captain michel asseline today

You are Captain Michel Asseline. Captain Michel Asseline served a year in prison. I think the pilot is culpable. He said this at least a decade before the Airbus crash. I'm not cocky - I'm just good at my job. I find it ironic that so many people blame the captain and no mention of Air France who planned the entire thing! Our large helicopter section. I also remember the incident and also am on the side of the pilot. Its about commercial aviation, and Ive tried to include all the relevant facts for you to draw conclusions. If you get blamed for everything, its better to do nothing. I'm confident in my skills & my co workers often come to me with questions or for help and always no matter how busy I am I gladly help them. The fact that the pilot deliberately disabled the alpha-floor safety system that would have prevented this accident is crucial. He is now flying in Australia. It was a demonstration charter flight, Air France Flight 296. But because of the forest, only the smaller vehicles were able to reach the wreckage. Five individuals, including the captain and first officer, were later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. National Association of Veteran Affairs Physicians and Dentists (NAVAPD) is the official national organization of VA physicians and dentists who proudly serve our nation's veterans. The captain would make a low-level fly-pass over Runway 02, climb up and turn back, and repeat the fly-pass over the same runway in the reciprocal direction (Runway 20). This would be followed by a sightseeing trip south to Mont Blanc before the passengers would be returned to BaselMulhouse Airport. All the passengers were specially selected for the trip. The plane crashed because of a design defect; but because it was software and not metal, it was ignored. If you get blamed for everything, its better to do nothing. I, personally, do not agree with the conclusions reached in this aircraft accident report. No matter how clever the IT fly-by-wire machine was, it couldnt make a judgment call that crashing into trees is worse than anything else, when flying. He is now flying in Australia. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine launched a movement towards improving the quality of patient, I came across a story today, shocking and all too common. There is even a program for pilots who make mistakes and errors to fess up. I agree the pilot was culpable. *Management often screws around. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Guilty. The flight plan originally filed did not include the flyover of the Habsheim Air Show, which was added on the morning of the flight. After takeoff, eight minutes away, the Aerodrome came into view. Michel Asseline, a senior pilot with Air France for eight years, was fired Wednesday following a particularly grave failure for which he was held responsible and which made his continued employment with Air France impossible, a company spokesman said. Michel Asseline (Captain) After being sentenced, was temporarily banned from flying in France as part of a court agreement, moved to Australia and flew 737s. Incidents with no casualties but with damage to the ac? He was leader of the French air forces aerobatics team and, later, a Boeing 747 Flight Captain with Air France. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Here's a story about me and you. Captain is The Best. Nor, then, were his passengers. show at Mulhouse Habsheim in France. Discover (and save) your own Pins on Pinterest. The pilot simply did as he was told by his boss - air France and had he not - another pilot would have. Both pilots Captain Asseline and First Officer Mazire survived. Captain Michel Asseline. It was a demonstration charter flight, Air France Flight 296. Not only was he told to go there, he was told the wrong runway to overfly. It would not open, which was fortunate as there was by that time a fire on the left wing. Privacy Policy. And cheaper! This and another point i wish to make the fact that most pilots would have performed a procedure called a go around when approaching an airport that you are unfamiliar with. Michel Asseline was the pilot in command of F-GFKC, Pierre Mazire was his first officer, when the aircraft overflew the airfield at 2 pm in wonderful sunny weather. There is a very good reason for it. Ascending at such an angle would lead to the planes stalling within minutes. Possibly retired now . This was yet another unanticipated vulnerability. Asseline had total confidence in the aircraft's computer systems. Asseline assured his first officer. He has admitted these mistakes and paid for them. [3], It was also claimed by the Institute of Police Forensic Evidence and Criminology, based in Switzerland, that the flight data recorders may have been switched and were not the original ones in the airplane. Prison of Precision (Part 2) by Stephen Vaughn MD, Ph. The egress of the passengers was temporarily halted while the purser and another flight attendant began clearing the branches. the plane was stalled? The A320 had been recently introduced, and Flight 296 was the first passenger flight of the A320. Get a job criticizing nobody blames you for doing that. 12:45:23 - the aircraft completes the deviation at a height of 46 feet (14m) and an airspeed of 141 knots. I think this is a great thread, I also wonder what happens to pilots after landing incidents etc, like TK incident at KTM what happens to pilots after such incidents? After the rush of people had left and the interior was fast becoming toxic, she stood at the front door and called back into the cabin. Also punished with suspended sentences were Air Frances then-director of air operations, a security official for Air France, and the president of the Habsheim air club. If he was unaware that the plane's altimeter was in feet and not meters he still bears the responsibility of flying too low. Where are pilots who make mistakes? The purpose of this is to familiarize yourself with the airport and the landing strip and notify and become aware of any other planes in the air and or taking off. The flight attendant then began evacuating the passengers but they soon began to pile up at the bottom of the slide as their route was blocked by trees and branches. the aerodrome about ten nautical miles away with his First Office r Maziers. Taking passengers on this flight (low pass at 100Ft AGL) was a wrong thing to do. The purser went to announce instructions to the passengers but the public address system handset had been torn off. And in the end its all a metter of money and intrest. TOGA power is applied. There are many more lessons to be learned about the practice of medicine from the story of Prisoner Michel Asseline sorry, Captain Michel Asseline. *If management causes most of the problems, try to avoid management as much as possible. I thought I'd share it with others who love a mysterious conspiracy, especially one with lots of juicy detail. he claims to have done this before in the recording, but does not mention that it was at 20,000 feet with 40% thrust rather than 100 feet with 5% thrust. A flight attendant standing in the centre of the cabin at seat 12D was pushed into the aisle by a severely burnt passenger from 12F. Interruption of the power occurred forward of the tail sectionmost probably in the wheel-well area, which was heavily damaged. Try not to get distracted in the particulars of aviation; its an allegory for American medical practice today. Props and jets from the good old days, Flight Decks By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This particular flight was the A320's first passenger flight (most of those on board were journalists and raffle winners). Fly-by-wire, only previously used in military craft, was a sophisticated design in which the software could override human inputs to prevent pilot error. [2] The cockpit voice recorder recorded the first officer's call: The crew applied full power and Asseline attempted to climb. It is BASIC knowledge!!! . The flight would take 130 passengers and 6 crew aloft. [2] Mazires had 10,853 hours of flight time. He then tried to open the left-side forward door, which was blocked by trees. But it's all about me and you. Anyone who has worked same job for years will know what I mean when I say we don't really have to think about what we are doing at work we just do it because we have done it so many times before and know exactly how to do it correctly. Any experienced pilot, or physician for that matter, smells disaster. They might be paid, or simply represent interest of a much more powerful players - Air France. Any doctor who tries to practice in medicine today, except for my colleagues in Direct Primary Care, live in the world of Captain Michel Asseline every day. Anyone who has worked the same job for many years knows that your job after so long becomes second nature to you. Well to see if like i said a truck were parked on the runway or if the runway at the end had trees which were not on the map that he had. In reality, that only ensures that one pilot never makes the mistake again. One and a half years after this accident it is still not known why this crash happened. Who went to prison? Foremost in my mind when I fly is safety not only form anyone flying with me but also for myself. Plane" and included an interview with Captain Michel Asseline, survivors, and accident investigators.[10]. . Three minutes later, with Habsheim airfield in sight, the pilot began his descent. One of the worst things you can do if a pilot makes a mistake, is fire him thinking that the problem is solved. I just watched "Mayday" which dealt with the crash of Flight 296. Its about commercial aviation, and Ive tried to include all the relevant facts for you to draw conclusions. But now that the aircraft was performing its flyover at only thirty feet, the crew noticed the aircraft was lower than the now-identified hazard that they were fast approaching. Captain Asseline was flying to Mont Blanc, period. In order to accomplish the desk-pilots orders, the pilots valuable time was spent jiggering the preparations for the overflight, not allowing him to evaluate strategic details like why fly a plane at 30 feet if there are 100-foot trees at the end? You sound very biased towards the pilot.No wonder you completely missed the point that the Flight Data Recorder's data was tampered with, with the crucial seconds intentionally cut off from the magnetic tape that would confirm the plane's delay in response to his increase in thrust in his attempt to lift the plane over the treetops. A passenger tried to open the left-side overwing exit. You are not a pilot. The aircraft levels off at 30 feet (9.1m). Why be a sucker? A further ten seconds later, 'Flaps 2' is selected. There is evidence for this: I take my hat off to the captain. shameful arrogance! On June 26, 1988, a very special Airbus A320 left Basel-Mulhouse Airport in Habsheim, France. [4], Captain Michel Asseline, 44, had been a pilot with Air France for almost twenty years and had the following endorsements: Caravelle; Boeing 707, 727, and 737; and Airbus A300 and A310. The computer didnt know he meant just to pop up a few hundred feet. Air France was especially impressed with the A320, which was the first fly-by-wire airplane ever to carry passengers. My father was THE senior test pilot for the British Civil Aviation Authority at the time of the crash and knew the French pilot personally. In 1997, all five were found guilty. Born Today Most Popular Celebs Most Popular Celebs Celebrity News. At 450 feet, the pilot monitoring the captain flying informed him that the plane would reach 100 feet at 14:45. and our Re: Pilots that make mistakes, which result in tragety or serious consequences, and where are they today, a4bc613c6d. Business & Commercial Aviation BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL AVIATION CHALLENGING AIRPORTS LEARNING FROM TEST PILOTS Passenger cabin shots showing seat arrangements as well as cargo aircraft interior, Cargo Aircraft The pilot pulled up on the yoke to ease the plane up over the hundred-foot-tall woods at the end of the runway. It's been implied by jealous coworkers I'm cocky. The crash was a great embarrassment to Air France and Airbus, a European company with deep roots in France. Some seconds later the aircraft touched the tops of the trees behind the runway and crashed into a forest. The accident aircraft, an Airbus A320-111, registration F-GFKC, serial number 9, first flew on 6 January 1988 and was delivered to Air France on 23 June, three days prior to its destruction. [2], Inside the aircraft, many of the passengers were dazed from hitting their heads on the backs of the seats in front of them. It is very disrespectful towards the family members who have lost loved ones in this crash for him not to take responsibility for the mistakes he has made. OEB 06/2: Baro-Setting Cross Check. Michel Asseline. Some faceless desk-pilot added on a trip to a tiny airfield on the day of the flight but did not bother to do the hard work of preparing the particulars necessary to do so. 12:45:06 - the aircraft descends through 200 feet (61m) at an airspeed of 155 knots. [2], Of 136 people on board, three did not escape. Why not re-focus efforts from assigning blame on the aircraft and instead, more consideration for the deaths you caused. The plane clipped some trees during a low pass over the airfield and plunged into a forest. [5][6], The plane's flight recorders were found still attached in the unburnt tail section. French investigation says that Asseline was trying to do an overly-ambitious maneuver and made critical errors. Captain Michel Asseline got burnt doing a routine, everyday maneuver that his plane just couldnt handle, one that an open-cockpit biplane could. Taking Healthcare Back From The Idiots Who Are Now In Charge. Any doctor who tries to practice in medicine today, except for my colleagues in Direct Primary Care, live in the world of Captain Michel Asseline every day. A court in Colmar, in eastern France, also sentenced pilot Michel Asseline to 12 additional months, which were suspended. But upon seeing the Aerodrome, the pilot saw that the audience were gathered elsewhere, on Runway 34R. Here's one I remember seeing a few years ago in Canada. His craft was the third Airbus ever built. This Pin was discovered by Since the plane was going slow, the computer overrode his input, and denied the maneuver. He is in a wheel chair now, but thats gotta be a tough one to be the one and only survivor and its because of an error on his part. The official report from BEA concluded that the probable cause of the accident was a combination of the following: Furthermore, the bureau concluded that if the descent below 100 feet was not deliberate, it may have resulted from a failure by the crew to take proper account of the visual and aural information available to them regarding the elevation "above ground level" (AGL) of the aircraft. Runway to pass over - again wrong. After the first pass, the first officer would then apply the takeoff/go-around switch (TOGA) power and climb steeply before turning back for the second pass. The engine spool-up time of about 5 sec was perfectly correct, given that they had been pulled right back to flight-idle. However, while the pilots were trained in metric, this particular plane was in Imperial units. Quote: "and there were trees that shouldn't have been in the area. The captain, Michel Asseline, disputed the report and claimed an error in the fly-by-wire computer prevented him from applying thrust and pulling up. Then, as she was helping another passenger whose clothes were on fire, she was carried forward by the surge of people rushing to escape. Captain Asseline, and four other Air France employees are convicted of involuntary manslaughter. The fact the plane took over in the end should have been of no concern to him and his passengers had he followed the rules and flown at 500ft. His job was to find its limitations, but one slipped past him, and Airbus and all the designers and engineers. In 1998, Asseline's appeal was rejected and his sentence was increased to ten months of imprisonment along with ten months of probation. The flight would take 130 passengers and 6 crew aloft. The captain made a last-second turn and approach to overfly Runway 34R. He was President of the leading French pilots union, the SNPL, at the time an Airbus A320 crashed into trees at Habsheim in Eastern France in June 1988. Any experienced pilot, or physician for that matter, smells disaster. [2], Traditionally, pilots respect the inherent dangers of flying at low speeds at low altitude, and normally, a pilot would not attempt to fly an aircraft so close to stalling with the engines at flight idle (minimum thrust setting in flight). Aircraft painted in beautiful and original liveries, Airport Overviews He was not given a map and route. [2], The CVR was read during the night of 26 June at the BEA. no! The plan was to overfly Runway Ought-2; the aircraft was configured for a low-altitude overflight. Two fire trucks at the airshow set off and an ambulance followed. He is a man of honor. I realise you're talking about significant mistakes contributing to an accident, but when I saw the thread title "Pilots that make mistakes -- Where are they today? Captain Michel Asseline got thrown under the Airbus. This bug has now been corrected in later versions of the 320. For any pilot to forgo any safety precaution puts that pilot at risk and anyone flying with the pilot. He also claims he recognized that spectators were on a different runway than the one included in his flight plan. But the take home message, why do you spend every day at work in the cross-hairs of numerous non-producers who cant do the job, but are stalking you? 12:44:45 - 'Flaps 3' is selected as the aircraft descends through 500 feet (150m) at an airspeed of 177 knots. Whos going to fly the goddamn airplanes in the future? The others were sentenced to probation. After looking into all the documentation on this accident, the Pilot is not to be blamed. I am Captain Michel Asseline. 12:45:30 - nose-up attitude increases to 7. On June 26, 1988, a very special Airbus A320 left Basel-Mulhouse Airport in Habsheim, France. Asseline did not find the aerodrome in . [1] On 26 June 1988, the plane crashed while making a low pass over MulhouseHabsheim Airfield (ICAO airport code LFGB) as part of the Habsheim Air Show. Now he was not planning on landing so these were of no interest to him.So then what safety reason would he have to go around? Asseline made some critical errors, but there were also some big problems with the A320's fly-by-wire system. The Airbus A320 couldnt handle it. Fly-by-wire, only previously used in military craft, was a sophisticated design in which the software could override human inputs to prevent pilot error. [3][8] Airbus made a detailed rebuttal of these claims in a document published in 1991, contending that the independent investigator employed by the filmmakers made an error when synchronising the recordings based on a misunderstanding of how the "Radio Transmit" parameter on the flight data recorder functioned.[9]. Air France would have just replaced him. He choose to break the rule and it cost some lives plane and simple. He exposed multiple anomalies, not to say lies, in the experts evidence and in the data of the crash all of which pointed to a very high level, state inspired plot to whitewash the aircraft in the crash and confirmed what the pilot had been saying all along. He joined the pilots defense team. Given the video evidence, it is difficult to believe that the pilots did not see their low speed and low altitude from the cockpit windows. The computer didnt know he meant just to pop up a few hundred feet. However, where they failed was in communicating these "bugs" or problems to all flight personnel flying the aircraft. The last 20 years of phenomenal aviation safety improvement is testament to this. Its systems would not allow for mistakes. Everything from the Goodyear blimp to the Zeppelin, Night Photos The overflight of the airfield at the Aerodrome was to take place at alpha-max, the lowest speed at which a craft could fly without stalling. I'm on the pilot's side here. He did the best he could. Who went to prison? ), The Prison of Precision by Stephen Vaughn MD, Ph.D. It was piloted by a premier captain of Air France, Captain Michel Asseline, with over10,000 air hours, and led the training division of Air France for qualifying pilots on the Airbus 320. Some individual in Texas, I read a little excerpt from book written by a man whom I quite dislike,. [2], The flight deck crew believed that the engines had failed to respond to the application of full power. are totally missing the point. [2], The official investigation was carried out by the Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA), the French air accident investigation bureau, in conjunction with Air France and Airbus. We thank you for your support and hope you'll join the largest aviation community on the web. A pilot in charge has the ability to abort, and having realized that he was given bad information, he should have.-- Asseline had to override a safety to perform the maneuver planned for the airshow.-- Asseline claims that he thought the trees were bushes. You must learn and follow the rules otherwise you may DIE or kill someone else and die.This one fact that Michael choose to fly at 100ft that Michael performed as the pilot in charge of this Aircraft is sufficient to place the guilt firmly in his lap. 12:43:44 - the aircraft begins its descent from 2,000 feet (610m), initially at a rate of 300 feet (91m) per minute with 'Flaps 1'. Therefore, Captain Asseline has to also take some responsibility for those that died and those that were maimed for life. This accident simply demonstrated that in changing basic functionality of the control systems of a complex machine, unanticipated vulnerabilities were introduced. There were HUGE financial incentives, at many levels, to place all the blame upon Asseline.This much I do know: Asseline made serious errors in judgment for which he is responsible- lack of recon, altitude & speed, allowing himself to be pressured into doing the fly-by without proper preparation. Then pretty much all doubt was removed by the crash of AF447, in which the flight data recorders showed that Airbus' control systems were completely incapable of dealing with a situation that would have been routine for a conventionally controlled aircraft, and the pilots were equally unable to deal with it, since they had basically never been trained to truly fly the aircraft. He was not given a map and route. I've been at my job 20 years - I know my job inside and out. I don't know how passenger survived. Management often screws around. They cannot possibly convict him of manslaughter when the black boxes were switched and there are 8 seconds missing from the recording. His job was to find its limitations, but one slipped past him, and Airbus and all the designers and engineers. [1], At the time of the incident, only three of the new aircraft type had been delivered to Air France, and the newest one (in service for two days) had been chosen for the flyover. Plain stupidity! It certainly gives the impression of bias, even if there was none. A very unfortunate event in history! Claiming he couldnt hear or read the radio altimeter is ridiculous. Because the aircraft's altitude had fallen below 100ft, the plane's computer may have been programmed to believe it was landing and therefore prevent any drastic manoeuvres from either pilot. He should never have put it into that situation. Hundreds of spectators witnessed the June 26, 1988, crash at the Mulhouse-Habsheim air show. Bullshit. Unprofessional. Today, they would perform a flyover at the Habsheim Air Show at the Habsheim Aerodrome and go on to a sightseeing tour of Mont Blanc. The point is that again instead of having the safety of his passengers as his first concern it was to perform the flyby. A dry run or practice run should have been done before the show or and the pilot should have at least went and saw the airfield prior but he wasn't given any info until right before the flight. Ultimately, there is one fact that is not disputed - Captain Asseline flew the aircraft into a stall. Get a job criticizing nobody blames you for doing that. [2] Additionally, the captain was expecting from the flight plan to do the pass over runway 02 (3,281 feet (1,000m) long, paved) and was preparing for that alignment. airfrance took 4secs to respond too. [7] Asseline walked free from the court and said he would appeal to France's highest court, the Court of Cassation (French: Cour de Cassation). That was sheer stupidity. 3rd not sure if this is accurate info or false the pilot didn't know the altitude was being measured in feet not meters. Re: Pilots that make mistakes -- Where are they today? Pictures of great freighter aircraft, Government Aircraft His choice to put the safety of the passengers at risk was and is the defining point I wish to make. [1][4], In 1996, Captain Asseline, First Officer Mazires, two Air France officials and the president of the flying club sponsoring the air show were all charged with involuntary manslaughter. This more than anything caused the crash. A training captain since 1979, he was appointed to head the company's A320 training subdivision at the end of 1987. The plan was to overfly Runway Ought-2; the aircraft was configured for a low-altitude overflight. [2], Habsheim aerodrome was too small to be listed in the aircraft's flight computer, thereby requiring a visual approach; both pilots were also unfamiliar with the airfield when they began their descent from 2,000 feet (610m) only 6 nautical miles (11km) from the field. There's every reason to suspect Airbus is correct, that many crashes have been prevented. I'm not sure about that detail), and crashed itself. Respond with some you can think of! I want to do a good job and take pride in my work. Michel Asseline was the pilot in command of F-GFKC, Pierre Mazire was his first officer, when the aircraft overflew the airfield at 2 pm in wonderful sunny weather. Do you feel that Captain Asseline should have aborted the flyover? The posters here who support the pilot don't know what they are talking about. Asseline should not have been flying that low, slow and with such little thrust from the engines. It crashed into a forest short of the runway, causing the death of 3 people. His co-pilot, Pierre Mazieres, got a 12-month suspended sentence. Nor, then, were his passengers. Air France didn't inform the crew of this critical change (yet the crew voices are recorded on black boxes, and they use imperial units). However, the Captain is also to blame because he should have never agreed to take passengers along on such a dangerous flight. From higher up, the forest at the end of 34R had looked like a different type of grass. It was one of the first domestic demonstrations of the new plane, which had gone into service earlier that year. [2], First Officer Pierre Mazires, 45, had been flying with the airline since 1969 and had been a training captain for six years. The pilot called out to the co-pilot for emergency power. This last-minute deviation in the approach further distracted the crew from stabilising the aircraft's altitude and they quickly dropped to 40 feet (12m).[2]. Both military and civil versions, Blimps / Airships If you remove management edicts and substitute human judgment, you can eliminate 19 out of 20 errors. The combination of these issues and possible pilot error results in a crash into a nearby forest that kills three passengers. As a retired air crash investigator, I have examined this crash in great detail. 2) he was slotted to fly over paved long runway and switched to short grass field where all the spectators were. The door opened partway, and the emergency escape slide began inflating while it was stuck partly inside the fuselage. [2] The flyover had been approved by Air France's Air Operations Directorate and Flight Safety Department, and air traffic control and Basel tower had been informed. 3 people died due to smoke. Today, they would perform a flyover at the Habsheim Air Show at the Habsheim Aerodrome and go on to a sightseeing tour of Mont Blanc. If I did know their names I certainly would not tell you. 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