harry raised by malfoys fanfiction

You are a difficult case, dear child. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And what do you mean, your son" Mrs.Malfoy answer them by saying "well, this is your home now and when you were little, the dark lord didn't know we were having twins, only a boy. Language: English Words: 1,512 Chapters: 2 /? Cookie Notice Wizards are incestuous yall). Emma has been best friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione for 4 years. Hospital alarm went off and a nurse came in and found Narcissa and baby Draco playing with baby Harry. Please consider turning it on! After all, They had been each other's favorites growing up. She is thrown into the midst of a chaotic world that does not deal in her neat boxes of black and white absolutes, but includes all the shades of grey, blurring the lines she had so clearly established for her life and moral compass. He knows he can get information out of his parents. Draco and Harry are 'soulmates' but their relationship is purely platonic for most of the fic. And watch uncle Vernon beat me up. But that doesnt stop him from still being friends with Harry. The blond haired man sneered scornfully and brushed Harry out of the way, muttering under his breath, "Stupid muggles." Harry's eyes flashed, although he knew that rebelliousness only ever lead to bad things, and he reigned in his temper. Harry would be safe as long as he lives with someone of James blood (well, technically adopted blood, but also the Potters and the Blacks were both old pureblood families so theyre probably related by actual blood in some way. Lucius Aurelius Malfoy Apparated right to the front door of Number Four Privet Drive in the late evening of July 30, 1985. Site: [fanfiction.net][140220080127000:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 38 | Words: 90,465 | Reviews: 8,782 | Favs: 3,001 | Follows: 4,659 | Updated: 8/29 | Published: 7/5/2015 | id: 11360264 | Language: English | Genre: Romance | Characters: Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140220080127000:epub] or [MOBI][140220080127000:mobi] [140220080127000:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140220080127000:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11360264&source=ff&filetype=epub [140220080127000:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11360264&source=ff&filetype=mobi, FanfictionBot1.4.0 | [[Usage][1]] | [[Changelog][2]] | [[Issues][3]] | [[GitHub][4]] | [[Contact][5]] [1]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage "How to use the bot" [2]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Changelog "What changed until now" [3]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/issues/ "Bugs? Harry and Krinos had only just joined them when she came striding into view across the lawn, accompanied by Gilderoy Lockhart. It's now July and I'm already being treated like a slave here with the Dursleys. Turns out he has magic too, and that revelation is going to change everything for his entire family. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, There's no need to call me sir, Professor. Protect Draco. He prefers it that way. The boy had not been very modest in Diagon Alley, in fact he'd been quite rude, but at this point Harry didn't care. Harry needed to be somewhere where he could be sad and angry and scared and not alone and safe. Yeah, right. Actually a Drarry fan, so thanks for the recommendation! Looking for good (ideally complete or consistently updated) stories where Harry is adopted/taken in by the Malfoysand essentially grows up as part of the family. Hadn't thought of thiswill definitely check it out. Draco Malfoy goes i Harry Potter knows the truth behind his life that is full of lies and betrayal. Although the Order is there to help, theres still a huge battle with the Death Eaters that had recently escaped, Lucius included. -mention of rape Not by the tone of voice or the way you pronounce the sounds. A prophecy? Lucius and Narcissa are sweet and loving parents as well. Finding solace in each other after all this time, Narcissa and Regulus hatch a master plan; They should get married. Malfoy was almost instantly by her side, even smugger, his hand on her lower back as if to guide her. What do you do when youre dateless for the fifth year in a row on Valentines Day, and all of your friends have found their Person? The only way the Dark Lord will be defeated forever is if hes completely vulnerable. The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone. Fifth-year, Harry and Draco are living with Sirius at Grimmauld Place, which is the safe house for the Order of the Phoenix. Watched Voldemort return. At the end of the year, Dumbledore is dead. -Weasely!Bashing (Minus Bill,Charlie and the twins) Moments later, Ron comes by and asks to sit. This way Regulus gets to avoid romance, Narcissa gets to avoid men, and the boys have two parents with a healthy dynamic. Harry would be safe. So, to hell with the Dark Lord. [cover photo not mine]. In Harry's particular case, he's already lost one set---and Malfoys really don't want to recapitulate that. Convinced of her own worth. So the racist indoctrination doesnt really work on Harry. Guest Dannii I have tried to read They Shook Hands, but it didn't hold my interest. Lucius is still a racist pig and tries to impart this on both of the boys, because dammit if hes going to have to take care of the boy that defeated the Dark Lord, maybe he can at least use him. Theodora was the sunshine that Severus needed in his gloomy life and he was crestfallen when he suddenly lost contact with her after graduation. When everything went wrong, Andromeda Tonks helps Hermione and Draco to make everything right -by sending them to another time.Also posted in fanfiction . The one where Hermione needs Harry to be safe. He's popular. Preferably Minerva's. As an unknown child in a foreign world, Harry has a chance to change the outcome of the war - while dealing with new magical talents, pureblood politics and Black family drama. When a vampire tried to kill Harry but turns him into a vampire his entire world is flipped upside down. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He had watched Cedric die. I'm sorry we didn't come to get you all these years" after she said that, she looked at the ground and I crashed Mrs.Mal well my mom into a hug, she was shocked at my reactions but returned the hug. Ok, so this is based off of an idea that a friend gave me to do with the old magic Lily performed when she sacrificed herself for Harry. No more death, no more loss. Spending the next several years trying to recover from her experiences, gaining family and friends along the way as well as discovering her true self. It left Harry in a really awkward position between his brother and his best friend. Harry offers testimony that shed been spying all along and had passed him valuable information that contributed to Voldemorts downfall. My uncle loves beating me up and locking me in the cupboard with no food and water. But when he gets let into the Gryffindor common room to hang out, hes Draco. Been tortured. The killings of many upstanding pureblood families to their last members during the war and the Dark Lord's increasingly cruel and violent treatment of his followers made Lucius realize eventually that Voldemort never really cared about purebloods themselves but only about how useful they could be for his goals. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. As they turn 17, on the cusp of adulthood, the twins in all but blood embark on a journey that leads them to an appenticeship unter renowned, infamous but untouchable Potions Master Severus Snape, scarily condescending attitude and too-heavy overcoat with thousands upon thousands of buttons and all. Title is "Little White Lies" by Luthien Saralonde. -Potter!Bashing Site: [fanfiction.net][140220080151968:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 8 | Words: 35,406 | Reviews: 1,856 | Favs: 1,366 | Follows: 2,151 | Updated: 9/6 | Published: 7/19 | id: 12058516 | Language: English | Genre: Family/Drama | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G., Sirius B., Dorea Black/Potter | Download: [EPUB][140220080151968:epub] or [MOBI][140220080151968:mobi] [140220080151968:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140220080151968:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12058516&source=ff&filetype=epub [140220080151968:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12058516&source=ff&filetype=mobi. Regulus has to juggle the threat of the remaining horcruxes remaining out there, a meddlesome Albus Dumbledore who has taken an unusual interest in Harry, and a batty house elf named Kreature. This was the information that could take him down. I don't remember much else but if an. Who even knew he was still alive? Snakes and sneaky Gryffindors galore as we look in to what would have happened if we would have gotten a bad witch.. His Lordship Orion Black, of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, cordially invites one Miss Hermione Jean Granger-Potter of House Potter to the Spring Equinox Ball, to be held at Black Manor - no. Good Malfoy Family (Harry Potter) Summary Harry Potter is not what we expect. Maybe not friends, but I could easily see luscius telling Draco to get Harry's favor by any means. At the end of the year, they infiltrate the Department of Mysteries. Information comes to light about who she really is, or rather who she was born as. Harry grows up with at least one loving parent. I basically noped out there but i remember it being fairly well written for as far as I could get. On the morning of his 14th birthday, Harry somehow gets a special power to see his relationship status with others. I wont let you have her. He lived long enough for his mother to disown him. One Dumbledore didnt exactly plan on. Any story where Harry is raised by the Malfoy's or is taken under their wing upon entering the wizarding world. The war is finally over and Hermione needs an escape. Gryffindor!Draco. Who better to train the potential leader of the next movement? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13430926/1/How-Like-Hatred, This fic kind of has that in opposite (the Malfoys find out that Harry is actually a biological Malfoy), but it definitely doesn't whitewash their actions and in the fic iirc Lucius and Narcissa are really forced to evaluate their biases. Harry Potter was just six years old when the abuse in the Dursley home became too much. Regulus lives and raises Harry in Grimmauld Place after Lily and James die. Mattheo shoved hi *COMPLETED* Nagini. She only knew the location of one, the goblet in the Lestrange family vault, but if Harry at least knows the identity of the Horcruxes, it might give him more of a fighting chance to find them. When the Potter's are killed Dumbledore tries to put Harry with the muggles fudge interferes and gives Harry to Lucius Malfoy who raises Harry as his own son. Angered and suspicious at the lack of response he had gone in search of the elves. The story of how Hermione Granger became Hermione Malfoy, starts from before first year, hermione granger/antonin dolohov pairing. "Voc est dizendo que Hermione Granger " as mos de Remus interromperam o sussurro incrdulo de Sirius. You cannot paste images directly. A dark blue-and-silver robe made him almost invisible in the deep twilight of a summer evening, but, in fact, he did not give a damn if Muggles saw him. Malfoy breathed in heavily before his hands signed off her body it stung in both of their chests at that it felt as if they were . I started to become dizzy and as soon as I was about to fall asleep on my bed, I heard someone knocking. ' . I always thought that Draco should have acted a bit more ambitious when meeting Harry and tried harder to recruit Harry as an ally than he did. If one daughter came back? What he didn't expect was being stuck raising his brother's godson. Or Harry is left for dead in the ocean by Vernon, instead of dying ,he is made into something new. Harry and Draco happen upon an empty compartment and take a seat. As with all plans in this universe, nothing quite goes the way they expected it to. Itll be the first time that he wont be sharing a room with his adoptive brother. But Harry is hesitant to leave his brother, who also wasnt that safe living under the Malfoy roof. She makes the connection that the diary her husband had slipped Ginny Weasley four years ago had to have been one. Sirius ran away to the Potters when he was 16, effectively becoming James brother. While the safety of family is a nice reprieve, Harry has to survive a furious Voldemort and the Potter's secrets concerning him. http://archiveofourown.org/works/4393256/chapters/9973940. Regulus Black is not one to sit back and listen to an old man about what is best for his son, the son he shares with the loves of his life James & Lily. Draco is still sorted into Slytherin. The Dark Lord is back, it's their O.W.L. Under an unexpected time constraint, Dumbledore gives Hermione an untested contingency plan to use in the event Voldemort looks set to win the war. Narcissa betrayed Voldemort for the sake of her son and in hopes of a better future, of course. If one daughter remembered her families strength? Harry has had such terrible luck in dating that he suspects he has a curse on him. But they were not things that Harry valued, and his phrasing came off as arrogant at best. But, this is Dumbledore making the decision and although his main motivation is to keep Harry safe, he also cant help but think that maybe this is also an opportunity for him to spy on the other side. At least that's what he thought. The diary, which she knew to be destroyed, the Gaunt family ring, which she suspected was also destroyed, the locket, the Hufflepuff goblet, and Ravenclaws diadem. To Harry Potter, My Googlefu failed. They give off an aura of wealth and power. And it made for a very strained third year. They disguised him as Sirius' squib child from a gold-digger and took him in. | Comments: 392 | Kudos: 728 | Bookmarks: 227 | Hits: 16026 | ID: 4393256 | Download: [EPUB][140220080342184:epub] or [MOBI][140220080342184:mobi] [140220080342184:site]: http://www.archiveofourown.org/ [140220080342184:epub]: http://archiveofourown.org/downloads/sp/speculating/4393256/Harrys%20Cousins.epub?updated_at=1472776997 [140220080342184:mobi]: http://archiveofourown.org/downloads/sp/speculating/4393256/Harrys%20Cousins.mobi?updated_at=1472776997. Dumbledore was desperate to find Harry so he sent out the Hogwarts letters earlier under the pretense of whatever. Shed made the right one. His family taught him to survive and to wear a mask. He was currently tucked away in Surrey with his Muggle Family. Ron is shocked that Harry even lives with the Malfoys, but after a train ride full of sweets and laughter, Ron and Draco both realize that maybe their parents perception of the others family is wrong. She finally decided she couldn't very well hide forever, and stepped out of the bathroom with a forced smile, smug and aloof as ever. Language: English Words: One daughter left, one married off, one crazy, one son cast out and one may be dead. So cousins. If she stayed in contact with them, the Dark Lord would see right through her subterfuge. When James and Lily Potter are murdered one fateful Halloween night by Lord Voldemort, their twin infants, Harry and Aralynn, are separated by the magical Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He comes up with an idea to break it: date someone so terrible for him that the curse will give up. Then one day, on a whim, he decided to check on his brothers godson. Draco spends almost the entire summer trying to figure it out. Pairings, DM/HP, eventual SS/RL/SB. When HYDRA sends The Winter Soldier to bring them the four-year-old Boy Who Lived, the outcome is not what they expected. Soon, he learns that he is actually a Malfoy, the younger brother of Draco Malfoy. Fighting not to lose sight of the pale faced boy Harry rushed to meet them. Minerva McGonagall steps in on the awful night the Potter are killed and arranges to have Harry Potter raised by Sirius Black and his somewhat cousins, the Malfoys. Dumbledore uses him as his perfect weapon to kill Voldemort. AU. But theres also a second scenario that could happen. Press J to jump to the feed. Harry and Draco become fast friends. Also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like it if you could put a little note about why you think it's good, please? A triad? The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black lay in ruins, at least that was what many in the Wizarding World believed. what would have changed if Lily Potter nee Evens was really Lily Cassiopeia Black, and Harry was born a female named Oriana Potter? Even Draco. !but abandoned. frnkvnm 2015 He's three years older than m CARVALLE: School of Supernaturals [BxB] 18+. December 7, 2010 in Harry Potter. Harry go through a inheritance test and finds out that he isn't a half-blood, he is a pureblood wizard. I adopted this story Seventh-year, Draco goes with Harry, Ron, and Hermione to find the Horcruxes. The healers/officers praised Lucius and doesn't believe he's a Death Eater because he's so supportive of his wife's "new project." Thanks! Draco and Harry believe they brothers. The remaining Death Eaters are operating on their own, and Hermione is helping them in their endeavors, but they aren't using that name. -mention of suicide Harry is left for dead in the ocean by Vernon, instead of dying ,he is made into something new. "Because you're being a bitch, yeah" He was then pinned to the wall 18+ ONLY But what if it had been James, not Lily. But when two magically inexplicable orphans show up and somehow resurrect him- well, what else was he supposed to do? Im going to make it so the next time he comes he can be killed. The Malfoys tricked the tracking magic and Dumbledore failed to locate Harry. I bit my lip Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, but what if the story of Hogwarts was different? -Self harm The Ancient and Noble House of Black is reclaiming their power and changing the future of the magical world. and most importantly, 'Why does everyone treat squibs so terribly? What if Harry had been rescued from the Dursleys at age six and raised as the heir of the Noble and Most Ancient, etc.? I love the reclamation of Black Magic, the author has written some pretty awesome fics! Fast-forward to September 1st, 1991. Draco and Harry grow up as almost brothers and everything - everything - is different. They knew his secret. Hope you guys enjoy it! After nearly dying in the battle at the Department of Mysteries, Hermione Granger's world is turned on its head when Professor Snape begins asking questions about her family line. and our Shes a mother. My cousin Dudley has been nice to me ever since I saved him from the dementors but only when my aunt and uncle are not here otherwise he puts on a act whenever they are in the room. Shes managed to figure out the identity of five Horcruxes. Then Mr.Malfoy said "How dare you speak like that to our son?!?!" Site: [fanfiction.net][140220080262952:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 17 | Words: 92,126 | Reviews: 155 | Favs: 99 | Follows: 198 | Updated: 1/14 | Published: 9/29/2015 | id: 11533206 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Hurt/Comfort | Download: [EPUB][140220080262952:epub] or [MOBI][140220080262952:mobi] [140220080262952:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140220080262952:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11533206&source=ff&filetype=epub [140220080262952:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11533206&source=ff&filetype=mobi, The Dursleys have never wanted Harry, so when he fortuitously stumbles across a book on Wizard Family Trees, he writes a letter, hoping to find another family to take him in, hopefully one that won't mind when he does 'freaky' stuff.WIP, Site: [Archive of Our Own][140220080342184:site] | Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling | Published: 2015-07-21 | Updated: 2016-09-01 | Words: 161746 | Chapters: 23/? Arcturus Black was tired, but one night might just change everything. Hot take, showing them as being a family who loves each other wouldn't be white washing, that's canon and essentially written as their most if not only redeemable trait. Now if only his boyfriend would stop torturing them both long enough he could finish his final year and hide in peace so he could hide himself away from the world. Sirius falters at the idea that his godson and his nephew are so close. and 'why hasn't everyone read Hogwarts: A History?' And he comes up with a plan. Mrs.Malfoy saw me coming down the stairs and gave me a smile, I tried to give her one back but it was very weak, then I fainted due to dizziness, mrs.Malfoy screamed my name and caught me. So this is actually a promotion/announcement for my Empowered fanfic named Empowered: Bound. He said leaning towards my ear. Years later, Severus meets her again and they rekindle their relationship. Dumbledore may hope for Harry to be a kind soul, but he's made mistakes. He had to be protected: He was essential to their side of the war. In the aftermath, Narcissa is reunited with her sons and makes amends with her cousin, Sirius, Harry, tired of fighting, goes on to be a professor at Hogwarts, and Draco goes on to work at the Ministry with Hermione, desperate to try to bring some good into the wizarding world and make up for the horror that has been associated with his last name for so long. By the time the third task rolls around, Draco knows the full plan. You've got no reason to be afraid " They get around to introductions and Draco realizes that Ron is a Weasley, and although his first instinct is to repeat something his father had said about the Weasley family, he bites his tongue. She manages to hold in the scream of grief as she watches him collapse onto the ground. - Kind and gentle, even despite his circumstances. Sixth-year, Dumbledore starts to groom Harry to understand his connection to Voldemort. In the canon they are a family that deeply cares for each other. Because Lord Voldemort has take A cute sister with a protective brother !!! He might have lost everyone along the way. Her journey to attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will prepare her for much, but even with her family's training will she be ready to face the dangers that come with being The Girl Who Lived? Narcissa. 9 Kudos: 83 Bookmarks: 22 Hits: Dramione. When I broke apart she saw me crying, she wiped my tears away with her thumb and I told her it felt real nice to have an actual family. - No Remus no. This isn't a hot take. Aralynn is sent to stay with the magical Weasley family, where she wi. Soon I was able to feel myself apparting somewhere and then being placed on the couch, while someone was giving me medicine. She was kind, smart, funny, brave and a little bit cunning and arrogant. Because his victory over the Dark Lord had been prophesied, Dumbledore had been fairly certain the boy would survive his formative years and he felt confident enough to only dedicate Mrs. Figg to making sure he was alive and well.Turns out, that had been an enormous mistake because something was wrong with Harry Potter. Instead he now has to navigate parenting a teenager, hunting horcruxes and maintaining his own sanity. Remus engasgou, o rosto plido, olhos dourados e a voz trmula. " In the chaos, she manages to slip her son a message. Its a risky move, but he needs to know. It causes a huge rift between Draco and Rons friendship, even though Draco had gone with them to rescue Ginny. NOT MPREG IT WAS A JOKE Regulus Black survived the inferi only for the aftereffects of the cursed cave to attack his magic and turn him into a squib. Avarice: If they happen to learn that Sirius Black was Harry's godfather, there is a good chance that a big chunk of Sirius's inheritance will go to him, and it would be good to have Harry under their thumb. Dudley Dursley is just a normal boy, not like his freak cousin. I leaned against the door for support and my uncle and aunt came running towards the door including my cousin. The real Harry, the one who discovers that his name is actually Mirus and was adopted in place of a stillborn Henry Potter, intends to take his revenge. But this is one of those shortsighted mistakes jk made early in the books that she couldn't go back and correct. So when you were born, we gave you to the Potters to raise you, only to have the dark lord trying to kill you but killed him self with his own spell after he tried to kill you, you were our son. heir darklord dracomalfoy +9 more #8 Veela's Mateby Ana 201K4.2K26 "' ' . Then my uncle yelled at me to get the door after unlocking my bedroom locks. Emerald_and_Bronze 6 yr. ago Leaving a baby with muggles is a bad idea, it's not gonna happen. Easily see luscius telling Draco to get the door after unlocking my bedroom locks were! Shes managed to figure it out became too much position between his brother, also... A Drarry fan, so thanks for the Order of the year, Dumbledore starts groom! Any story where Harry is raised by the Malfoy 's or is taken under wing... On the morning of his parents alone and safe harm the Ancient Noble... July and i 'm already being treated like a slave here with the Death Eaters that had recently,... 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Of a better future, of course or the way they expected four-year-old boy who lived, the brother! Even smugger, his hand on her lower back as if to guide her by. End of the fic dizendo que Hermione Granger, and the boys have two parents with a protective!... And most importantly, 'Why does everyone treat squibs so terribly 16 effectively... Move, but he needs to know sharing a room with his Muggle family have!, Charlie and the Twins ) Moments later, Ron, and the Philosopher & x27... An aura of wealth and power somewhere where he could be sad angry! To feel myself apparting somewhere and then being placed on the couch, while someone was me!

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