drake routier interview

132), Dr. Santos: This wound cut through the skin and fat, but didnt penetrate the muscle below. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was born on January 4, 1970, in Altoona, Pennsylvania to parents Larry Peck and Darlie Kee. By Mark Anthony Green. Does anyone really think that this Texas dad would defend a woman if theres any chance she took away two of his man-children? However, an unknown fingerprint was found on the windowsill that did not belong to anyone in the family. This is just horrific for her and her family. Thx for your comment very much appreciated. On October 13, 2016, Drake finished his last cancer treatment at the Childrens Medical Hospital in Dallas, according to a message his maternal grandmother posted online. The sock was a football length down the alley!!!! After putting Darlie in jail with bail set at $1 million, the state of Texas placed baby Drake in a foster home in 1996. She was lucky she didnt kill herself. Quote your source that the photos werent introduced at the trial. There were a few pieces of evidence the jury didnt see. (Patrick Dillawn, Sec. What an awful legacy left for this kid Drake. The fact is, there was no testimony from any witness regarding the depth of that wound. Kee maintains her daughters innocence, saying an intruder killed the boys. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. November 1999: Judge approves the revised transcript. Prior to the gum-chewing Silly String video, there was a very tearful gathering of family members, including Darlie, praying at the graves of these little boys. Even 20 years later, its hard to think about the suffering they went through. For 20 years, the gist of Routiers story has remained the same: she woke up to a man in her home and chased him out through the garage. One was a nick, probably a hesitation wound. Darlie said Damon woke her up by patting her arm & saying Mama. He allowed CNN to show photos of him during the time he was undergoing chemotherapy. Although deprived of his mothers embrace, Drake has grown up with many other people who love him. Ninety-nine percent of people who listen to hip-hop have never sold drugs. Lol. He said most of his cases have been resolved after 10 years. Shortly after the murders, NBC5 (KXAS-TV) captured video of Routier with bleached hair, smacking gum and giggling spraying Silly String on her sons graves. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Bruises that were made after the hospital visit. Its something you never forget.. After last weeks post about the persecution of Darlie Routier, many readers searched for information about her youngest son, who was 7 months old when a knife attack left his brothers dead on June 6, 1996, in Rowlett, Texas. no. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? A few things really resonate with me. Even if in the end nobody knows but them. The death of her sons wouldnt of made a positive impact in any way.not even childless as she had a new baby right upstairs. I believe if the birthday party tape was never shown.shed of been acquitted. Darlie subsequently told investigators that an intruder had broken in and attacked her . If so, ALL jury trials on that logic are suspect because ALL jurors carry socio-cultural prejudice, whether conservative, liberal or whatever. She was too self-centeredwhat you call a malignant narcissist. (Alejandro Santos, Sec. She cared more about herself than her children lying there slaughtered. In fact, within two weeks, she was the one whod been charged and arrested with capital murder. R: Or she didnt attack herself so had no need to know. The public chimed in, too. PS Having worked in a prison, that modesty requirement of visitors is necessary cos you wouldnt believe how some ladies attire themselves when visiting their men to give them a visual thrill never mind the intercom phone sex! I grew up living nextdoor to Darins parents in Lubbock. he did stay married to her. She killed them like it or not.They have never found one person ever who fits the ID she gave to police of who did this. The PROSECUTORS RUSHED to JUDGMENT their REMARKS about them being Trailer Trash (VERY UNCALLED FOR). Court reporter Sandra Halsey refuses to answer questions about the transcript, and state District Judge Robert Francis orders a review. Drake has said he believes in his mothers innocence, and he has visited Darlie, 48, regularly in the Mountain View Unit, where shes one of six women on death row in a state with themost active execution chamber in the U.S. To be sure, they are nasty but she was desperate. The defense declined. That speaks to the strength of the evidence before the jury, he said. 728, 732). Oh and..they just got granted a DNA order for her appellate lawyer. In roughly half the cases the clients guilt is reconfirmed by DNA testing. Reality #2. "Silly String is not a lethal weapon.". Darlie in hospital. Time will tell here, I pray as well.or if it proves without a shadow of doubt she did itthen she should receive her punishment as decided by her peers. So this may not be probative either. An ABC series called TheLast Defense is reviving interest in the 1996 murders of Devon and Damon Routier and the character assassination prosecutors used to put their mother on death row. In addition to denying friends and family members physical contact with death row inmates, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice limits visits to two hours in duration and encourages conservative dressing. For example, visitors past the age of adolescence cannot wear shorts or skirts shorter than three inches above the knee. Regrettably, at least 40% of the applicants successfully deceived the Project initially and were guilty (but presumably hoped to continue their hitherto successful deceit to the end) But equally and oppositely, a similar number are shown innocent. He lives near his father in Lubbock and has said he loves Darlie and always will. But they still refuse to show it. This trying of new evidence reminds me of Jeff MacDonald, the Army doctor who killed his pregnant wife and two little girls. But to prosecutors and other skeptics, some of Routiers details of the attack dont add up. The largest contributor to false convictions for homicide is perjury, often by someone who claims to have witnessed the crime or participated in it, and false confessions. That person is still walking the streets.. She refused. Whereas TheLast Defensedisposes itself to throwing Darlie Routiers guilt into doubt, the 1999 Forensic Files episode about the homicides of the boys, ages 5 and 6, portrays her as deserving of the capital punishment sentence doled out by a Texas jury. Routiers defense and appeals attorney have also pointed to an unidentified bloody fingerprint found on the coffee table in the family room. Something that should have been done 22 YEARS ago. Those bad-girl looks . she wanted to kill them and herself but since she was last didnt have the courage to finish the job and came back from insanity.. When she was seven, following her parents' divorce, she moved to Lubbock, Texas with her mother and siblings. He started over in Lubbock and eventually had Drake move in with him. Her attorney and family say they believe new DNA testing will prove that someone else was in the home that night 20 years ago. The evidence was dissected, and it all pointed to one person, the one convicted. Cooper, Routiers appellate attorney, said he understands why a jury convicted her, even though he believes shes innocent. R: This is odd whether she was the attacker OR attacked (depending at what stage of the events the husband was roused). Thank u for ur response. Responding to Darlie Routiers hysterical 911 call from her Rowlett, Dallas, home on June 6, 1996, police officers found two of her three sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, with fatal stab wounds. And, he said, the way Routier described waking up sounds more like coming to after passing out, not sleeping. The totality of the evidence is what convinced the jury, he said. Darlie's eldest son, Devon, had already died from four knife wounds. That was a bad time in history. I hope and pray that the Innocence Project gets Darlie the justice she deserves. CNN . Routiers submission to the Project cannot be construed in itself as indication of innocence since many guilty do the same, and she has nothing to lose, Lets hope it goes one way or the other and not the inconclusive but statistically its unlikely to go her way. January 3, 2020. 1 Antagonist, http://www.darlieroutierfactandfiction.com/, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. #2. He started over in Lubbock and eventually had Drake move in with him. Mastering all the usages of 'sailing around' from sentence examples published by news publications. R: a psycho burglar / someone drugged-up, who stayed downstairs (where she and the two boys where), then fled? A court later gave custody to his father's parents, Sarilda and Leonard Routier. Guilty. We always had Baby Drake with us whether it be to babysit him or just go nextdoor and get him for awhile because we loved him and wanted to see him. Aspects of Routiers trial were considered unfair by some but that doesnt entail innocence (even if, had the unfairness not occured, the convict wouldve been acquitted). As for those who declare her unequivocal innocence as though they were there: fantasists. The guilty have tested No Deception and the innocent have tested Deception Detected. There is a very good reason that they are not admissible in court, but unfortunately far too much faith is put into them by law enforcement. An excellent compensation for Darlie would be to send Greg Davis to prison for murdering her character and suppressing evidence. The family of a notorious, North Texas convicted killer is still fighting for her freedom more than 20 years later. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. She didnt want to be burdened by those boys. I dont have a horse in this race. First his mother murdered his brothers, then his father lies for her. She told police that Damon woke her up and she saw a man leave through the garage. How do you know how youre going to act?. Police went there with dogs and they stopped sniffing at the sock. I did the only thing I knew to do to honor him and give him all his wishes because he wasnt here anymore. The article, publishedwhen Drake was 2 years old, described him as normal, lively, and resembling his mother with startled blue eyes and a delicate mouth., Now in his early 20s, Drake has beaten the odds in a number of ways. Clearly, then, the fact that the IP takes someone on does not mean that they are likely to be innocent just that the IP thinks that then. 26 Feb Feb I continue to watch as technology proves others wrongly convicted go free. Working at the same eatery where Darin, at just 17, proved to be an ambitious assistant manager, she knew that he'd be a good match for her 15-year-old daughter . Fortunately, thanks to years of undergoing chemotherapy, the disease is now in remission. Taken by Officer Chris Frosch at the Rowlett PD -4.45 pm, June 8, 1996. If she was the cold killer the prosecution portrayed her to be she would of realized how that would of looked and never done it. On saying that, the case against her appears not to be a slam-dunk. Susanna Reid investigates whether Death Row inmate Darlie Routier is an innocent woman who tragically lost her two sons, or a twisted killer who stabbed her own boys in cold blood I watched over 15 different episodes..never saw anything about polygraphsplease link infoand her husband also stated he still believes in her innocence.your post is BS. News. Granted, Sebesta has been shown to have been completely unethical and has been disbarred, but Im sure that his faith in bogus lie detector tests is shared by countless ethical prosecutors who have not been disbarred. There is a bloody fingerprint that was never processed & did not match anyone living in the home, so how do you dismiss that? Not only does the now 25-year-old often visit his mother where shes incarcerated at the Mountain View Unit in Central Gatesville, Texas, but he also accepts and embraces his identity as the son of a woman who is on death row for killing her children. L'crivain en a profit pour dzinguer l'humoriste ! This is and always has been a case with a different kind of vibe about it. At least this kid will have the chance to read all the transcripts. You dont have to go very far in terms of portion of an inch to get to the bone. So unless it was Darlie (or much less likely, the husband) who planned your supposition is implausible. Secondly, as a mother that had boys that young shock and maternal instinct would have made me grab that knife and place it up high and away from kids. Darlie subsequently told investigators that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family, only not to be believed. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? The sock had blood droplets from both Damon and Devon. After last weeks post about the persecution of Darlie Routier, many readers searched for information about her youngest son, who was 7 months old when a knife attack left his brothers dead on June 6, 1996, in Rowlett, Texas. Darlie Routier has spoken to television presenter Susanna Reid in a documentary airing tonight (Thursday, December 10) on ITV. Despite the upheaval of the murders of brothers Damon and Devon Routier and the imprisonment of his mother for homicide, Drake Routier grew into the most adaptable kid Ive ever seen, his father, Darin, told reporterLiz Stevens, who wrote about the Routiers in aFort Worth Star-Telegram. Her mother found work at a Western Sizzlin restaurant . Of all the cases taken on, about 43% were proved innocent, 42% guilty, and DNA evidence was inconclusive and not probative in 15% of cases. Wow. Not about me, but the victims of this tragedy throughout their entire family. Rebuttal:One tiny fragment? No such medical report was admitted into evidence, nor is there any testimony to support such a claim. But no matter how many years have passed or will continue to pass, I will always vividly remember *knock knock*. Dr. Janice Townsend-Parchman: The larger wound on Ms. Routiers right forearm went to the bone. I, like Darlie, got breast augmentation, wore A LOT of jewelry and LOVED looking good in the late 90s when my boys were small, heck why not? Editor's note: This story was originally published June 3, 2016. Its good to know that Darlie Routiers surviving son was so loved. Just last night I saw former prosecutor Charles Sebesta say that when he was a prosecutor, if a person passed a lie detector test, he would not prosecute him or her. Havent seen Drake in years and he no doubt doesnt even remember me. It doesnt mean she was truly suicidal or remotely homicidal. The woman had three kids by the time she was 26. http://www.darlieroutierfactandfiction.com/, Life without parole? But that hasnt stopped Routiers family and friends from standing behind her. And then well grieve together for Devon and Damon.. Drake Routier circa 2016. . She is getting attacked yet her husband hears nothing amazing. Dans une ferme, les animaux se rvoltent contre le fermier car celui-ci les maltraitent. Amazing how hard it is to get the truth or any facts about her case. But if he ever reads this, know that at one time in ur life we saw each other almost everyday and I loved u like a baby brother. You are doing amazing investigative work! Her wounds are TOTALLY defensive wounds! Not to mention when she stabbed herself she had no clue what so ever how close she was to a main artery. (Invisible Intruder,Forensic Files, and Darlie Routier,The Last Defense). Darlie Routier is still in her appeal process and any false statements being made about her case publicly could damage or destroy her appeals. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. And she lied in her letters from jail naming two different men. Reality #5. We are bringing this back in conjunction with the 20/20 documentary special. (Alejandro Santos, Sec. On October 13, 2016, Drake finished his last cancer treatment at the Childrens Medical Hospital in Dallas, according to a message his maternal grandmother posted online. I have ALWAYS BELIEVED IN Darlies INNOCENCE, BUT Living in TX 56yrs Myself, She WILL NEVER BE RELEASED. Darlie Routier. Why? I dont know if Darlie Routier is guilty or innocent, and to be honest, I dont care. The boys were viciously stabbed and Darlie was merely cut. I do not believe she is the murderer of her children. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. She claimed that an intruder had broken into her home and stabbed her two sons, Devon and Damon, as well as herself. Laura: Exonerations reached a record level in the US in 2016, with Texas leading the way for miscarriages of justice. She knows her daughter did this. If I were him is worthless. This is such a miscarriage of justice and so many people have been affected by it. When he came the stairs and saw the carnage she looked at him, while on the phone, and said I didnt do it, honest. Who says that? News crews and people with cameras still visit the two-story red brick house on Eagle Drive, which looks mostly the same as it did that night. The character assassination used to convict her was wrong. And when told about one failure, she looked like she didnt care and shrugged her shoulders. Darin admitted he wanted someone to break into the home & steal everything, store it some place until after he collected the money & then get the stuff back. Death-Row Debate. Youre not a douche bag now, are you? Myth #14. Interesting how Darrin just happened to sleep through the whole ordeal and only came downstairs AFTER the carnage. This country doesnt recognize that. We CANNOT judge his outlook by what we think ours would be in that situation a common error. The case of a suburban mom fatally stabbing her young sons and then faking her own attack to cover the crime made national news in June 1996. Aller directement au contenu. 3. Whatever else might be deemed favourable to her, her injuries are NOT. That is a long way to run then come back and injure yourself then call 911. November 1998: One of Routier's attorneys notes errors in the trial transcript. Responding to Darlie Lynn Routier's frantic 911 call from her Dallas County home in 1996, police found her two sons, Devon Routier, 6, and Damon Routier, 5, dying of stab wounds. The prosecution said that Darlie murdered her children for money, but the funeral costs exceeded the life insurance proceeds. The stupid face she made on that photo is cringe. Does the IP take on cases where theyre agnostic as to the convicts guilt but think they should not have been found guilty on the evidence, or are they committed to thinking that the person is innocent (ie, the evidence indicates another perp or that possibility at least)? Merely cut? Oh, shut up, Greg: So now people have to censor themselves in their own journals because some modern-day Cotton Mather might read them one day? Lethal weapon. `` do you know how youre going to act.. Broken into her home and stabbed her two sons, Devon, had already from. She didnt want to be burdened by those boys is guilty or innocent, and all... Exceeded the Life insurance proceeds that should have been affected by it born on January 4,,. Frosch at the trial transcript there with dogs and they stopped sniffing at the sock know that Darlie murdered children. 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