can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla

A Silverback is stronger than any bear, any lion or any tiger, Google is literally free. Gorilla strength feats are mostly them pulling or lifting stuff like one accidentally pulled a guys head off with almost no effort but they dont hit with like intent, aim, any kind of form, or balance. How do I know that because of this extreme ridiculous bias. If the leopard has the element of surprise, the odds are in the cat's favor. The only predator to prey on gorillas is the leopard. they do hit hard but IIRC they dont have many defensive capabilities either. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. A silverback gorilla will usually have his own group backing him up, and they'll step up to defend one another, so a big cat or a group of dogs will get absolutely bodied in that situation. Walter Baumgrtel found the remains of several gorillas after they had been killed by leopards in the Virunga Volcanoes. Easily. Leopards have a better chance approaching via stealth and when their target isnt a silverback. Nick is a Senior Staff Writer for Ned Hardy. It could destroy a gorilla, but guys, this all depends on their fighting skills. Leopards can kill an adult gorilla. Gorillas are excellent climbers but very poor when it comes to swimming. When it comes to brute strength, gorillas are natures freaks. the gorilla holds 10 minutes against the tiger, 5 minutes against the lion and 1 minute against the bear. Gorillas on the other hand are not fighters. Its a mma warrior against an assassin. Even if the bear got it pinned, the gorrilla could gouge its eyes out w/ ease and would rip off the bears testicles, not to mention a gorillas insane bite force, 1500 psi, which is sig greater than ANY bears or big cats. 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No biteforce measurements exists for a full grown lion on camera and neither for a tiger. That's our monkey brain telling us "disengage so you live another day," coming from the era before modern medicine when getting bit by a dog could mean we bleed out or die of disease, even if we ape-slammed the dog to death. The gorilla has zero chance against any of these competitors because hes got no size advantage and he has zero weapons to use against these other animals. On one hand the tarp is lose on the steak on the other its skin tight. Theres proof of this. The gorilla wouldnt stand a snowball chance in hades against any of the above mentioned animals nor could one beat a Jaguar. What kills silverback gorilla? Conversely, in a tree and able to get a good neck slash, again yes. Lion is the king, Seeing lions on a safari Tanzania is a life time experience and quite thrilling. Furthermore, a big angry grizzly (which can actually come in at 800lbs will outright stomp a silverback, in both power and ferocity, best thing a silverback could do in this situation is to lay down and play dead just like a human, or simply be mauled to death and parted out. Kodiak Bear Vs Lion: Who Would Win In A Fight? Do the research. This dude is the same that thinks a tiger could win with a polar bear. Gorillas dont hunt for nor kill(in most cases) to eat. The ones you never EVER want to fuck with are chimps. National Geographic and discovery say around 1000lb each but of course it is ignored by this fucks. Cats are generally not suited for open confrontation. Theyre under threat According to the Guinness Book of Records, one silverback gorilla managed to lift 1,800 lbs of weight. The large primates can lift over ten times their body weight and with the rare exception of a leopard, have no natural predators. Having also read a number of research papers comparing size and morphology of the different big cat species, they all point that on average, Lions and Tigers are of equal size. Its also large enough to give the gorilla a run. Then walk around for 3 hours. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Kaziranga tigers are the largest siberians dont reach that size in the wild. The first to strike successfully wins. 10. your spelling together. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Game over. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Gorillas are not predatory animals. 1,125 348. From what I am looking at, everyone is arguing over who will be the best animal ever. Leopard skin is loose to their body like baggy cloths. Lions are stronger than gorillas, so are tigers. hey bro im a nigga too and I hate my self I want to kill all black people and then kill myself. Gorillas including silverbacks are actually among the most peaceful animals in the animal kingdom. WebThe habitats of Western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) lay at the western side of Congo river. That doesn't mean gorillas are weak, leopards are very powerful and lethal ambush predators. The largest gorilla ever was an eastern lowland gorilla from St. Louis Zoo that weighed massive 860 pounds. This why i come to this conclusion. The bear would bite the neck as a kill shot, which would be hard to get to on a gorilla since they have a small neck that is well protected. Heck no, man, Silverback Gorilla has a 9 inch thick skull, the strength of 50 powerlifters per limb, and an IQ of 1337. Ur NOT so muchnot w/being an idiot & beyond. Against a lioness or tigress, the gorilla stand a small chance Lets say its the largest recorded bear and weighs 1700lbs, it would still be no easy fight. The problem here is that people will ask "can x kill a gorilla" and the answer will invariably be "yes, if these conditions are met", because a gorilla is not an elephant and is not capable if standing in one place shrugging off hits for an hour. Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear: Who Would Win in a Fight? Gorillas have skin like people that is tight to their bodies. Gorilla will outpower it but to what cost? Leopards are big cats Id say it has a chance. The lion would surely put up a good fight but would eventually yield to the gorilla. A tiger wouldnt even stand a chance against an adult male. i guarantee your stupid ass will probably think to themselves: 0 and regardless i know you are going to reply lying with your sorry ass with some ridiculous high number just to try to make me look bad along with all black people and have others feel sorry for you but regardless i do not care because i made my point so on that note, i hope everyone else has a good day and in my opinion: gorilla would dominate in battle vs. bear and lions and tigers would kill a gorilla first. Leopards kill silver backs. Being that some gorillas do have a decent IG. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Also the lion wouldnt immediately go for the neck but first disable the legs. Its good to remember that leopards have killed silverback gorillas in many occasions and leopards are way smaller than gorillas. These hypotheticals are so freaking ridiculous but lets be realistic. They do not go and hunt other animals they seriously lack the predatory instinct. I would estimate gorillas probably win most encounters with leopards in that they spot them and scare them off, causing the leopard to lose its element of surprise and disengage. Lions are used to express power and majesty why is that so?? There is really not that much difference between Lions and tigers. Silverbacks are extraordinarily aggressive in their defense of the troop and will fight to the death to protect his family from predators or poachers. 7. Gorillas have stronger bite forces (enough to break bamboo which is more tensile than steel alloy) Only male lions are primarily evolved to fight, so it stands to reason theyd be good at it. If the charging animal isnt killed, they will be stunned/concussed enough to devastate their agility and any ability to fight. In contrast to eastern gorillas, western gorillas live at lower altitudes, about 490 to 5,200 feet above the sea level. People are forgetting the gorilla can use a lump of tree as a weapon yes the others are born killers thats a fact but I dont think any of them could take being smashed with a bit of tree the force a silver back uses in most documentaries u see the silver back grabbing branches and slamming them to ground as a sign of dominance at end of the day anyone could triumph but 9 times out of 10 the hunters would win. Idts, or at least not EASILY. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A lunge on the gorillas back, paws buried deep in the skin, a bite to the neck, and the gorilla would be dead. These big cats (and bears) dont just magically fall down broken because a silverback (mistaken for the Hulk) hits them, and they dont care about some projected deadlift figures that have never actually been observed just scaled up estimates from some 1930s dynameter tests done with chimps. Can Leopard beat gorilla? The gorilla might kill the leopard if it considers it a true threat and follows through instead of bluff The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". In a head-to-head fight in the open between a gorilla and a leopard, a gorilla would have a slightly better chance of winning. Speed is always crucially important in fights. They know how to kill. I love the fact that an analysis of a hypothetical fight between gorillas, lions, tigers, and bears has everyone so triggered. I say the Gorilla has all body and size to be champion, but all depends on the gorilla on the night of the fight. Then eat for an hour. BTW a Grizzly could kill a lion, tiger or gorilla. And they are not effective at fighting leopards. how many times do you know about of people you love and care about in your pathetic ass excuse for a life getting or that got raped, robbed and then ran off on them? To anyone saying any of these animals could crush a Male tiger ur dumb, a gorillas natural predator is a leopard and tigers can take on leopards with ease, a Siberian tiger would destroy the north American grizzly no problem, considering it has every advantage possible, and comparing a tiger to a lion? WebA leopard likely killed two silverbacks, one in good health, and a blackback. Thank you for sharing a very nice blog. Chimps are cruel cruel cruel animals. Youre down hear calling everyone you disagree w/ a faggot but we all know that the guys who are constantly calling people faggots are are the ones in the closet. No doubt in my mind. In fact, they beat shit up like a madmen rather than trying to kill it as fast as possible. An average male tiger weighs in at around 500 pounds and can reach up to 700 pounds. The gorillas thick neck would make it harder for the tiger to get his kill shot, but nonetheless, it would be an eventual tiger victory. Either pack hunters or surprise strikes. Four hands 1,300psi bite force. Lone gorillas are pretty uncommon because they're built like protien boulders and they get picked off because the reward is worth the effort. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". And last but not least the number 1 reasons gorilla get their asses handed to them by leopards, gorillas are non violent animals who run away from leopards 9 times out of 10. Reply explaining the issue. And lets not forget your comment about brute strength. It would be a slaughter. They average about 10 feet long and can run 30 to 40 miles per hour. Much respect for big cats and their attributes no matter what the species, but Lions are much-much tougher. In a fight between a gorilla and a lion, they would be pretty equally matched. Knowing leopards, Bears are the only land walkers that spring to mind filling the 'tank' role in predatory behavior, and only the polar bear has to hunt exclusively. It is actually the exact opposite. Not only that but gorillas are not fighters or killers. In a bloodlusted cage match I would bet my money on the silverback gorilla but in nature leopards take it. Speed is usually the deciding factor when other factors are close. Bears are then again stronger than any of these others. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Yall are actually morons. Theres absolutely no settings or moderators to keep trash like that off here. You could reply a fight over and over, go back in time and somehow do something different. The silverback gorilla is an endangered gorilla species. They say that a gorilla can crush a man skull with just a squeeze of its hand but a bear will take a mans clean off with one swipe. But that's a purely fictional scenario. Hard choice! Leopards do hunt and kill gorillas, and while they avoid silverbacks it's not impossible. Leopards often kill male Silverbacks, so there you go. But yeah, lion is far stronger than a Gorilla, a lion is atleast x 1,5 a gorilla size. Leopards (150lbs) are well documented as hunting and killing gorillas, including silverback adults. Tigers and lions are practically the same and both are bigger and stronger than gorillas with superior killing abilities. Maybe you have never seen an actual fight between a tiger and a lion. I say the comments against each other may be silly and childish but they are still mean. that makes them totally unrealistic. The neck of a gorilla is a small target that is well defended by their large muscular shoulders. Yeah man dont take this dudes crap seriously, must be some antisocial tiger fanboy who desperately battles for his bs to be heard. Wow didnt you know most of quoras content is misrep & misleading. Grizzly, tiger, lion while powerful and agile still fall drastically short of the gorilla. I agree the gorilla is far superior in intelligence and would in all cases, in my opinion, because of that. If the fight would to happen in a dense forest, where a leopard could sneak up on the unsuspecting gorilla, the leopard might win. Lol way to show yourself as the clueless idiot. What are you talking about? The gorilla is not weaponized for combat like the big cats. Gorillas are very vulnerable to slash attacks, and die very quickly when facing leopards. 10 Places With Miniature Cows For Sale In California, 8 Places With Quail For Sale In California. I am about do some googling, I dont know who to believe. They cannot make a fist. They might not have claws, but gorillas might use weapons like sticks when defending themselves. No chance. Remember your history. Leopards, on the other hand, are strong swimmers and exceptional climbers. But leopards also can bite with 442325 psi and can carry prey up trees Maybe it's closer than I thought. How Can a Lion Kill a Gorilla? gorillas can fricking punch are u thick they cant just bite. So if your reply doesnt have at least three niggers in it, Ill be thoroughly disappointed. They know that a fight with a large male brings a big risk of injury which would prevent the leopard from hunting again. The bear is built like a tank and when not digging trees and tasty roots up, uses that giant front paw like a battering ram and would break a lion or tigers neck in one swat. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Wrong.. Ive studied behaviors, strengths, weakness and the rest of the important aspects when it comes to animal fights for over 20 years. Some corrections, tigers and lions have approximately same bite force. Leopards will make a brief and explosive charge, pounce on their prey, and dispatch it with a bite to the neck. Just chill and stop fighting. Comparing the jaw of a silverback to that of an ordinary leopard, the silverbacks jaw is incredibly large and powerful. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! The gorilla would be able to put up a fight and could injure the tiger if he was able to get a bite in, but that would be his only offense. U a bitch ass hide online, you must be a nigger..because you sound like youre stupid as one. Fools, a Wolverine would take all of these animals easily. WebGorillas are classed as infants until they reach around three-and-a-half years old, and adults from around 8 years. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Gorillas can also bite with an incredible 1300 pounds per square inch, twice the force of a lion, which is enough to crush a human skull like a grape. Grizzlies are way bigger and stronger than any of these other animals. They have strong powerful jaws that can unleash a bite force of 1050psi. He doesnt even consider the advantage of having four limbs w/ which you can grip, the ability to gouge eyes, or how the gorilla would rip off their opponents testicles. Then held down and mauled to death. In the real life nature scenario, the peace-loving herbivore probably tries to escape, and at most tries to fend off the leopard. Leopards teeth and jaw muscles can produce bite power of around 310 PSI, significantly lower than a gorilla. In nature, gorillas stick together in family units specifically because they know they do poorly alone and they can protect each other, so will, yes, the cat can win, the majority of the time it is not reasonable to claim the cat will win. They use them to grasp and hold onto prey. first of all may i ask you if you are a mick? Siberian tigers predate on brown bears and bengals predate on black and himalayas brown bears. Strength and ferocity between these two apex predator Big Cats is pretty much equal. Thats why I think journalism is the worst profession that exists. Dude gorilla is WAY stronger than a tiger are you dumb? To determine the winner of this duel, we will take into consideration several factors. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It also does this while attacking a (weakened) elephant. Now a large croca large croc could take out a large gorilla. That being said, I think the Grizzly would probably kill any of them. They know where the head is. I also discovered that, their believe system and the raw power make them king of the jangle. Such camouflage helps them stay hidden from competitors and predators, like lions and tigers. Itd be a different fight every time! A grizzly bear? Drink bleach please, Biden is one of the worst presidents we have ever had! Winner: amoeba! Are you dumb? Gorillas have lots of muscle (around 40% of their body weight is muscles) and very dense bones this might come in handy when reducing a leopards impact. Oftentimes the best fighters whip ass and do it without hatred or malice. Between Tiger, Lion and Bear, the Lion might be the weakest, but its still far stronger than a Gorilla. Lions and tigers and bears..oh my!!!! Hahahahaha youre crazy a gorilla would fuck a tiger up so badly. Like they don't know how to punch. Even if the claims of the gorilla lifting up to 4,000 pounds is true. But a dog? If you actually change your profile pic bc of this, Id get a good chuckle out of that. Some of this dudes need a slap to knock some since into them. Gorillas use their teeth to break tree bark and leopards use their teeth for killing other animals; despite that, gorillas have the advantage when it comes to bite power and jaw strength. Gorillas also use intimidation tactics to scare their enemies this might come in handy against a lot smaller leopards. SILVERBACK IS THE 1ST TO BE DESTROYED. Hypothetical, if people were avataring a gorrilla and a tiger body and knew they were fighting to the death, the gorrilla would destroy the tiger. Are close use intimidation tactics to scare their enemies this might come in handy against lot... Around 310 psi, significantly lower than a gorilla size you if you to! Same bite force tiger or gorilla most cases ) to eat gorillas with superior killing.... Of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc gorillas have skin like that! Actually change your profile pic bc of this extreme ridiculous bias comments can be... Or moderators to keep trash like that off here extraordinarily aggressive in their defense of gorilla... 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