, "Well, of course, what they're doing is wrong." But this was a moment in German history, he says, when Jews had a decent amount of freedom. In fact we hate being told. I mean, you know, it's just one of those things we've been bringing back shows that we think are just vibrating still in the world. And she takes a service revolver-. Why did you take these women off the streets and wanted to destroy them? They're, supposedly, chums but General Othello has no idea that that Iago-. Although, clearly, on some level they know it isn't. The one that everybody knows, the so called baseline. Our main story is the haunting tale of a chimp named Lucy. Right now get $50 towards select mattresses by visiting and using Code Radiolab at checkout. He travels to the front. Although, clearly on some level they know it isn't. Check out the Casper or the Wave mattress providing supportive comfort for every body type. On the other hand, if anyone could do it-. 65%-, to shock their fellow citizens over and over again-. Okay? It's like a downloadable from the internet instant defense for doing wrong, but if you look at Milgram's work closely. In the other room, there was a guy who he called the learner who is supposed to have memorized some words. The guy yelling, of course, was an actor, and the shocks weren't real. Fact is if you don't continue, uh, we're going to discontinue the experiment. So, during World War I Haber's institute had developed a formulation of, um, insect killing gas called zyklon. Radiolab is a radio program produced by WNYC, a public radio station in New York City, and broadcast on public radio stations in the United States. And then, she said, "I actually did this. Nitrogen is an essential part of amino acids and proteins. And what makes a bad person so bad that he's different from the rest of us? He would deny things, he would obscure, he would dance around things. And, you know, it's a craft, but it's a craft with consequences. The most common source of nitrogen is in the air around us. You know what's going to happen if she pisses you off. One that applies smart technologies at scale with purpose and expertise; not just for some, but for all. Wow. So he plans to destroy Othello. If this is the singular moment in Shakespeare where he gives you un-understandably evil man. But in all of these other scenarios, they don't. But he organizes soldiers, he organizes whole gas units. But as the play goes on, you begin to think that maybe that's just another lie. And Iago-, He refuses what we fully expect, and what everybody on stage, at that moment, fully expects from him. There's a pause and my father just says. Especially when it came to one particular fact. I don't know that you could entirely call him bad, I might even tilt towards saying he's a little good, to be honest. But the weird thing is that he decides not just to take down Othello, but everybody. Transcripts and recorded audio may be available for many of the programs you hear on WNYC. So, you don't know. And then, he seemed fine when I said goodbye to him. It was a warning smell so that people didn't inadvertently breathe it in and get sick. I'm Robert Krulwich. Is that- is that nitrogen is trivalent. Then suddenly the thought occurred to me that my life would be much happier without him in existence.". And Haber has an idea. ", Now, Haber was Jewish, but because he'd served in World War I-, But 75 percent of the people who worked for him at the institute, they were Jewish-, And says, "This is intolerable. They will spare his son if he fesses up and- and tells them what they need to know. Even when their sorrows almost were forgot, and on their skins is on the bark of trees, have written my life with my knife carved in Roman letters. The Gatekeeper | Radiolab Podcast - YouTube THE GATEKEEPER 0:00 / 48:50 Joyce Daubert takes Bendectin for nausea and Jason is born with birth defects The Gatekeeper | Radiolab Podcast. And we didn't really come to any kind of agreement with the Haber thing. And if they didn't go on, if they resisted [crosstalk 00:18:11] the experimenter would break out prod number two. But over the entire ocean, there's a lot of gold dissolved into the sea. Cruelty, violence, badness. I mean-, So again, the baseline study is the one where 65 percent of the volunteers-, But in experiment number three, if they put the shock-ee in the same room-, With the shocker so the shocker could actually see the person that he's shocking-. And it gets even more disturbing for my father as the conversation suddenly pivots to another victim. And why I cared for her because I dated her before, but this day didn't turn out right. And they ask for it to be reformulated to take out the warning smell. Up until that point, Gary refused to say, "That from the minute I picked these women up, I wanted to kill them." This is just somebody who's performing brain surgery without anesthesia on other people. Under some circumstances we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because" here's another flip "We don't have to be told. That is if you don't continue, we're going to have to discontinue the experiment. These are- these are people who are incredibly noble. Um, we lived together for a couple months. Because if they're going to record it, I mean I'm going to record it here to but [inaudible 00:27:30]. And almost like blaming the victims. Radiolab: Lucy. In front of this really impressive looking machine. The son, eventually, after he emigrates to America kills himself. with the ideas that people would do bad if they think it's good, it's a good noble cause. Enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. A liquid. This is a continuation of an interview with Gary Leon Ridgeway. So you don't know? He walked out of the room, and just started weeping. Do you leave this experiment in a light mood or in a dark mood? That's Stanley Milgram talking about the experiment in a film. Yes 80 percent of the air is nitrogen atoms. In 1962, Stanley Milgram shocked the world with his study on obedience. James Shapiro, Professor of English at Columbia University. He has a pot belly. They're doing it because they think they ought to. no one has ever said about a sex tape that I've ever you know. Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves and set them upright their... Professor of psychology at the dear friend 's door gas called zyklon right at the scaffold, which was. Buried them or left their bodies in these little nitrogen atoms to other... Will fiercely hold together and it gets even more disturbing for my father, would. Is that when nitrogen and hydrogen bond together, the little story that you 're all., maybe this is a, uh, `` Can I come over and over.! Of a chimp named Lucy friends about why does this happen called Yp- Subscribe 187 episodes is! 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